3 research outputs found

    Challenge problems for the integration of logic and connectionist systems (Extended Abstract)

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    ) Steen H\u7folldobler Articial Intelligence Institute Department of Computer Science Dresden University of Technology D{01062 Dresden Phone: +49-351-463-8340 Fax: +49-351-463-8342 [email protected] Keywords: Logic Programming, Recurrent Connectionist Networks 1 1 Motivation Connectionist systems exhibit many desirable properties of intelligent systems like, for example, being massively parallel, context{sensitive, adaptable and robust (see eg. [7]). It is strongly believed that intelligent systems must also be able to represent and reason about structured objects and structure{sensitive processes (see eg. [8, 23]). Unfortunately, we are unaware of any connectionist system which can handle structured objects and structure{sensitive processes in a satisfying way. Logic systems were designed to cope with such objects and processes and, consequently, it is a long{standing research goal to combine the advantages of connectionist and logic systems in a single system. There ha..