8 research outputs found

    Experimental Characterization of Millimeter-wave Indoor Propagation Channels at 28 GHz

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    Intelligent Beam Steering for Wireless Communication Using Programmable Metasurfaces

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    Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS) are well established as a promising solution to the blockage problem in millimeter-wave (mm-wave) and terahertz (THz) communications, envisioned to serve demanding networking applications, such as 6G and vehicular. HyperSurfaces (HSF) is a revolutionary enabling technology for RIS, complementing Software Defined Metasurfaces (SDM) with an embedded network of controllers to enhance intelligence and autonomous operation in wireless networks. In this work, we consider feedback-based autonomous reconfiguration of the HSF controller states to establish a reliable communication channel between a transmitter and a receiver via programmable reflection on the HSF when Line-of-sight (LoS) between them is absent. The problem is to regulate the angle of reflection on the metasurface such that the power at the receiver is maximized. Extremum Seeking Control (ESC) is employed with the control signals generated mapped into appropriate metasurface coding signals which are communicated to the controllers via the embedded controller network (CN). This information dissemination process incurs delays which can compromise the stability of the feedback system and are thus accounted for in the performance evaluation. Extensive simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method to maximize the power at the receiver within a reasonable time even when the latter is mobile. The spatiotemporal nature of the traffic for different sampling periods is also characterized

    Mobility management in 5G for high-speed trains

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    High-speed trains (HST) are nowadays more present in our lives currently, some of them can reach speeds up to 500 km/h and futuristic concepts such as hyperloop tunnels could make trains travel at speeds up to 1000 km/h. Dealing with such high speeds arises many communication problems, for example, in mobility management, with many handovers or high Doppler frequency shifts. You might be thinking how it is possible to provide a good QoS to the users inside the train, when traveling at such elevated velocities. In the thesis, we rely on the development of 5G New Radio and the benefits associated, such as a new handover protocol introduced by 3GPP called conditional handover (CHO). By simulating with Simu5G a HST scenario we have proved that CHO can provide a better service to the users by improving the SINR levels and being more efficient than common handover.Los trenes de alta velocidad están cada vez más presentes en nuestro día a día, algunos ya alcanzan velocidades de 500 km/h, mientras que otros conceptos futuristas como los túneles hyperloop podrían hacer que alcanzaran velocidades de hasta 1000 km/h. En el ámbito de las telecomunicaciones, trabajar a tan altas velocidades conlleva algunos problemas, como por ejemplo un elevado número de handovers. Seguramente, os estéis preguntando cómo es posible establecer un servicio que cumpla unos mínimos de calidad para el usuario, cuando este viaja a tan altas velocidades. Para ello, nos hemos apoyado en la tecnología 5G i un nuevo concepto de handover llamado conditional handover (CHO), introducido por el 3GPP. A través del simulador Simu5G, hemos conseguido demostrar que el CHO no solo es un protocolo más eficiente, sino que además conlleva una mejora en los niveles de SINR, en condiciones parecidas a las de un tren de alta velocidad.Els trens d'alta velocitat estan cada vegada més presents en el nostre dia a dia, alguns ja son capaços d'arribar a velocitats pròximes als 500 km/h, mentre que altres conceptes futuristes com els túnels hyperloop podrien fer que els trens arribessin a velocitats de 1000 km/h. En l'àmbit de les comunicacions, treballar amb velocitats tan elevades comporta alguns problemes, com per exemple un ampli número de handovers. Segurament, estareu pensant com es possible establir un servei que compleixi uns mínims de qualitat de cara a l'usuari, al estar treballant amb velocitats tant elevades. Per fer-ho ens hem recolzat en la tecnologia 5G i un nou concepte de handover presentat pel 3GPP, el conditional handover (CHO). Simulant a través de Simu5G un escenari similar al d'un tren d'alta velocitat, hem pogut demostrar que el CHO no es només un protocol més eficient que el handover normal, sinó que a més a més millora els nivells de SINR

    Methodological-technological framework for construction 4.0

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    The construction industry has traditionally been characterised by the high diversity of its agents and processes, high resistance to change and low incorporation of technology compared to manufacturing industries. However, the construction sector is experiencing now a strong renovation process in methodology and tools due to the incorporation of the Building Information Modelling, Lean Construction and Integrated Project Delivery. Meanwhile, in production systems, “Industry 4.0” is a new paradigm that proposes automation, monitoring, sensorisation, robotisation, and digitalisation to improve production and distribution processes. In this context, some authors have proposed the concept of “Construction 4.0” as the counterpart of Industry 4.0 for the construction sector, although the methodological-technological implications are not clear. This research shows a methodological-technological framework adapted to the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Operations industry. This papers includes a detailed proposal for a reference frameworks and related technologies that could impact on this sector, responding to its complexities and specific challenges, such as the unique spaces for each work, which are difficult to standardise, arbitrary cost overruns and a productivity far below the average for other industries, increasing competitiveness and globalisation, as opposed to its traditionally local deployment, and an increasing demand to reduce the carbon footprint for all its activities

    Terahertz Wireless Channels: A Holistic Survey on Measurement, Modeling, and Analysis

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    Terahertz (0.1-10 THz) communications are envisioned as a key technology for sixth generation (6G) wireless systems. The study of underlying THz wireless propagation channels provides the foundations for the development of reliable THz communication systems and their applications. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the study of THz wireless channels. First, the three most popular THz channel measurement methodologies, namely, frequency-domain channel measurement based on a vector network analyzer (VNA), time-domain channel measurement based on sliding correlation, and time-domain channel measurement based on THz pulses from time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS), are introduced and compared. Current channel measurement systems and measurement campaigns are reviewed. Then, existing channel modeling methodologies are categorized into deterministic, stochastic, and hybrid approaches. State-of-the-art THz channel models are analyzed, and the channel simulators that are based on them are introduced. Next, an in-depth review of channel characteristics in the THz band is presented. Finally, open problems and future research directions for research studies on THz wireless channels for 6G are elaborated.Comment: to appear in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial