3 research outputs found

    Multimedia Content Distribution in Hybrid Wireless Networks using Weighted Clustering

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    Fixed infrastructured networks naturally support centralized approaches for group management and information provisioning. Contrary to infrastructured networks, in multi-hop ad-hoc networks each node acts as a router as well as sender and receiver. Some applications, however, requires hierarchical arrangements that-for practical reasons-has to be done locally and self-organized. An additional challenge is to deal with mobility that causes permanent network partitioning and re-organizations. Technically, these problems can be tackled by providing additional uplinks to a backbone network, which can be used to access resources in the Internet as well as to inter-link multiple ad-hoc network partitions, creating a hybrid wireless network. In this paper, we present a prototypically implemented hybrid wireless network system optimized for multimedia content distribution. To efficiently manage the ad-hoc communicating devices a weighted clustering algorithm is introduced. The proposed localized algorithm deals with mobility, but does not require geographical information or distances.Comment: 2nd ACM Workshop on Wireless Multimedia Networking and Performance Modeling 2006 (ISBN 1-59593-485

    Novel Proactive Patch Peer Protocol to Support Faster Delivery of Video-on-Demand

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    © ASEE 2011An important feature in the convergence of network is provision of multimedia applications. Multimedia consists of different classes but video-on-demand (VoD) has been more focusing research area in recent years. VoD enables the users to watch and select the contents of songs and movies on demand. There is still no concrete technique to attain the goals of delivering the video on demand fastly. Secondly the delivery of video on demand to heterogeneous mobile environment is very exigent task because multimedia services face various limitations mostly caused by the wireless channel unpredictability, limited bandwidth, assorted behavior of protocols, standards and fading effect, etc. The users mostly face the issues of downloading the on-line applications and data by using VoD method on heterogamous networks. To reduce these problems, we propose and simulate the novel technique of proactive patch peer (PPP) protocol to support the delivery of VoD. This protocol gets the peer from server and requests the remaining part (patch) for playing the video from one distance neighbour node on the basis of stored information for one hop distance of node onto the profile of requesting nodes. The protocol uses unicast scheme to reduce the network traffic load and avoid the bottleneck. The other features of PPP are to save the bandwidth and make the faster delivery of video on demand as compare with other previous techniques. We first present the concept and architecture of PPP, and then introduce used techniques for unicast VoD method. We also target and evaluate the multicasting issues for delivery of VoD. Our experimental results demonstrate on the basis of simulation that the proposed PPP is more effective, faster and bandwidth saving protocol for delivery of VoD

    Centralized Peer-to-Peer Video Streaming Over Hybrid Wireless Network

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