6 research outputs found

    Building a scalable and interpretable bayesian deep learning framework for quality control of free form surfaces

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    Deep learning has demonstrated high accuracy for 3D object shape error modeling necessary to estimate dimensional and geometric quality defects in multi-station assembly systems (MAS). Increasingly, deep learning-driven Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is used for decision-making when planning corrective action of quality defects. However, given the current absence of scalability enabling models, training deep learning models for each individual MAS is exceedingly time-consuming as it requires large amounts of labelled data and multiple computational cycles. Additionally, understanding and interpreting how deep learning produces final predictions while quantifying various uncertainties also remains a fundamental challenge. In an effort to address these gaps, a novel closed-loop in-process (CLIP) diagnostic framework underpinned algorithm portfolio is proposed which simultaneously enhances scalability and interpretability of the current Bayesian deep learning approach, Object Shape Error Response (OSER), to isolate root cause(s) of quality defects in MAS. The OSER-MAS leverages a Bayesian 3D U-Net architecture integrated with Computer-Aided Engineering simulations to estimate root causes. The CLIP diagnostic framework shortens OSER-MAS model training time by developing: (i) closed-loop training to enable faster convergence for a single MAS by leveraging uncertainty estimates of the Bayesian 3D U-net model; and, (ii) transfer/continual learning-based scalability model to transmit meta-knowledge from the trained model to a new MAS resulting in convergence using comparatively less training samples. Additionally, CLIP increases the transparency for quality-related root cause predictions by developing interpretability model which is based on 3D Gradient-based Class Activation Maps (3D Grad-CAMs) and entails: (a) linking elements of MAS model with functional elements of the U-Net architecture; and, (b) relating features extracted by the architecture with elements of the MAS model and further with the object shape error patterns for root cause(s) that occur in MAS. Benchmarking studies are conducted using six automotive-MAS with varying complexities. Results highlight a reduction in training samples of up to 56% with a loss in performance of up to 2.1%

    Building transformative framework for isolation and mitigation of quality defects in multi-station assembly systems using deep learning

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    The manufacturing industry is undergoing significant transformation towards electrification (e-mobility). This transformation has intensified critical development of new lightweight materials, structures and assembly processes supporting high volume and high variety production of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs). As new materials and processes get developed it is crucial to address quality defects detection, prediction, and prevention especially given that e-mobility products interlink quality and safety, for example, assembly of ‘live’ battery systems. These requirements necessitate the development of methodologies that ensure quality requirements of products are satisfied from Job 1. This means ensuring high right-first-time ratio during process design by reducing manual and ineffective trial-and-error process adjustments; and, then continuing this by maintaining near zero-defect manufacturing during production by reducing Mean-Time-to-Detection and Mean-Time-to-Resolution for critical quality defects. Current technologies for isolating and mitigating quality issues provide limited performance within complex manufacturing systems due to (i) limited modelling abilities and lack capabilities to leverage point cloud quality monitoring data provided by recent measurement technologies such as 3D scanners to isolate defects; (ii) extensive dependence on manual expertise to mitigate the isolated defects; and, (iii) lack of integration between data-driven and physics-based models resulting in limited industrial applicability, scalability and interpretability capabilities, hence constitute a significant barrier towards ensuring quality requirements throughout the product lifecycle. The study develops a transformative framework that goes beyond improving the accuracy and performance of current approaches and overcomes fundamental barriers for isolation and mitigation of product shape error quality defects in multi-station assembly systems (MAS). The proposed framework is based on three methodologies which explore MAS: (i) response to quality defects by isolating process parameters (root causes (RCs)) causing unaccepted shape error defects; (ii) correction of the isolated RCs by determining corrective actions (CA) policy to mitigate unaccepted shape error defects; and, (iii) training, scalability and interpretability of (i) and (ii) by establishing closed-loop in-process (CLIP) capability that integrates in-line point cloud data, deep learning approaches of (i) and (ii) and physics-based models to provide comprehensive data-driven defect identification and RC isolation (causality analysis). The developed methodologies include: (i) Object Shape Error Response (OSER) to isolate RCs within single- and multi-station assembly systems (OSER-MAS) by developing Bayesian 3D-convolutional neural network architectures that process point cloud data and are trained using physics-based models and have capabilities to relate complex product shape error patterns to RCs. It quantifies uncertainties and is applicable during the design phase when no quality monitoring data is available. (ii) Object Shape Error Correction (OSEC) to generate CAs that mitigate RCs and simultaneously account for cost and quality key performance indicators (KPIs), MAS reconfigurability, and stochasticity by developing a deep reinforcement learning framework that estimates effective and feasible CAs without manual expertise. (iii) Closed-Loop In-Process (CLIP) to enable industrial adoption of approaches (i) & (ii) by firstly enhancing the scalability by using (a) closed-loop training, and (b) continual/transfer learning. This is important as training deep learning models for a MAS is time-intensive and requires large amounts of labelled data; secondly providing interpretability and transparency for the estimated RCs that drive costly CAs using (c) 3D gradient-based class activation maps. The methods are implemented as independent kernels and then integrated within a transformative framework which is further verified, validated, and benchmarked using industrial-scale automotive sheet metal assembly case studies such as car door and cross-member. They demonstrate 29% better performance for RC isolation and 40% greater effectiveness for CAs than current statistical and engineering-based approaches