10 research outputs found

    Dual Attention GANs for Semantic Image Synthesis

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    In this paper, we focus on the semantic image synthesis task that aims at transferring semantic label maps to photo-realistic images. Existing methods lack effective semantic constraints to preserve the semantic information and ignore the structural correlations in both spatial and channel dimensions, leading to unsatisfactory blurry and artifact-prone results. To address these limitations, we propose a novel Dual Attention GAN (DAGAN) to synthesize photo-realistic and semantically-consistent images with fine details from the input layouts without imposing extra training overhead or modifying the network architectures of existing methods. We also propose two novel modules, i.e., position-wise Spatial Attention Module (SAM) and scale-wise Channel Attention Module (CAM), to capture semantic structure attention in spatial and channel dimensions, respectively. Specifically, SAM selectively correlates the pixels at each position by a spatial attention map, leading to pixels with the same semantic label being related to each other regardless of their spatial distances. Meanwhile, CAM selectively emphasizes the scale-wise features at each channel by a channel attention map, which integrates associated features among all channel maps regardless of their scales. We finally sum the outputs of SAM and CAM to further improve feature representation. Extensive experiments on four challenging datasets show that DAGAN achieves remarkably better results than state-of-the-art methods, while using fewer model parameters. The source code and trained models are available at https://github.com/Ha0Tang/DAGAN.Comment: Accepted to ACM MM 2020, camera ready (9 pages) + supplementary (10 pages

    TTS: Hilbert Transform-based Generative Adversarial Network for Tattoo and Scene Text Spotting

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    Text spotting in natural scenes is of increasing interest and significance due to its critical role in several applications, such as visual question answering, named entity recognition and event rumor detection on social media. One of the newly emerging challenging problems is Tattoo Text Spotting (TTS) in images for assisting forensic teams and for person identification. Unlike the generally simpler scene text addressed by current state-of-the-art methods, tattoo text is typically characterized by the presence of decorative backgrounds, calligraphic handwriting and several distortions due to the deformable nature of the skin. This paper describes the first approach to address TTS in a real-world application context by designing an end-to-end text spotting method employing a Hilbert transform-based Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). To reduce the complexity of the TTS task, the proposed approach first detects fine details in the image using the Hilbert transform and the Optimum Phase Congruency (OPC). To overcome the challenges of only having a relatively small number of training samples, a GAN is then used for generating suitable text samples and descriptors for text spotting (i.e. both detection and recognition). The superior performance of the proposed TTS approach, for both tattoo and general scene text, over the state-of-the-art methods is demonstrated on a new TTS-specific dataset (publicly available 1) as well as on the existing benchmark natural scene text datasets: Total-Text, CTW1500 and ICDAR 2015

    Sound-to-imagination: an exploratory study on cross-modal translation using diverse audiovisual data

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    The motivation of our research is to explore the possibilities of automatic sound-to-image (S2I) translation for enabling a human receiver to visually infer occurrences of sound-related events. We expect the computer to ‘imagine’ scenes from captured sounds, generating original images that depict the sound-emitting sources. Previous studies on similar topics opted for simplified approaches using data with low content diversity and/or supervision/self-supervision for training. In contrast, our approach involves performing S2I translation using thousands of distinct and unknown scenes, using sound class annotations solely for data preparation, just enough to ensure aural–visual semantic coherence. To model the translator, we employ an audio encoder and a conditional generative adversarial network (GAN) with a deep densely connected generator. Furthermore, we present a solution using informativity classifiers for quantitatively evaluating the generated images. This allows us to analyze the influence of network-bottleneck variation on the translation process, highlighting a potential trade-off between informativity and pixel space convergence. Despite the complexity of the specified S2I translation task, we were able to generalize the model enough to obtain more than 14%, on average, of interpretable and semantically coherent images translated from unknown sounds.The present work was supported in part by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) under PhD grant 200884/2015-8. Also, the work was partly supported by the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI), project PID2019-107579RBI00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version