252 research outputs found

    Homomorphic Encryption using Enhanced Data Encryption Scheme for Cloud Security

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    In un-confided frameworks or applications security is improved by performing Fully Homomorphic Encryption which deals with the touchy information. Homomorphic encryption empowers computing encrypted data without decrypting. Homomorphic encryption counteracts sharing of information inside the cloud service where information is put away in an public cloud. In Partially Homomorphic Encryption it performs either added substance or multiplicative activity, yet not the two tasks can be done at a same time. Though, if there should arise an occurrence of Fully Homomorphic Encryption the two activities can be completed at same time. In this paper, we endeavor to feature the issue of deciphering algorithms that can keep running on unencrypted or ordinary information to those which work on encrypted information. Here, we demonstrate that despite the fact that FHE gives the capacity to perform arbitrary computations, its total advantage must be acquired in the event that they additionally permit to execute arbitrary algorithms on encrypted information. In this model, Enhanced Data Encryption Technique is utilized to perform FHE activities on encrypted information and arranging is performed utilizing the encrypted information

    Multi-way Cloud-Side Access Control for Encrypted Cloud Storage

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    Individuals support the incredible intensity of cloud computing, however can't completely believe the cloud providers to have protection delicate data, because of the nonattendance of client to-cloud controllability. To guarantee confidentiality, data administrators redistribute scrambled data rather than plaintexts. To impart the scrambled files to different clients, ciphertext-strategy attribute-based encryption can be used to direct fine-grained and administrator driven access control. Yet, this doesn't adequately get secure against different assaults. Numerous past schemes didn't concede the cloud supplier the capacity to check whether a downloader can decode. Along these lines, these files ought to be accessible to everybody open to the cloud storage. A noxious aggressor can download a great many files to dispatch monetary refusal of supportability assaults, which will to a great extent expend the cloud asset. The payer of the cloud service bears the cost. These worries ought to be settled in true open cloud storage. In this paper, we propose an answer for secure encoded cloud storages from EDoS assaults and give asset utilization responsibility. We present two conventions for various settings, trailed by execution and security examination. Furthermore, attribute-based control in the framework additionally empowers the cloud server to confine the entrance to those clients with a similar arrangement of attributes while protecting client security, i.e., the cloud server just realizes that the client satisfies the necessary predicate, however has no clue on the specific identity of the client

    Encrypted Data Sharing in Cloud data storage using Cloud Computing

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    To ensure confidentiality, data owners outsource encrypted data instead of plaintexts. To share the encrypted files with other users, Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-based Encryption (CP-ABE) can be utilized to conduct fine-grained and owner-centric access control. But this does not sufficiently become secure against other attacks. Many previous schemes did not grant the cloud provider the capability to verify whether a downloader can decrypt. Therefore, these files should be available to everyone accessible to the cloud storage. which will largely consume the cloud resource. The payer of the cloud service bears the expense. Besides, the cloud provider serves both as the accountant and the payee of resource consumption fee, lacking the transparency to data owners. These concerns should be resolved in real-world public cloud storage. In this paper, we propose a solution to secure encrypted cloud storages and provide resource consumption accountability. It uses CP-ABE schemes in a black-box manner and complies with arbitrary access policy of CP-ABE. We present two protocols for different settings, followed by performance and security analysis

    Anonymous and Adaptively Secure Revocable IBE with Constant Size Public Parameters

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    In Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) systems, key revocation is non-trivial. This is because a user's identity is itself a public key. Moreover, the private key corresponding to the identity needs to be obtained from a trusted key authority through an authenticated and secrecy protected channel. So far, there exist only a very small number of revocable IBE (RIBE) schemes that support non-interactive key revocation, in the sense that the user is not required to interact with the key authority or some kind of trusted hardware to renew her private key without changing her public key (or identity). These schemes are either proven to be only selectively secure or have public parameters which grow linearly in a given security parameter. In this paper, we present two constructions of non-interactive RIBE that satisfy all the following three attractive properties: (i) proven to be adaptively secure under the Symmetric External Diffie-Hellman (SXDH) and the Decisional Linear (DLIN) assumptions; (ii) have constant-size public parameters; and (iii) preserve the anonymity of ciphertexts---a property that has not yet been achieved in all the current schemes

    A Review of Research on Privacy Protection of Internet of Vehicles Based on Blockchain

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    Numerous academic and industrial fields, such as healthcare, banking, and supply chain management, are rapidly adopting and relying on blockchain technology. It has also been suggested for application in the internet of vehicles (IoV) ecosystem as a way to improve service availability and reliability. Blockchain offers decentralized, distributed and tamper-proof solutions that bring innovation to data sharing and management, but do not themselves protect privacy and data confidentiality. Therefore, solutions using blockchain technology must take user privacy concerns into account. This article reviews the proposed solutions that use blockchain technology to provide different vehicle services while overcoming the privacy leakage problem which inherently exists in blockchain and vehicle services. We analyze the key features and attributes of prior schemes and identify their contributions to provide a comprehensive and critical overview. In addition, we highlight prospective future research topics and present research problems

    Design and implementation of a secure wide-area object middleware

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    Tanenbaum, A.S. [Promotor]Crispo, C.B. [Copromotor

    Wide-address operating system elements

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