4 research outputs found

    Cascadic Multilevel Algorithms for Symmetric Saddle Point Systems

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    In this paper, we introduce a multilevel algorithm for approximating variational formulations of symmetric saddle point systems. The algorithm is based on availability of families of stable finite element pairs and on the availability of fast and accurate solvers for it symmetric positive definite systems. On each fixed level an efficient solver such as the gradient or the conjugate gradient algorithm for inverting a Schur complement is implemented. The level change criterion follows the cascade principle and requires that the iteration error be close to the expected discretization error. We prove new estimates that relate the iteration error and the residual for the constraint equation. The new estimates are the key ingredients in imposing an efficient level change criterion. The first iteration on each new level uses information about the best approximation of the discrete solution from the previous level. The theoretical results and experiments show that the algorithms achieve optimal or close to optimal approximation rates by performing a non-increasing number of iterations on each level. Even though numerical results supporting the efficiency of the algorithms are presented for the Stokes system, the algorithms can be applied to a large class of boundary value problems, including first order systems that can be reformulated at the continuous level as symmetric saddle point problems, such as the Maxwell equations.Comment: 15 pages, 4 table

    Saddle Point Least Squares Preconditioning of Mixed Methods

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    We present a simple way to discretize and precondition mixed variational formulations. Our theory connects with, and takes advantage of, the classical theory of symmetric saddle point problems and the theory of preconditioning symmetric positive definite operators. Efficient iterative processes for solving the discrete mixed formulations are proposed and choices for discrete spaces that are always compatible are provided. For the proposed discrete spaces and solvers, a basis is needed only for the test spaces and assembly of a global saddle point system is avoided. We prove sharp approximation properties for the discretization and iteration errors and also provide a sharp estimate for the convergence rate of the proposed algorithm in terms of the condition number of the elliptic preconditioner and the discrete infβ‘βˆ’sup⁑\inf-\sup and supβ‘βˆ’sup⁑\sup-\sup constants of the pair of discrete spaces.Comment: Submitted to CAMWA on 5/17/1

    A note on stability and optimal approximation estimates for symmetric saddle point systems

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    We establish sharp well-posedness and approximation estimates for variational saddle point systems at the continuous level. The main results of this note have been known to be true only in the finite dimensional case. Known spectral results from the discrete case are reformulated and proved using a functional analysis view, making the proofs in both cases, discrete and continuous, less technical than the known discrete approaches. We focus on analyzing the special case when the form a(β‹…,β‹…)a(\cdot, \cdot) is bounded, symmetric, and coercive, and the mixed form b(β‹…,β‹…)b(\cdot, \cdot) is bounded and satisfies a standard infβ‘βˆ’sup⁑\inf-\sup or LBB condition. We characterize the spectrum of the symmetric operators that describe the problem at the continuous level. For a particular choice of the inner product on the product space of b(β‹…,β‹…)b(\cdot, \cdot), we prove that the spectrum of the operator representing the system at continuous level is {1βˆ’52,1,1+52}\left \{\frac{1-\sqrt{5}}{2}, 1, \frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2} \right \}. As consequences of the spectral description, we find the minimal length interval that contains the ratio between the norm of the data and the norm of the solution, and prove explicit approximation estimates that depend only on the continuity constant and the continuous and the discrete infβ‘βˆ’sup⁑\inf-\sup condition constants.Comment: 14 pages. A slightly different version of this note was originally submitted to Numerische Mathematik on August 21, 2013. No figure

    A nonconforming saddle point least squares approach for elliptic interface problems

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    We present a non-conforming least squares method for approximating solutions of second order elliptic problems with discontinuous coefficients. The method is based on a general Saddle Point Least Squares (SPLS) method introduced in previous work based on conforming discrete spaces. The SPLS method has the advantage that a discrete infβ‘βˆ’sup⁑\inf-\sup condition is automatically satisfied for standard choices of test and trial spaces. We explore the SPLS method for non-conforming finite element trial spaces which allow higher order approximation of the fluxes. For the proposed iterative solvers, inversion at each step requires bases only for the test spaces. We focus on using projection trial spaces with local projections that are easy to compute. The choice of the local projections for the trial space can be combined with classical gradient recovery techniques to lead to quasi-optimal approximations of the global flux. Numerical results for 2D and 3D domains are included to support the proposed method.Comment: The original manuscript was submitted to De Gruyter, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics on December 19, 201