23 research outputs found

    Category-Independent Object-Level Saliency Detection

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    It is known that purely low-level saliency cues such as frequency does not lead to a good salient object detection result, requiring high-level knowledge to be adopted for successful discovery of task-independent salient objects. In this paper, we propose an efficient way to combine such high-level saliency priors and low-level appearance mod-els. We obtain the high-level saliency prior with the object-ness algorithm to find potential object candidates without the need of category information, and then enforce the con-sistency among the salient regions using a Gaussian MRF with the weights scaled by diverse density that emphasizes the influence of potential foreground pixels. Our model ob-tains saliency maps that assign high scores for the whole salient object, and achieves state-of-the-art performance on benchmark datasets covering various foreground statistics. 1

    Visual Saliency Based on Multiscale Deep Features

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    Visual saliency is a fundamental problem in both cognitive and computational sciences, including computer vision. In this CVPR 2015 paper, we discover that a high-quality visual saliency model can be trained with multiscale features extracted using a popular deep learning architecture, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which have had many successes in visual recognition tasks. For learning such saliency models, we introduce a neural network architecture, which has fully connected layers on top of CNNs responsible for extracting features at three different scales. We then propose a refinement method to enhance the spatial coherence of our saliency results. Finally, aggregating multiple saliency maps computed for different levels of image segmentation can further boost the performance, yielding saliency maps better than those generated from a single segmentation. To promote further research and evaluation of visual saliency models, we also construct a new large database of 4447 challenging images and their pixelwise saliency annotation. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method is capable of achieving state-of-the-art performance on all public benchmarks, improving the F-Measure by 5.0% and 13.2% respectively on the MSRA-B dataset and our new dataset (HKU-IS), and lowering the mean absolute error by 5.7% and 35.1% respectively on these two datasets.Comment: To appear in CVPR 201

    Instance-Level Salient Object Segmentation

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    Image saliency detection has recently witnessed rapid progress due to deep convolutional neural networks. However, none of the existing methods is able to identify object instances in the detected salient regions. In this paper, we present a salient instance segmentation method that produces a saliency mask with distinct object instance labels for an input image. Our method consists of three steps, estimating saliency map, detecting salient object contours and identifying salient object instances. For the first two steps, we propose a multiscale saliency refinement network, which generates high-quality salient region masks and salient object contours. Once integrated with multiscale combinatorial grouping and a MAP-based subset optimization framework, our method can generate very promising salient object instance segmentation results. To promote further research and evaluation of salient instance segmentation, we also construct a new database of 1000 images and their pixelwise salient instance annotations. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method is capable of achieving state-of-the-art performance on all public benchmarks for salient region detection as well as on our new dataset for salient instance segmentation.Comment: To appear in CVPR201

    Deep Contrast Learning for Salient Object Detection

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    Salient object detection has recently witnessed substantial progress due to powerful features extracted using deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, existing CNN-based methods operate at the patch level instead of the pixel level. Resulting saliency maps are typically blurry, especially near the boundary of salient objects. Furthermore, image patches are treated as independent samples even when they are overlapping, giving rise to significant redundancy in computation and storage. In this CVPR 2016 paper, we propose an end-to-end deep contrast network to overcome the aforementioned limitations. Our deep network consists of two complementary components, a pixel-level fully convolutional stream and a segment-wise spatial pooling stream. The first stream directly produces a saliency map with pixel-level accuracy from an input image. The second stream extracts segment-wise features very efficiently, and better models saliency discontinuities along object boundaries. Finally, a fully connected CRF model can be optionally incorporated to improve spatial coherence and contour localization in the fused result from these two streams. Experimental results demonstrate that our deep model significantly improves the state of the art.Comment: To appear in CVPR 201