314 research outputs found

    Abstract Interpretation of Stateful Networks

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    Modern networks achieve robustness and scalability by maintaining states on their nodes. These nodes are referred to as middleboxes and are essential for network functionality. However, the presence of middleboxes drastically complicates the task of network verification. Previous work showed that the problem is undecidable in general and EXPSPACE-complete when abstracting away the order of packet arrival. We describe a new algorithm for conservatively checking isolation properties of stateful networks. The asymptotic complexity of the algorithm is polynomial in the size of the network, albeit being exponential in the maximal number of queries of the local state that a middlebox can do, which is often small. Our algorithm is sound, i.e., it can never miss a violation of safety but may fail to verify some properties. The algorithm performs on-the fly abstract interpretation by (1) abstracting away the order of packet processing and the number of times each packet arrives, (2) abstracting away correlations between states of different middleboxes and channel contents, and (3) representing middlebox states by their effect on each packet separately, rather than taking into account the entire state space. We show that the abstractions do not lose precision when middleboxes may reset in any state. This is encouraging since many real middleboxes reset, e.g., after some session timeout is reached or due to hardware failure

    Static Analysis by Abstract Interpretation of Sequential and Multi-Thread Programs

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    International audienceIn the realm of embedded critical systems, it is crucial to guarantee the correctness of programs before they are deployed. Static analyzers can help by detecting at compile-time potentially erroneous program behaviors: they perform sound over-approximations to achieve an efficient analysis while not missing any potential behavior. We discuss the systematic design of such analyzers using abstract interpretation, a general theory of semantic approximation. After recalling the classic construction of static analyzers for sequential programs by abstraction of the concrete trace semantics, we introduce abstractions to derive thread-modular analyzers for multithreaded programs, borrowing ideas from rely/guarantee proof methods. Finally, we present two static analyzer tools, Astrée and AstréeA, that are used to check for run-time errors in large sequential and multithreaded embedded industrial avionic C applications

    Lost in Abstraction: Monotonicity in Multi-Threaded Programs (Extended Technical Report)

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    Monotonicity in concurrent systems stipulates that, in any global state, extant system actions remain executable when new processes are added to the state. This concept is not only natural and common in multi-threaded software, but also useful: if every thread's memory is finite, monotonicity often guarantees the decidability of safety property verification even when the number of running threads is unknown. In this paper, we show that the act of obtaining finite-data thread abstractions for model checking can be at odds with monotonicity: Predicate-abstracting certain widely used monotone software results in non-monotone multi-threaded Boolean programs - the monotonicity is lost in the abstraction. As a result, well-established sound and complete safety checking algorithms become inapplicable; in fact, safety checking turns out to be undecidable for the obtained class of unbounded-thread Boolean programs. We demonstrate how the abstract programs can be modified into monotone ones, without affecting safety properties of the non-monotone abstraction. This significantly improves earlier approaches of enforcing monotonicity via overapproximations

    A Framework to Synergize Partial Order Reduction with State Interpolation

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    We address the problem of reasoning about interleavings in safety verification of concurrent programs. In the literature, there are two prominent techniques for pruning the search space. First, there are well-investigated trace-based methods, collectively known as "Partial Order Reduction (POR)", which operate by weakening the concept of a trace by abstracting the total order of its transitions into a partial order. Second, there is state-based interpolation where a collection of formulas can be generalized by taking into account the property to be verified. Our main contribution is a framework that synergistically combines POR with state interpolation so that the sum is more than its parts

    Static Analysis of Run-Time Errors in Embedded Real-Time Parallel C Programs

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    We present a static analysis by Abstract Interpretation to check for run-time errors in parallel and multi-threaded C programs. Following our work on Astr\'ee, we focus on embedded critical programs without recursion nor dynamic memory allocation, but extend the analysis to a static set of threads communicating implicitly through a shared memory and explicitly using a finite set of mutual exclusion locks, and scheduled according to a real-time scheduling policy and fixed priorities. Our method is thread-modular. It is based on a slightly modified non-parallel analysis that, when analyzing a thread, applies and enriches an abstract set of thread interferences. An iterator then re-analyzes each thread in turn until interferences stabilize. We prove the soundness of our method with respect to the sequential consistency semantics, but also with respect to a reasonable weakly consistent memory semantics. We also show how to take into account mutual exclusion and thread priorities through a partitioning over an abstraction of the scheduler state. We present preliminary experimental results analyzing an industrial program with our prototype, Th\'es\'ee, and demonstrate the scalability of our approach

    Symmetry-Aware Predicate Abstraction for Shared-Variable Concurrent Programs (Extended Technical Report)

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    Predicate abstraction is a key enabling technology for applying finite-state model checkers to programs written in mainstream languages. It has been used very successfully for debugging sequential system-level C code. Although model checking was originally designed for analyzing concurrent systems, there is little evidence of fruitful applications of predicate abstraction to shared-variable concurrent software. The goal of this paper is to close this gap. We have developed a symmetry-aware predicate abstraction strategy: it takes into account the replicated structure of C programs that consist of many threads executing the same procedure, and generates a Boolean program template whose multi-threaded execution soundly overapproximates the concurrent C program. State explosion during model checking parallel instantiations of this template can now be absorbed by exploiting symmetry. We have implemented our method in the SATABS predicate abstraction framework, and demonstrate its superior performance over alternative approaches on a large range of synchronization programs
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