46 research outputs found

    Low-complexity frequency synchronization for wireless OFDM systems

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    Air Interface for Next Generation Mobile Communication Networks: Physical Layer Design:A LTE-A Uplink Case Study

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    Semi-blind CFO estimation and ICA based equalization for wireless communication systems

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    In this thesis, a number of semi-blind structures are proposed for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) based wireless communication systems, with Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO) estimation and Independent Component Analysis (ICA) based equalization. In the first contribution, a semi-blind non-redundant single-user Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) OFDM system is proposed, with a precoding aided CFO estimation approach and an ICA based equalization structure. A number of reference data sequences are carefully designed and selected from a pool of orthogonal sequences, killing two birds with one stone. On the one hand, the precoding based CFO estimation is performed by minimizing the sum cross-correlations between the CFO compensated signals and the rest of the orthogonal sequences in the pool. On the other hand, the same reference data sequences enable the elimination of permutation and quadrant ambiguities in the ICA equalized signals. Simulation results show that the proposed semi-blind MIMO OFDM system can achieve a Bit Error Rate (BER) performance close to the ideal case with perfect Channel State Information (CSI) and no CFO. In the second contribution, a low-complexity semi-blind structure, with a multi-CFO estimation method and an ICA based equalization scheme, is proposed for multiuser Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) OFDM systems. A short pilot is carefully designed offline for each user and has a two-fold advantage. On the one hand, using the pilot structure, a complex multi-dimensional search for multiple CFOs is divided into a number of low-complexity mono-dimensional searches. On the other hand, the cross-correlation between the transmitted and received pilots is explored to allow the simultaneous elimination of permutation and quadrant ambiguities in the ICA equalized signals. Simulation results show that the proposed semi-blind CoMP OFDM system can provide a BER performance close to the ideal case with perfect CSI and no CFO. In the third contribution, a semi-blind structure is proposed for Carrier Aggregation (CA) based CoMP Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) systems, with an ICA based joint Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI) mitigation and equalization scheme. The CFO-induced ICI is mitigated implicitly via ICA based equalization, without introducing feedback overhead for CFO correction. The permutation and quadrant ambiguities in the ICA equalized signals can be eliminated by a small number of pilots. Simulation results show that with a low training overhead, the proposed semi-blind equalization scheme can provide a BER performance close to the ideal case with perfect CSI and no CFO

    Uplink data measurement and analysis for 5G eCPRI radio unit

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    Abstract. The new 5G mobile network generation aims to enhance the performance of the cellular network in almost every possible aspect, offering higher data rates, lower latencies, and massive number of network connections. Arguably the most important change from LTE are the new RU-BBU split options for 5G promoted by 3GPP and other organizations. Another big conceptual shift introduced with 5G is the open RAN concept, pushed forward by organizations such as the O-RAN alliance. O-RAN aims to standardize the interfaces between different RAN elements in a way that promotes vendor interoperability and lowers the entry barrier for new equipment suppliers. Moreover, the 7-2x split option standardized by O-RAN has risen as the most important option within the different low layer split options. As the fronthaul interface, O-RAN has selected the packet-based eCPRI protocol, which has been designed to be more flexible and dynamic in terms of transport network and data-rates compared to its predecessor CPRI. Due to being a new interface, tools to analyse data from this interface are lacking. In this thesis, a new, Python-based data analysis tool for UL eCPRI data was created for data quality validation purposes from any O-RAN 7-2x functional split based 5G eCPRI radio unit. The main goal for this was to provide concrete KPIs from captured data, including timing offset, signal power level and error vector magnitude. The tool produces visual and text-based outputs that can be used in both manual and automated testing. The tool has enhanced eCPRI UL datapath testing in radio unit integration teams by providing actual quality metrics and enabling test automation.Uplink datamittaukset ja -analyysi 5G eCPRI radiolla. Tiivistelmä. Uusi 5G mobiiliverkkogeneraatio tuo mukanaan parannuksia lähes kaikkiin mobiiliverkon ominaisuuksiin, tarjoten nopeamman datasiirron, pienemmät viiveet ja valtavat laiteverkostot. Luultavasti tärkein muutos LTE teknologiasta ovat 3GPP:n ja muiden organisaatioiden ehdottamat uudet radion ja systeemimoduulin väliset funktionaaliset jakovaihtoehdot. Toinen huomattava muutos 5G:ssä on O-RAN:in ajama avoimen RAN:in konsepti, jonka tarkoituksena on standardisoida verkkolaitteiden väliset rajapinnat niin, että RAN voidaan rakentaa eri valmistajien laitteista, laskien uusien laitevalmistajien kynnystä astua verkkolaitemarkkinoille. O-RAN:n standardisoima 7-2x funktionaalinen jako on noussut tärkeimmäksi alemman tason jakovaihtoehdoista. Fronthaul rajapinnan protokollaksi O-RAN on valinnut pakettitiedonsiirtoon perustuvan eCPRI:n, joka on suunniteltu dynaamisemmaksi ja joustavammaksi datanopeuksien ja lähetysverkon suhteen kuin edeltävä CPRI protokolla. Uutena protokollana, eCPRI rajapinnalle soveltuvia data-analyysityökaluja ei ole juurikaan saatavilla. Tässä työssä luotiin uusi pythonpohjainen data-analyysityökalu UL suunnan eCPRI datalle, jotta datan laatu voidaan määrittää millä tahansa O-RAN 7-2x funktionaaliseen jakoon perustuvalla 5G eCPRI radiolla. Työkalun päätarkoitus on analysoida ja kuvata datan laatua laskemalla datan ajoitusoffsettia, tehotasoa, sekä EVM:ää. Työkalu tuottaa tulokset visuaalisena ja tekstipohjaisena, jotta analyysia voidaan tehdä niin manuaalisessa kuin automaattisessa testauksessa. Työkalun käyttöönotto on tehostanut UL suunnan dataputken testausta radio-integrointitiimeissä, tarjoten datan laatua kuvaavaa metriikkaa sekä mahdollistaen testauksen automatisoinnin

    Uplink MIMO schemes in local area time division duplex system

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    One of 3rd Generation Partnership Projects's release 9 research areas is deployment and improvement of Long Term Evolutions's Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access interface in local area cells, using time division duplex and 100MHz available bandwidth. For uplink part of this system, we revise and study MIMO algorithms considered in release 8's downlink (Cyclic Delay Diversity and Space-Frequency Block Codes open-loop schemes, Singular Value Decomposition and codebook-based closed-loop schemes), look for new alternatives, and simulate impacts of given scenario - reciprocity, correlated MIMO channels, slow fading etc. As a result, we draw conclusions about advantages of having multiple transmit antennas in User Equipment in contrast with higher price and power consumption


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    The next generation (4G) wireless systems are expected to provide universal personal and multimedia communications with seamless connection and very high rate transmissions and without regard to the users’ mobility and location. OFDM technique is recognized as one of the leading candidates to provide the wireless signalling for 4G systems. The major challenges in downlink multiuser OFDM based 4G systems include the wireless channel, the synchronization and radio resource management. Thus algorithms are required to achieve accurate timing and frequency offset estimation and the efficient utilization of radio resources such as subcarrier, bit and power allocation. The objectives of the thesis are of two fields. Firstly, we presented the frequency offset estimation algorithms for OFDM systems. Building our work upon the classic single user OFDM architecture, we proposed two FFT-based frequency offset estimation algorithms with low computational complexity. The computer simulation results and comparisons show that the proposed algorithms provide smaller error variance than previous well-known algorithm. Secondly, we presented the resource allocation algorithms for OFDM systems. Building our work upon the downlink multiuser OFDM architecture, we aimed to minimize the total transmit power by exploiting the system diversity through the management of subcarrier allocation, adaptive modulation and power allocation. Particularly, we focused on the dynamic resource allocation algorithms for multiuser OFDM system and multiuser MIMO-OFDM system. For the multiuser OFDM system, we proposed a lowiv complexity channel gain difference based subcarrier allocation algorithm. For the multiuser MIMO-OFDM system, we proposed a unit-power based subcarrier allocation algorithm. These proposed algorithms are all combined with the optimal bit allocation algorithm to achieve the minimal total transmit power. The numerical results and comparisons with various conventional nonadaptive and adaptive algorithmic approaches are provided to show that the proposed resource allocation algorithms improve the system efficiencies and performance given that the Quality of Service (QoS) for each user is guaranteed. The simulation work of this project is based on hand written codes in the platform of the MATLAB R2007b