3 research outputs found

    The Anatomy of Acupuncture

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    The Anatomy of Acupuncture : Rediscovering the anatomical basis of acupuncture meridians and points

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    The earliest records of acupuncture contain references to anatomical examination of the human body through dissection. These sections of text are supported by official historical records from that time. The thesis, (by published works) examines the human body, also through dissection, and explains how the original Chinese texts are describing the physical body.Published works:Shaw, V., Diogo, R., & Winder, I. C. (2020). Hiding in Plain Sight-Ancient Chinese Anatomy. Anatomical Record. Shaw, V., & McLennan, A. K. (2016). Was acupuncture developed by Han Dynasty Chinese anatomists? Anatomical Record, 299(5), 643–659. https://doi.org/10.1002/ar.23325. Shaw, V. (2014). Chōng meridian an ancient Chinese description of the vascular system? Acupuncture in Medicine : Journal of the British Medical Acupuncture Society, 32(3), 279–285. Shaw, V., & Aland, C. (2014). Meridians under the skin. European Journal of Oriental Medicine, 7(6), 18–23