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    Fierce competition in a market increasingly crowded and frequent changes in consumer requirements are the main forces that will cause companies to change their current organization and management. One solution is to move to open architectures and virtual type, which requires addressing business methods and technologies using distributed multi-agent systems. Intelligent agents are one of the most important areas of artificial intelligence that deals with the development of hardware and software systems able to reason, learn to recognize natural language, speak, make decisions, to recognize objects in the working environment etc. Thus in this paper, we presented some aspects of smart business, intelligent agents, intelligent systems, intelligent systems models, and I especially emphasized their role in managing business processes, which have become highly complex systems that are in a permanent change to meet the requirements of timely decision making. The purpose of this paper is to prove that there is no business without using the integration Business Process Management, Web Services and intelligent agents.business intelligence, intelligent agents, intelligent systems, management, enterprise, web services

    Dynamic Change of Server Assignments in Distributed Workflow Management Systems

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    Workow management systems (WfMS) offer a promising approach for realizing process-oriented information systems. Central WfMS, with a single server controlling all workow (WF) instances, however, may become overloaded very soon. In the literature, therefore, many approaches suggest using a multi-server WfMS with distributed WF control. In such a distributed WfMS, the concrete WF server for the control of a particular WF activity is usually dened by an associated server assignment. Following such a partitioning approach, problems may occur if components (WF servers, subnets, or gateways) become overloaded or break down. As we know from other elds of computer science, a favorable approach to handle such cases may be to dynamically change hardware assignment. This corresponds to the dynamic change of server assignments in WfMS. This paper analyses to what extend this approach is reasonable in such situations

    Change Management as a Critical Success Factor in e-Government Implementation

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    Change management in e-government implementation is a very complex issue. E-government services are frequently distributed over different IT systems and organizations. There are also events from outside the public administration that cause changes such as government policies and legislation, public-private partnership, etc., and finally a huge resistance to change exists in public administration proverbial. Another problem is that the e-government is predominantly seen only as a technology mission and not as an organizational transformation issue. Those are probably the main reasons that the existing literature about change management in e-government is still missing at large. There are articles dealing with some aspects of changes affected by the new technology implementation, however, there is no comprehensive framework that would identify changes that have to be managed in e-government implementation. Therefore, the main aim of the paper is to identify a comprehensive set of changes that have to be considered in e-government implementation and the role of leadership in such processes. Finally, the paper proposes a conceptual model of change management in e-government implementation.change management; e-government; new leadership style; change management model of e-government implementation

    Vehicle Based Intersection Management with Intelligent Agents

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    Signal-based intersection management will change when vehicles with intelligent capability are available in the future. Intelligent agents embedded in vehicle software will be responsible for vehicle control and route guidance. Intersection management can be achieved through the collaboration of these agents, without a centralized control infrastructure. This research focuses on the use of distributed multi-agent systems to provide microscopic adaptive control which might reduce traffic delay and chances of collisions at intersections. A hypothesized Mobile Ad-hoc Network provides communication links to connect the agents.Intelligent Agents, Adaptive Intersection Control

    The Relationship Between Organizational Culture, Information Systems Management And Change Readiness

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    The role and impact of organizational issues on information systems and their management remains a topic of interest in scientific enquiry. This paper presents a description of a research project of which the main aim was to study the relationship between organizational culture and information systems management as well as change readiness and information systems management. Data for this study was collected through the use of a questionnaire distributed to customer relationship management practitioners in the Netherlands. The questionnaire was based on theory and models found in research literature. Building on previous research it was hypothesized that positive correlations exist between certain elements of organizational culture and elements of information systems management. The findings confirm that there is a relationship between certain organizational culture elements and information systems management elements. More specifically this research confirms the findings of earlier work and reveals the same pattern of correlations between the variables. In addition the findings suggest that there is also a relationship between change readiness and information systems management

    A Change Execution System for Enterprise Services with Compensation Support

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    Modern enterprises rely on a distributed IT infrastructure to execute their business processes, adopting Service Oriented Architectures in order to improve the flexibility and ease of adaptation of their functions. Nowadays this is a vital characteristic, as the increased competition forces companies to continuously evolve and adapt. SOA applications must be supported by management and deployment systems, which have to continuously apply modifications to the distributed infrastructure. This article presents a modelbased solution for automatically applying change plans to heterogeneous enterprise managed environments. The proposed solution uses models which describe in an abstract language the changes that need to be applied to the environment, and executes all the required operations to the specific managed elements. Also, to ensure that the environment ends in a stable state, compensation for previously executed operations is supported. The validation results from a case study taken from the banking domain are also presented here

    Implementation of Web-based Information Systems in Distributed Organizations: A Change Management Approach

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    This article presents results elicited from studies conducted in relation to implementing a web-based information system throughout a large distributed organization. We demonstrate the kind of expectations and conditions for change that management face in relation to open-ended, configurable, and context specific web-based information systems like Lotus QuickPlace. Our synthesis from the empirical findings is related to two recent models, the improvisational change management model suggested by Orlikowski and Hofman (1997), and Gallivan’s (2001) model for organizational adoption and assimilation. In line with comparable approaches from the knowledge management area (Dixon 2000; Markus 2001), we relate to, refine, and operationalize the models from an overall organizational view by identifying and characterizing four different and general implementation contexts