6,732 research outputs found

    Existence of Cascade Discrete-Continuous State Estimators for Systems on a Partial Order

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    In this paper, a cascade discrete-continuous state estimator on a partial order is proposed and its existence investigated. The continuous state estimation error is bounded by a monotonically nonincreasing function of the discrete state estimation error, with both the estimation errors converging to zero. This work shows that the lattice approach to estimation is general as the proposed estimator can be constructed for any observable and discrete state observable system. The main advantage of using the lattice approach for estimation becomes clear when the system has monotone properties that can be exploited in the estimator design. In such a case, the computational complexity of the estimator can be drastically reduced and tractability can be achieved. Some examples are proposed to illustrate these ideas

    Extreme values and fat tails of multifractal fluctuations

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    In this paper we discuss the problem of the estimation of extreme event occurrence probability for data drawn from some multifractal process. We also study the heavy (power-law) tail behavior of probability density function associated with such data. We show that because of strong correlations, standard extreme value approach is not valid and classical tail exponent estimators should be interpreted cautiously. Extreme statistics associated with multifractal random processes turn out to be characterized by non self-averaging properties. Our considerations rely upon some analogy between random multiplicative cascades and the physics of disordered systems and also on recent mathematical results about the so-called multifractal formalism. Applied to financial time series, our findings allow us to propose an unified framemork that accounts for the observed multiscaling properties of return fluctuations, the volatility clustering phenomenon and the observed ``inverse cubic law'' of the return pdf tails

    Sparse Volterra and Polynomial Regression Models: Recoverability and Estimation

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    Volterra and polynomial regression models play a major role in nonlinear system identification and inference tasks. Exciting applications ranging from neuroscience to genome-wide association analysis build on these models with the additional requirement of parsimony. This requirement has high interpretative value, but unfortunately cannot be met by least-squares based or kernel regression methods. To this end, compressed sampling (CS) approaches, already successful in linear regression settings, can offer a viable alternative. The viability of CS for sparse Volterra and polynomial models is the core theme of this work. A common sparse regression task is initially posed for the two models. Building on (weighted) Lasso-based schemes, an adaptive RLS-type algorithm is developed for sparse polynomial regressions. The identifiability of polynomial models is critically challenged by dimensionality. However, following the CS principle, when these models are sparse, they could be recovered by far fewer measurements. To quantify the sufficient number of measurements for a given level of sparsity, restricted isometry properties (RIP) are investigated in commonly met polynomial regression settings, generalizing known results for their linear counterparts. The merits of the novel (weighted) adaptive CS algorithms to sparse polynomial modeling are verified through synthetic as well as real data tests for genotype-phenotype analysis.Comment: 20 pages, to appear in IEEE Trans. on Signal Processin

    Reconciliation of a Quantum-Distributed Gaussian Key

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    Two parties, Alice and Bob, wish to distill a binary secret key out of a list of correlated variables that they share after running a quantum key distribution protocol based on continuous-spectrum quantum carriers. We present a novel construction that allows the legitimate parties to get equal bit strings out of correlated variables by using a classical channel, with as few leaked information as possible. This opens the way to securely correcting non-binary key elements. In particular, the construction is refined to the case of Gaussian variables as it applies directly to recent continuous-variable protocols for quantum key distribution.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Revised version to improve its clarit
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