105 research outputs found

    Energy efficiency as a SON mechanism for HSPA+ networks

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    The operation of mobile networks incurs significant amountsof energy consumption. From a network operation point of view reductionof energy consumption is not only a matter of environmental responsibilitybut also reduces the operational costs and improves network performanceminimizing some daily problems. In our study we apply an energy savingmechanism by means of Self-Organizing Networks (SON) functionality. Weshow that it is possible to reduce energy consumption and also control cellbreathing bringing more Quality of Service (QoS) to the network

    Analysis of Energy Consumption Using Sequential to Better Signal (SBS) Scheme for Green Celluler Network

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    Over time, cellular communication technology developed significantly from year to year. This is due to increasing the number of users and the higher needed. To overcome this problem, many providers increase the number of new base station installations to fill up the customer's needed. The increase number of base stations does not take into account the amount of power consumption produced, where in the cellular network Base Stations (BS) are the most dominant energy consuming equipment estimated at 60% - 80% of the total energy consumption in the cellular industry. In addition, energy waste often occurs in the BS where the emission power will always remain even if the number of users is small. Power consumption and energy savings are important issues at this time because they will affect CO2 emissions in the air. This paper proposes to save energy consumption from BS by turning off BS (sleep mode) if the number of users is small and distributed to other BS (neighboring BS) which is called cell zooming technique. The cell size can zoom out when the load traffic is high and zoom in when the load traffic is low. To determine the central BS and neighboring BS, a sequential to better signal (SBS) scheme is used where this scheme sorts neighboring BS based on the SINR value received (user). The results of this research, base station can be able to save energy 29.12% and reduce CO2 emission around 3580 kg/year.  It means saving energy consumption which is also reducing air pollution occurs and this term can be named as green cellular network.&nbsp

    Energy Efficient Relay-Assisted Cellular Network Model using Base Station Switching

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    Cellular network planning strategies have tended to focus on peak traffic scenarios rather than energy efficiency. By exploiting the dynamic nature of traffic load profiles, the prospect for greener communications in cellular access networks is evolving. For example, powering down base stations (BS) and applying cell zooming can significantly reduce energy consumption, with the overriding design priority still being to uphold a minimum quality of service (QoS). Switching off cells completely can lead to both coverage holes and performance degradation in terms of increased outage probability, greater transmit power dissipation in the up and downlinks, and complex interference management, even at low traffic loads. In this paper, a cellular network model is presented where certain BS rather than being turned off, are switched to low-powered relay stations (RS) during zero-to-medium traffic periods. Neighbouring BS still retain all the baseband signal processing and transmit signals to corresponding RS via backhaul connections, under the assumption that the RS covers the whole cell. Experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of this new BS-RS Switching technique from both an energy saving and QoS perspective, in the up and downlinks

    Designing energy-efficient wireless access networks: LTE and LTE-advanced

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    As large energy consumers, base stations need energy-efficient wireless access networks. This article compares the design of Long-Term Evolution (LTE) networks to energy-efficient LTE-Advanced networks. LIE-Advanced introduces three new functionalities - carrier aggregation, heterogeneous networks, and extended multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) support. The authors develop a power consumption model for LIE and LIE-Advanced macrocell and femtocell base stations, along with an energy efficiency measure. They show that LIE-Advanced's carrier aggregation and MIMO improve networks' energy efficiency up to 400 and 450 percent, respectively

    Power-optimised multi-radio network under varying throughput constraints for rural broadband access

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    The use of complementary radio access technologies within a network allows the advantages of each technology to be combined to overcome individual limitations. In this paper we show how 5~GHz and ``TV White Space'' overlay networks can be combined to provide fixed wireless access coverage within a rural environment. By creating a model of the whole network we derive the optimum assignment of stations between the two overlay networks to maximise the capacity of individual stations given a desired individual station data rate. Through simulation we show how the power consumption of a base station can be minimised by dynamically adjusting station assignments based on network data rate requirements changing over the course of a day

    Performance Analysis of Cell Zooming Based Centralized Algorithm for Energy Efficient in Surabaya

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    The cellular subscribers’s growth over the years increases the traffic volume at Base Stations (BSs) significantly. Typically, in central business district (CBD) area, the traffic load in cellular network in the daytime is relatively heavy, and light in the daynight. But, Base Station still consumes energy normally. It can cause the energy consumption is wasted. On the other hand, energy consumption being an important issue in the world. Because, higher energy consumption contributes on increasing of emission. Thus, it requires for efficiency energy methods by switching BS dynamically. The methods are Lower-to-Higher (LH) and Higher-to-Lower (HL) scheme on centralized algorithm. In this paper propose cell zooming technique  which can adjusts the cell size dynamic based on traffic condition. The simulation result by using Lower-to-Higher (LH) scheme can save the network energy consumption up to 70.7917% when the number of mobile user is 37 users and 0% when the number of mobile user is more than or equal to 291 users. While, Higher-to-Lower (HL) scheme can save the network energy consumption up to 32.3303% when the number of mobile user is 37 users and 0% when the number of mobile user is more than or equal to 292 users. From both of these schemes, we can analyze that by using Lower-to-Higher (LH) scheme reduces energy consumption greater than using Higher-to-Lower (HL) scheme. Nevertheless, both of them can be implemented for energy-efficient method in CBD area. Eventually, the cell zooming technique by using two schemes on centralized algorithm which leads to green cellular network in Surabaya is investigated

    Green Communication in Cellular Networks

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    To reduce the environmental impacts of carbon dioxide and the cost of cellular networks, network operators must deploy energy efficiency techniques. In this paper we will look at different methods of improving energy consumption at the network and cell level. Also, we will look at the role of renewable sources of energy to increase the network reliability, reduce cost and greenhouse gas on a nation-wide network