1 research outputs found

    Approximation Algorithms for Graph Burning

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    Numerous approaches study the vulnerability of networks against social contagion. Graph burning studies how fast a contagion, modeled as a set of fires, spreads in a graph. The burning process takes place in synchronous, discrete rounds. In each round, a fire breaks out at a vertex, and the fire spreads to all vertices that are adjacent to a burning vertex. The selection of vertices where fires start defines a schedule that indicates the number of rounds required to burn all vertices. Given a graph, the objective of an algorithm is to find a schedule that minimizes the number of rounds to burn graph. Finding the optimal schedule is known to be NP-hard, and the problem remains NP-hard when the graph is a tree or a set of disjoint paths. The only known algorithm is an approximation algorithm for disjoint paths, which has an approximation ratio of 1.5