543 research outputs found

    Aggregating multiple classification results using fuzzy integration and stochastic feature selection

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    AbstractClassifying magnetic resonance spectra is often difficult due to the curse of dimensionality; scenarios in which a high-dimensional feature space is coupled with a small sample size. We present an aggregation strategy that combines predicted disease states from multiple classifiers using several fuzzy integration variants. Rather than using all input features for each classifier, these multiple classifiers are presented with different, randomly selected, subsets of the spectral features. Results from a set of detailed experiments using this strategy are carefully compared against classification performance benchmarks. We empirically demonstrate that the aggregated predictions are consistently superior to the corresponding prediction from the best individual classifier

    The posterity of Zadeh's 50-year-old paper: A retrospective in 101 Easy Pieces – and a Few More

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    International audienceThis article was commissioned by the 22nd IEEE International Conference of Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Lotfi Zadeh's seminal 1965 paper on fuzzy sets. In addition to Lotfi's original paper, this note itemizes 100 citations of books and papers deemed “important (significant, seminal, etc.)” by 20 of the 21 living IEEE CIS Fuzzy Systems pioneers. Each of the 20 contributors supplied 5 citations, and Lotfi's paper makes the overall list a tidy 101, as in “Fuzzy Sets 101”. This note is not a survey in any real sense of the word, but the contributors did offer short remarks to indicate the reason for inclusion (e.g., historical, topical, seminal, etc.) of each citation. Citation statistics are easy to find and notoriously erroneous, so we refrain from reporting them - almost. The exception is that according to Google scholar on April 9, 2015, Lotfi's 1965 paper has been cited 55,479 times

    Beliefs and Dynamic Consistency,

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    In this chapter, we adopt the decision theoretic approach to the representation and updating of beliefs. We take up this issue and propose a reconsideration of Hammond's argument. After reviewing the argument more formally, we propose a weaker notion of dynamic consistency. We observe that this notion does not imply the full fledged sure thing principle thus leaving some room for models that are not based on expected utility maximization. However, these models still do not account for ''imprecision averse" behavior such as the one exhibited in Ellsberg experiment and that is captured by non-Bayesian models such as the multiple prior model. We therefore go on with the argument and establish that such non-Bayesian models possess the weak form of dynamic consistency when the information considered consists of a reduction in imprecision (in the Ellsberg example, some information about the proportion of Black and Yellow balls)R. Arena and A. Festré

    Health-aware predictive control schemes based on industrial processes

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins el dia 30 de desembre de 2021The research is motivated by real applications, such as pasteurization plant, water networks and autonomous system, which each of them require a specific control system to provide proper management able to take into account their particular features and operating limits in presence of uncertainties related to their operation and failures from component breakdowns. According to that most of the real systems have nonlinear behaviors, it can be approximated them by polytopic linear uncertain models such as Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) and Takagi-Sugeno (TS) models. Therefore, a new economic Model Predictive Control (MPC) approach based on LPV/TS models is proposed and the stability of the proposed approach is certified by using a region constraint on the terminal state. Besides, the MPC-LPV strategy is extended based on the system with varying delays affecting states and inputs. The control approach allows the controller to accommodate the scheduling parameters and delay change. By computing the prediction of the state variables and delay along a prediction time horizon, the system model can be modified according to the evaluation of the estimated state and delay at each time instant. To increase the system reliability, anticipate the appearance of faults and reduce the operational costs, actuator health monitoring should be considered. Regarding several types of system failures, different strategies are studied for obtaining system failures. First, the damage is assessed with the rainflow-counting algorithm that allows estimating the component’s fatigue and control objective is modified by adding an extra criterion that takes into account the accumulated damage. Besides, two different health-aware economic predictive control strategies that aim to minimize the damage of components are presented. Then, economic health-aware MPC controller is developed to compute the components and system reliability in the MPC model using an LPV modeling approach and maximizes the availability of the system by estimating system reliability. Additionally, another improvement considers chance-constraint programming to compute an optimal list replenishment policy based on a desired risk acceptability level, managing to dynamically designate safety stocks in flowbased networks to satisfy non-stationary flow demands. Finally, an innovative health-aware control approach for autonomous racing vehicles to simultaneously control it to the driving limits and to follow the desired path based on maximization of the battery RUL. The proposed approach is formulated as an optimal on-line robust LMI based MPC driven from Lyapunov stability and controller gain synthesis solved by LPV-LQR problem in LMI formulation with integral action for tracking the trajectory.Esta tesis pretende proporcionar contribuciones teóricas y prácticas sobre seguridad y control de sistemas industriales, especialmente en la forma maten ática de sistemas inciertos. La investigación está motivada por aplicaciones reales, como la planta de pasteurización, las redes de agua y el sistema autónomo, cada uno de los cuales requiere un sistema de control específico para proporcionar una gestión adecuada capaz de tener en cuenta sus características particulares y limites o de operación en presencia de incertidumbres relacionadas con su operación y fallas de averías de componentes. De acuerdo con que la mayoría de los sistemas reales tienen comportamientos no lineales, puede aproximarse a ellos mediante modelos inciertos lineales politopicos como los modelos de Lineal Variación de Parámetros (LPV) y Takagi-Sugeno (TS). Por lo tanto, se propone un nuevo enfoque de Control Predictivo del Modelo (MPC) económico basado en modelos LPV/TS y la estabilidad del enfoque propuesto se certifica mediante el uso de una restricción de región en el estado terminal. Además, la estrategia MPC-LPV se extiende en función del sistema con diferentes demoras que afectan los estados y las entradas. El enfoque de control permite al controlador acomodar los parámetros de programación y retrasar el cambio. Al calcular la predicción de las variables de estado y el retraso a lo largo de un horizonte de tiempo de predicción, el modelo del sistema se puede modificar de acuerdo con la evaluación del estado estimado y el retraso en cada instante de tiempo. Para aumentar la confiabilidad del sistema, anticipar la aparición de fallas y reducir los costos operativos, se debe considerar el monitoreo del estado del actuador. Con respecto a varios tipos de fallas del sistema, se estudian diferentes estrategias para obtener fallas del sistema. Primero, el daño se evalúa con el algoritmo de conteo de flujo de lluvia que permite estimar la fatiga del componente y el objetivo de control se modifica agregando un criterio adicional que tiene en cuenta el daño acumulado. Además, se presentan dos estrategias diferentes de control predictivo económico que tienen en cuenta la salud y tienen como objetivo minimizar el daño de los componentes. Luego, se desarrolla un controlador MPC económico con conciencia de salud para calcular los componentes y la confiabilidad del sistema en el modelo MPC utilizando un enfoque de modelado LPV y maximiza la disponibilidad del sistema mediante la estimación de la confiabilidad del sistema. Además, otra mejora considera la programación de restricción de posibilidades para calcular una política ´optima de reposición de listas basada en un nivel de aceptabilidad de riesgo deseado, logrando designar dinámicamente existencias de seguridad en redes basadas en flujo para satisfacer demandas de flujo no estacionarias. Finalmente, un enfoque innovador de control consciente de la salud para vehículos de carreras autónomos para controlarlo simultáneamente hasta los límites de conducción y seguir el camino deseado basado en la maximización de la bacteria RUL. El diseño del control se divide en dos capas con diferentes escalas de tiempo, planificador de ruta y controlador. El enfoque propuesto está formulado como un MPC robusto en línea optimo basado en LMI impulsado por la estabilidad de Lyapunov y la síntesis de ganancia del controlador resuelta por el problema LPV-LQR en la formulación de LMI con acción integral para el seguimiento de la trayectoria.Postprint (published version

    Application of Neuro-Fuzzy system to solve Traveling Salesman Problem

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    This paper presents the application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) in solving the traveling salesman problem. Takagi-Sugeno-Kang neuro-fuzzy architecture model is used for this purpose. TSP, although, simple to describ

    Modeling of Optimized Neuro-Fuzzy Logic Based Active Vibration Control Method for Automotive Suspension

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    In this thesis, an active vibration control system was developed. The control system was developed and tested using a quarter car model of an adaptive suspension system. For active vibration control, an actuator was implemented in addition to the commonly used passive spring damper system. Due to nature of unpredictability of force required two different fuzzy inference system (FIS) were developed for the actuator. First a sequential fuzzy set was built, that resulted lower vertical displacement compared to basic damper spring model, but system had limited effect with disturbances of higher magnitude and continuous vibrations (rough road). To improve the performance of the sequential fuzzy set, the main fuzzy set was improved using an adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). This model increased the performance substantially, especially for rough road and high magnitude disturbance scenarios. Finally, the suspension’s spring constant and damping co-efficient was optimized using a genetic algorithm to further improve the vibration control properties to achieve a balance of both ride stability and comfort. The final result is improved performance of the suspension system

    From approximative to descriptive fuzzy models

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