21 research outputs found

    On the Stability of Graph Convolutional Neural Networks under Edge Rewiring

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    Graph neural networks are experiencing a surge of popularity within the machine learning community due to their ability to adapt to non-Euclidean domains and instil inductive biases. Despite this, their stability, i.e., their robustness to small perturbations in the input, is not yet well understood. Although there exists some results showing the stability of graph neural networks, most take the form of an upper bound on the magnitude of change due to a perturbation in the graph topology. However, the change in the graph topology captured in existing bounds tend not to be expressed in terms of structural properties, limiting our understanding of the model robustness properties. In this work, we develop an interpretable upper bound elucidating that graph neural networks are stable to rewiring between high degree nodes. This bound and further research in bounds of similar type provide further understanding of the stability properties of graph neural networks.Comment: To appear at the 46th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2021

    On the stability of graph convolutional neural networks under edge rewiring

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    Graph neural networks are experiencing a surge of popularity within the machine learning community due to their ability to adapt to non-Euclidean domains and instil inductive biases. Despite this, their stability, i.e., their robustness to small perturbations in the input, is not yet well understood. Although there exists some results showing the stability of graph neural networks, most take the form of an upper bound on the magnitude of change due to a perturbation in the graph topology. However, the change in the graph topology captured in existing bounds tend not to be expressed in terms of structural properties, limiting our understanding of the model robustness properties. In this work, we develop an interpretable upper bound elucidating that graph neural networks are stable to rewiring between high degree nodes. This bound and further research in bounds of similar type provide further understanding of the stability properties of graph neural networks

    Single-Node Attack for Fooling Graph Neural Networks

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have shown broad applicability in a variety of domains. Some of these domains, such as social networks and product recommendations, are fertile ground for malicious users and behavior. In this paper, we show that GNNs are vulnerable to the extremely limited scenario of a single-node adversarial example, where the node cannot be picked by the attacker. That is, an attacker can force the GNN to classify any target node to a chosen label by only slightly perturbing another single arbitrary node in the graph, even when not being able to pick that specific attacker node. When the adversary is allowed to pick a specific attacker node, the attack is even more effective. We show that this attack is effective across various GNN types, such as GraphSAGE, GCN, GAT, and GIN, across a variety of real-world datasets, and as a targeted and a non-targeted attack. Our code is available at https://github.com/benfinkelshtein/SINGLE

    Robust Graph Representation Learning via Predictive Coding

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    Predictive coding is a message-passing framework initially developed to model information processing in the brain, and now also topic of research in machine learning due to some interesting properties. One of such properties is the natural ability of generative models to learn robust representations thanks to their peculiar credit assignment rule, that allows neural activities to converge to a solution before updating the synaptic weights. Graph neural networks are also message-passing models, which have recently shown outstanding results in diverse types of tasks in machine learning, providing interdisciplinary state-of-the-art performance on structured data. However, they are vulnerable to imperceptible adversarial attacks, and unfit for out-of-distribution generalization. In this work, we address this by building models that have the same structure of popular graph neural network architectures, but rely on the message-passing rule of predictive coding. Through an extensive set of experiments, we show that the proposed models are (i) comparable to standard ones in terms of performance in both inductive and transductive tasks, (ii) better calibrated, and (iii) robust against multiple kinds of adversarial attacks.Comment: 27 Pages, 31 Figure

    Robust Counterfactual Explanations on Graph Neural Networks

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    Massive deployment of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) in high-stake applications generates a strong demand for explanations that are robust to noise and align well with human intuition. Most existing methods generate explanations by identifying a subgraph of an input graph that has a strong correlation with the prediction. These explanations are not robust to noise because independently optimizing the correlation for a single input can easily overfit noise. Moreover, they do not align well with human intuition because removing an identified subgraph from an input graph does not necessarily change the prediction result. In this paper, we propose a novel method to generate robust counterfactual explanations on GNNs by explicitly modelling the common decision logic of GNNs on similar input graphs. Our explanations are naturally robust to noise because they are produced from the common decision boundaries of a GNN that govern the predictions of many similar input graphs. The explanations also align well with human intuition because removing the set of edges identified by an explanation from the input graph changes the prediction significantly. Exhaustive experiments on many public datasets demonstrate the superior performance of our method