17,791 research outputs found

    Sequential Importance Sampling for Online Bayesian Changepoint Detection

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    Online detection of abrupt changes in the parameters of a generative model for a time series is useful when modelling data in areas of application such as finance, robotics, and biometrics. We present an algorithm based on Sequential Importance Sampling which allows this problem to be solved in an online setting without relying on conjugate priors. Our results are exact and unbiased as we avoid using posterior approximations, and only rely on Monte Carlo integration when computing predictive probabilities. We apply the proposed algorithm to three example data sets. In two of the examples we compare our results to previously published analyses which used conjugate priors. In the third example we demonstrate an application where conjugate priors are not available. Avoiding conjugate priors allows a wider range of models to be considered with Bayesian changepoint detection, and additionally allows the use of arbitrary informative priors to quantify the uncertainty more flexibly

    Metareasoning for Planning Under Uncertainty

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    The conventional model for online planning under uncertainty assumes that an agent can stop and plan without incurring costs for the time spent planning. However, planning time is not free in most real-world settings. For example, an autonomous drone is subject to nature's forces, like gravity, even while it thinks, and must either pay a price for counteracting these forces to stay in place, or grapple with the state change caused by acquiescing to them. Policy optimization in these settings requires metareasoning---a process that trades off the cost of planning and the potential policy improvement that can be achieved. We formalize and analyze the metareasoning problem for Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). Our work subsumes previously studied special cases of metareasoning and shows that in the general case, metareasoning is at most polynomially harder than solving MDPs with any given algorithm that disregards the cost of thinking. For reasons we discuss, optimal general metareasoning turns out to be impractical, motivating approximations. We present approximate metareasoning procedures which rely on special properties of the BRTDP planning algorithm and explore the effectiveness of our methods on a variety of problems.Comment: Extended version of IJCAI 2015 pape

    Dimensionality Reduction for Stationary Time Series via Stochastic Nonconvex Optimization

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    Stochastic optimization naturally arises in machine learning. Efficient algorithms with provable guarantees, however, are still largely missing, when the objective function is nonconvex and the data points are dependent. This paper studies this fundamental challenge through a streaming PCA problem for stationary time series data. Specifically, our goal is to estimate the principle component of time series data with respect to the covariance matrix of the stationary distribution. Computationally, we propose a variant of Oja's algorithm combined with downsampling to control the bias of the stochastic gradient caused by the data dependency. Theoretically, we quantify the uncertainty of our proposed stochastic algorithm based on diffusion approximations. This allows us to prove the asymptotic rate of convergence and further implies near optimal asymptotic sample complexity. Numerical experiments are provided to support our analysis

    Approximation of probability density functions for PDEs with random parameters using truncated series expansions

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    The probability density function (PDF) of a random variable associated with the solution of a partial differential equation (PDE) with random parameters is approximated using a truncated series expansion. The random PDE is solved using two stochastic finite element methods, Monte Carlo sampling and the stochastic Galerkin method with global polynomials. The random variable is a functional of the solution of the random PDE, such as the average over the physical domain. The truncated series are obtained considering a finite number of terms in the Gram-Charlier or Edgeworth series expansions. These expansions approximate the PDF of a random variable in terms of another PDF, and involve coefficients that are functions of the known cumulants of the random variable. To the best of our knowledge, their use in the framework of PDEs with random parameters has not yet been explored
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