1 research outputs found

    Channel State Awareness based Transmission Power Adaptation for Efficient TCP Dynamics in Wireless Networks

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    Although the problem of mal-performance of TCP in wireless scenario has been extensively addressed, an integrated solution has remained undeciphered. Conventionally, measures have been suggested to either adapt or shield TCP from noncongestion losses over the wireless channel. On the other hand, the issues of wireless channel compensation and error control for achieving a better quality channel, have been extensively studied too. Recent efforts to investigate joint approaches [1], [2] do not model TCP dynamics over wireless channel, but study the impact of power control and link layer error correction mechanisms in relation to standard TCP throughput models. In this work, we propose and evaluate transmission power adaptation as integrated solution to mal-performance of TCP in wireless networks. The congestion control dynamics of bulktransfer TCP flow are modeled for the wireless channel, and an optimization framework is delineated. Based on dynamic programming solutions and low-complexity heuristics, adaptive power control measures are suggested and analyzed for their merit. Via simulations, we demonstrate that suitable power adaptation can lead to a considerable improvement in TCP throughput for slow and fast fading channels