9 research outputs found

    Chains of Length 2 in Fillings of Layer Polyominoes

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    Chains of Length 2 in Fillings of Layer Polyominoes

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    Maximal increasing sequences in fillings of almost-moon polyominoes

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    It was proved by Rubey that the number of fillings with zeros and ones of a given moon polyomino that do not contain a northeast chain of size kk depends only on the set of columns of the polyomino, but not the shape of the polyomino. Rubey's proof is an adaption of jeu de taquin and promotion for arbitrary fillings of moon polyominoes. In this paper we present a bijective proof for this result by considering fillings of almost-moon polyominoes, which are moon polyominoes after removing one of the rows. Explicitly, we construct a bijection which preserves the size of the largest northeast chains of the fillings when two adjacent rows of the polyomino are exchanged. This bijection also preserves the column sum of the fillings. We also present a bijection that preserves the size of the largest northeast chains, the row sum and the column sum if every row of the fillings has at most one 1.Comment: 18 page

    Monotone Sequences in Combinatorial Structures

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    Symmetry of monotone sequences arise in many combinatorial structures, the classical examples being inversions and coinversions in permutations. Another example is crossings and nestings in matchings, partitions and permutations. These examples can be generalized to fillings of Ferrers diagrams and further generalized to moon polyominoes. This dissertation first introduces layer polyominoes, then extends the joint symmetry between northeast and southeast chains exhibited in moon polyominoes. For a given structure it’s not always true that symmetry of crossings and nestings holds. We introduce a type of matching, called an alternating matching, where the distribution of crossings and nestings is not symmetric. We prove a necessary and sufficient condition for an alternating matching to be non-nesting and use this to partially enumerate non-nesting alternating matchings. Finally, we prove several results on crossings and nestings in graphs. First we show that the crossing number and nesting numbers are unrelated, i.e. there are families of graphs with no crossings and with nestings numbers that diverge and vice versa. Second we give a bijection between plane trees and bi-colored motzkin paths. Lastly, we provide a generating function for a special class of Ferrers diagrams, where each row a fixed length shorter than the previous row, and the filling of the diagram has no southeast chains

    Maximal increasing sequences in fillings of almost-moon polyominoes

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    It was proved by Rubey that the number of fillings with zeros and ones of a given moon polyomino thatdo not contain a northeast chain of a fixed size depends only on the set of column lengths of the polyomino. Rubey’sproof uses an adaption of jeu de taquin and promotion for arbitrary fillings of moon polyominoes and deduces theresult for 01-fillings via a variation of the pigeonhole principle. In this paper we present the first completely bijectiveproof of this result by considering fillings of almost-moon polyominoes, which are moon polyominoes after removingone of the rows. More precisely, we construct a simple bijection which preserves the size of the largest northeast chainof the fillings when two adjacent rows of the polyomino are exchanged. This bijection also preserves the column sumof the fillings. In addition, we also present a simple bijection that preserves the size of the largest northeast chains, therow sum and the column sum if every row of the filling has at most one 1. Thereby, we not only provide a bijectiveproof of Rubey’s result but also two refinements of it

    PP-strict promotion and BB-bounded rowmotion, with applications to tableaux of many flavors

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    We define P-strict labelings for a finite poset P as a generalization of semistandard Young tableaux and show that promotion on these objects is in equivariant bijection with a toggle action on B-bounded Q-partitions of an associated poset Q. In many nice cases, this toggle action is conjugate to rowmotion. We apply this result to flagged tableaux, Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns, and symplectic tableaux, obtaining new cyclic sieving and homomesy conjectures. We also show P-strict promotion can be equivalently defined using Bender-Knuth and jeu de taquin perspectives.Comment: 39 pages, 14 figure

    LIPIcs, Volume 258, SoCG 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 258, SoCG 2023, Complete Volum