14 research outputs found

    Causal Discovery in Physical Systems from Videos

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    Causal discovery is at the core of human cognition. It enables us to reason about the environment and make counterfactual predictions about unseen scenarios that can vastly differ from our previous experiences. We consider the task of causal discovery from videos in an end-to-end fashion without supervision on the ground-truth graph structure. In particular, our goal is to discover the structural dependencies among environmental and object variables: inferring the type and strength of interactions that have a causal effect on the behavior of the dynamical system. Our model consists of (a) a perception module that extracts a semantically meaningful and temporally consistent keypoint representation from images, (b) an inference module for determining the graph distribution induced by the detected keypoints, and (c) a dynamics module that can predict the future by conditioning on the inferred graph. We assume access to different configurations and environmental conditions, i.e., data from unknown interventions on the underlying system; thus, we can hope to discover the correct underlying causal graph without explicit interventions. We evaluate our method in a planar multi-body interaction environment and scenarios involving fabrics of different shapes like shirts and pants. Experiments demonstrate that our model can correctly identify the interactions from a short sequence of images and make long-term future predictions. The causal structure assumed by the model also allows it to make counterfactual predictions and extrapolate to systems of unseen interaction graphs or graphs of various sizes

    Causal Discovery in Physical Systems from Videos

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    Causal discovery is at the core of human cognition. It enables us to reason about the environment and make counterfactual predictions about unseen scenarios that can vastly differ from our previous experiences. We consider the task of causal discovery from videos in an end-to-end fashion without supervision on the ground-truth graph structure. In particular, our goal is to discover the structural dependencies among environmental and object variables: inferring the type and strength of interactions that have a causal effect on the behavior of the dynamical system. Our model consists of (a) a perception module that extracts a semantically meaningful and temporally consistent keypoint representation from images, (b) an inference module for determining the graph distribution induced by the detected keypoints, and (c) a dynamics module that can predict the future by conditioning on the inferred graph. We assume access to different configurations and environmental conditions, i.e., data from unknown interventions on the underlying system; thus, we can hope to discover the correct underlying causal graph without explicit interventions. We evaluate our method in a planar multi-body interaction environment and scenarios involving fabrics of different shapes like shirts and pants. Experiments demonstrate that our model can correctly identify the interactions from a short sequence of images and make long-term future predictions. The causal structure assumed by the model also allows it to make counterfactual predictions and extrapolate to systems of unseen interaction graphs or graphs of various sizes.Comment: NeurIPS 2020. Project page: https://yunzhuli.github.io/V-CDN

    Realization of Causal Representation Learning and Redefined DAG for Causal AI

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    DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph) from causal inference does not differentiate causal effects and correlated changes. And the general effect of a population is usually approximated by averaging correlations over all individuals. Since AI(Artificial Intelligence) enables large-scale structure modeling on big data, the complex hidden confoundings have made these approximation errors no longer ignorable but snowballed to considerable modeling bias - Such Causal Representation Bias (CRB) leads to many problems: ungeneralizable causal models, unrevealed individual-level features, hardly utilized causal knowledge in DL(Deep Learning), etc. In short, DAG must be redefined to enable a new framework for causal AI. The observational time series in statistics can only represent correlated changes, while the DL-based autoencoder can represent them as individualized feature changes in latent space to estimate the causal effects directly. In this paper, we introduce the redefined do-DAG to visualize CRB, propose a generic solution Causal Representation Learning (CRL) framework, along with a novel architecture for its realization, and experimentally verify the feasibility

    Driver-centric Risk Object Identification

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    A massive number of traffic fatalities are due to driver errors. To reduce fatalities, developing intelligent driving systems assisting drivers to identify potential risks is in urgent need. Risky situations are generally defined based on collision prediction in existing research. However, collisions are only one type of risk in traffic scenarios. We believe a more generic definition is required. In this work, we propose a novel driver-centric definition of risk, i.e., risky objects influence driver behavior. Based on this definition, a new task called risk object identification is introduced. We formulate the task as a cause-effect problem and present a novel two-stage risk object identification framework, taking inspiration from models of situation awareness and causal inference. A driver-centric Risk Object Identification (ROI) dataset is curated to evaluate the proposed system. We demonstrate state-of-the-art risk object identification performance compared with strong baselines on the ROI dataset. In addition, we conduct extensive ablative studies to justify our design choices.Comment: Submitted to TPAM

    Aligning Robot and Human Representations

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    To act in the world, robots rely on a representation of salient task aspects: for example, to carry a coffee mug, a robot may consider movement efficiency or mug orientation in its behavior. However, if we want robots to act for and with people, their representations must not be just functional but also reflective of what humans care about, i.e. they must be aligned. We observe that current learning approaches suffer from representation misalignment, where the robot's learned representation does not capture the human's representation. We suggest that because humans are the ultimate evaluator of robot performance, we must explicitly focus our efforts on aligning learned representations with humans, in addition to learning the downstream task. We advocate that current representation learning approaches in robotics should be studied from the perspective of how well they accomplish the objective of representation alignment. We mathematically define the problem, identify its key desiderata, and situate current methods within this formalism. We conclude by suggesting future directions for exploring open challenges.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Exploring Causal Learning through Graph Neural Networks: An In-depth Review

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    In machine learning, exploring data correlations to predict outcomes is a fundamental task. Recognizing causal relationships embedded within data is pivotal for a comprehensive understanding of system dynamics, the significance of which is paramount in data-driven decision-making processes. Beyond traditional methods, there has been a surge in the use of graph neural networks (GNNs) for causal learning, given their capabilities as universal data approximators. Thus, a thorough review of the advancements in causal learning using GNNs is both relevant and timely. To structure this review, we introduce a novel taxonomy that encompasses various state-of-the-art GNN methods employed in studying causality. GNNs are further categorized based on their applications in the causality domain. We further provide an exhaustive compilation of datasets integral to causal learning with GNNs to serve as a resource for practical study. This review also touches upon the application of causal learning across diverse sectors. We conclude the review with insights into potential challenges and promising avenues for future exploration in this rapidly evolving field of machine learning

    Deep Causal Learning: Representation, Discovery and Inference

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    Causal learning has attracted much attention in recent years because causality reveals the essential relationship between things and indicates how the world progresses. However, there are many problems and bottlenecks in traditional causal learning methods, such as high-dimensional unstructured variables, combinatorial optimization problems, unknown intervention, unobserved confounders, selection bias and estimation bias. Deep causal learning, that is, causal learning based on deep neural networks, brings new insights for addressing these problems. While many deep learning-based causal discovery and causal inference methods have been proposed, there is a lack of reviews exploring the internal mechanism of deep learning to improve causal learning. In this article, we comprehensively review how deep learning can contribute to causal learning by addressing conventional challenges from three aspects: representation, discovery, and inference. We point out that deep causal learning is important for the theoretical extension and application expansion of causal science and is also an indispensable part of general artificial intelligence. We conclude the article with a summary of open issues and potential directions for future work

    D'ya like DAGs? A Survey on Structure Learning and Causal Discovery

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    Causal reasoning is a crucial part of science and human intelligence. In order to discover causal relationships from data, we need structure discovery methods. We provide a review of background theory and a survey of methods for structure discovery. We primarily focus on modern, continuous optimization methods, and provide reference to further resources such as benchmark datasets and software packages. Finally, we discuss the assumptive leap required to take us from structure to causality.Comment: 35 page