2,725 research outputs found

    Wideband Channel Estimation for Hybrid Beamforming Millimeter Wave Communication Systems with Low-Resolution ADCs

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    A potential tremendous spectrum resource makes millimeter wave (mmWave) communications a promising technology. High power consumption due to a large number of antennas and analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) for beamforming to overcome the large propagation losses is problematic in practice. As a hybrid beamforming architecture and low-resolution ADCs are considered to reduce power consumption, estimation of mmWave channels becomes challenging. We evaluate several channel estimation algorithms for wideband mmWave systems with hybrid beamforming and low-resolution ADCs. Through simulation, we show that 1) infinite bit ADCs with least-squares estimation have worse channel estimation performance than do one-bit ADCs with orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) in an SNR range of interest, 2) three- and four-bit quantizers can achieve channel estimation performance close to the unquantized case when using OMP, 3) a receiver with a single RF chain can yield better estimates than that with four RF chains if enough frames are exploited, and 4) for one-bit ADCs, exploitation of higher transmit power and more frames for performance enhancement adversely affects estimation performance after a certain point.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, submitted to ICC 201

    An Overview of Signal Processing Techniques for Millimeter Wave MIMO Systems

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    Communication at millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies is defining a new era of wireless communication. The mmWave band offers higher bandwidth communication channels versus those presently used in commercial wireless systems. The applications of mmWave are immense: wireless local and personal area networks in the unlicensed band, 5G cellular systems, not to mention vehicular area networks, ad hoc networks, and wearables. Signal processing is critical for enabling the next generation of mmWave communication. Due to the use of large antenna arrays at the transmitter and receiver, combined with radio frequency and mixed signal power constraints, new multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication signal processing techniques are needed. Because of the wide bandwidths, low complexity transceiver algorithms become important. There are opportunities to exploit techniques like compressed sensing for channel estimation and beamforming. This article provides an overview of signal processing challenges in mmWave wireless systems, with an emphasis on those faced by using MIMO communication at higher carrier frequencies.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processin

    A Hardware-Efficient Hybrid Beamforming Solution for mmWave MIMO Systems

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    In millimeter wave (mmWave) communication systems, existing hybrid beamforming solutions generally require a large number of high-resolution phase shifters (PSs) to realize analog beamformers, which still suffer from high hardware complexity and power consumption. Targeting at this problem, this article introduces a novel hardware-efficient hybrid precoding/combining architecture, which only employs a limited number of simple phase over-samplers (POSs) and a switch (SW) network to achieve maximum hardware efficiency while maintaining satisfactory spectral efficiency performance. The POS can be realized by a simple circuit and simultaneously outputs several parallel signals with different phases. With the aid of a simple switch network, the analog precoder/combiner is implemented by feeding the signals with appropriate phases to antenna arrays or RF chains. We analyze the design challenges of this POS-SW-based hybrid beamforming architecture and present potential solutions to the fundamental issues, especially the precoder/combiner design and the channel estimation strategy. Simulation results demonstrate that this hardware-efficient structure can achieve comparable spectral efficiency but much higher energy efficiency than that of the traditional structures

    Wideband mmWave Channel Estimation for Hybrid Massive MIMO with Low-Precision ADCs

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    In this article, we investigate channel estimation for wideband millimeter-wave (mmWave) massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) under hybrid architecture with lowprecision analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). To design channel estimation for the hybrid structure, both analog processing components and frequency-selective digital combiners need to be optimized. The proposed channel estimator follows the typical linear-minimum-mean-square-error (LMMSE) structure and applies for an arbitrary channel model. Moreover, for sparsity channels as in mmWave, the proposed estimator performs more efficiently by incorporating orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) to mitigate quantization noise caused by low-precision ADCs. Consequently, the proposed estimator outperforms conventional ones as demonstrated by computer simulation results

    Hybrid Analog-Digital Channel Estimation and Beamforming: Training-Throughput Tradeoff

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    This paper designs hybrid analog-digital channel estimation and beamforming techniques for multiuser massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems with limited number of radio frequency (RF) chains. For these systems, first we design novel minimum mean square error (MMSE) hybrid analog-digital channel estimator by considering both perfect and imperfect channel covariance matrix knowledge cases. Then, we utilize the estimated channels to enable beamforming for data transmission. When the channel covariance matrices of all user equipments (UEs) are known perfectly, we show that there is a tradeoff between the training duration and throughput. Specifically, we exploit that the optimal training duration that maximizes the throughput depends on the covariance matrices of all UEs, number of RF chains and channel coherence time (TcT_c). We also show that the training time optimization problem can be formulated as a concave maximization problem {for some system parameter settings} where its global optimal solution is obtained efficiently using existing tools. In particular, when the base station equipped with 6464 antennas and 11 RF chain is serving one single antenna UE, Tc=128T_c=128 symbol periods (TsT_s) and signal to noise ratio of 1010dB, we have found that the optimal training durations are 4Ts4T_s and 20Ts20T_s for highly correlated and uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channel coefficients, respectively. The analytical expressions are validated by performing numerical and extensive Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Communication (To appear

    Beamforming Algorithm for Multiuser Wideband Millimeter-Wave Systems with Hybrid and Subarray Architectures

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    We present a beamforming algorithm for multiuser wideband millimeter wave (mmWave) communication systems where one access point uses hybrid analog/digital beamforming while multiple user stations have phased-arrays with a single RF chain. The algorithm operates in a more general mode than others available in literature and has lower computational complexity and training overhead. Throughout the paper, we describe: i) the construction of novel beamformer sets (codebooks) with wide sector beams and narrow beams based on the orthogonality property of beamformer vectors, ii) a beamforming algorithm that uses training transmissions over the codebooks to select the beamformers that maximize the received sumpower along the bandwidth, and iii) a numerical validation of the algorithm in standard indoor scenarios for mmWave WLANs using channels obtained with both statistical and raytracing models. Our algorithm is designed to serve multiple users in a wideband OFDM system and does not require channel matrix knowledge or a particular channel structure. Moreover, we incorporate antenna-specific aspects in the analysis, such as antenna coupling, element radiation pattern, and beam squint. Although there are no other solutions for the general system studied in this paper, we characterize the algorithm's achievable rate and show that it attains more than 70 percent of the spectral efficiency (between 1.5 and 3 dB SNR loss) with respect to ideal fully-digital beamforming in the analyzed scenarios. We also show that our algorithm has similar sum-rate performance as other solutions in the literature for some special cases, while providing significantly lower computational complexity (with a linear dependence on the number of antennas) and shorter training overhead

    Channel Tracking and Hybrid Precoding for Wideband Hybrid Millimeter Wave MIMO Systems

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    A major source of difficulty when operating with large arrays at mmWave frequencies is to estimate the wideband channel, since the use of hybrid architectures acts as a compression stage for the received signal. Moreover, the channel has to be tracked and the antenna arrays regularly reconfigured to obtain appropriate beamforming gains when a mobile setting is considered. In this paper, we focus on the problem of channel tracking for frequency-selective mmWave channels, and propose two novel channel tracking algorithms that leverage prior statistical information on the angles-of-arrival and angles-of-departure. Exploiting this prior information, we also propose a precoding and combining design method to increase the received SNR during channel tracking, such that near-optimum data rates can be obtained with low-overhead. In our numerical results, we analyze the performance of our proposed algorithms for different system parameters. Simulation results show that, using channel realizations extracted from the 5G New Radio channel model, our proposed channel tracking framework is able to achieve near-optimum data rates

    Dynamic Subarrays for Hybrid Precoding in Wideband mmWave MIMO Systems

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    Hybrid analog/digital precoding architectures can address the trade-off between achievable spectral efficiency and power consumption in large-scale MIMO systems. This makes it a promising candidate for millimeter wave systems, which require deploying large antenna arrays at both the transmitter and receiver to guarantee sufficient received signal power. Most prior work on hybrid precoding focused on narrowband channels and assumed fully-connected hybrid architectures. MmWave systems, though, are expected to be wideband with frequency selectivity. In this paper, a closed-form solution for fully-connected OFDM-based hybrid analog/digital precoding is developed for frequency selective mmWave systems. This solution is then extended to partially-connected but fixed architectures in which each RF chain is connected to a specific subset of the antennas. The derived solutions give insights into how the hybrid subarray structures should be designed. Based on them, a novel technique that dynamically constructs the hybrid subarrays based on the long-term channel characteristics is developed. Simulation results show that the proposed hybrid precoding solutions achieve spectral efficiencies close to that obtained with fully-digital architectures in wideband mmWave channels. Further, the results indicate that the developed dynamic subarray solution outperforms the fixed hybrid subarray structures in various system and channel conditions.Comment: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Wideband Hybrid Precoding for Next-Generation Backhaul/Fronthaul Based on mmWave FD-MIMO

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    Millimeter-wave (mmWave) communication is considered as an indispensable technique for the next-generation backhaul/fronthaul network thanks to its large transmission bandwidth. Especially for heterogeneous network (HetNet), the mmWave full-dimension (FD)-MIMO is exploited to establish the backhaul/fronthaul link between phantom-cell base stations (BSs) and macro-cell BSs, where an efficient precoding is prerequisite. Against this background, this paper proposes a principle component analysis (PCA)-based hybrid precoding for wideband mmWave MIMO backhaul/fronthaul channels. We first propose an optimal hybrid precoder by exploiting principal component analysis (PCA), whereby the optimal high dimensional frequency-selective precoder are projected to the low-dimensional frequency-flat precoder. Moreover, the combiner is designed by leveraging the weighted PCA, where the covariance of received signal is taken into account as weight to the optimal minimum mean square error (MMSE) fully-digital combiner for further improved performance. Simulations have confirmed that the proposed scheme outperforms conventional schemes in spectral efficiency (SE) and bit-error-rate (BER) performance.Comment: This paper has been accepted by 2018 GLOBECOM worksho

    Frequency-domain Compressive Channel Estimation for Frequency-Selective Hybrid mmWave MIMO Systems

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    Channel estimation is useful in millimeter wave (mmWave) MIMO communication systems. Channel state information allows optimized designs of precoders and combiners under different metrics such as mutual information or signal-to-interference-noise (SINR) ratio. At mmWave, MIMO precoders and combiners are usually hybrid, since this architecture provides a means to trade-off power consumption and achievable rate. Channel estimation is challenging when using these architectures, however, since there is no direct access to the outputs of the different antenna elements in the array. The MIMO channel can only be observed through the analog combining network, which acts as a compression stage of the received signal. Most of prior work on channel estimation for hybrid architectures assumes a frequency-flat mmWave channel model. In this paper, we consider a frequency-selective mmWave channel and propose compressed-sensing-based strategies to estimate the channel in the frequency domain. We evaluate different algorithms and compute their complexity to expose trade-offs in complexity-overhead-performance as compared to those of previous approaches
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