4 research outputs found

    Car Delay Model near Bus Stops with Mixed Traffic Flow

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    This paper proposes a model for estimating car delays at bus stops under mixed traffic using probability theory and queuing theory. The roadway is divided to serve motorized and nonmotorized traffic streams. Bus stops are located on the nonmotorized lanes. When buses dwell at the stop, they block the bicycles. Thus, two conflict points between car stream and other traffic stream are identified. The first conflict point occurs as bicycles merge to the motorized lane to avoid waiting behind the stopping buses. The second occurs as buses merge back to the motorized lane. The average car delay is estimated as the sum of the average delay at these two conflict points and the delay resulting from following the slower bicycles that merged into the motorized lane. Data are collected to calibrate and validate the developed model from one site in Beijing. The sensitivity of car delay to various operation conditions is examined. The results show that both bus stream and bicycle stream have significant effects on car delay. At bus volumes above 200 vehicles per hour, the curbside stop design is not appropriate because of the long car delays. It can be replaced by the bus bay design

    Modelling Urban Route Transport Network Parameters with Traffic, Demand and Infrastructural Limitations Being Considered

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    Ā© 2018 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in urban public transport. This has led to overabundant route networks; deteriorated conditions for moving route transport within cities; conflict situations at stop points occurring between vehicles of duplicating routes. Conflict situations occurring between vehicles of different routes at stop points when loading and unloading passengers prove the problem of optimizing urban route networks to be insufficiently investigated, with traffic, demand and infrastructure limitations being considered. Conflict situations at stop points are found to be dependent on route configurations and network parameters, with the number of conflict situations being inversely dependent on the number of combined intervals for route transportation through stop points and their throughout capacity. There has been developed an imitation model for moving vehicles of adjacent routes, with a model for optimizing urban route network parameters being presented. It reduces conflicts in number due redistributed vehicles of various types for routes, with the population's demand for transportation being absolutely satisfied. Models and methods can be used by transportation companies, city administrations to develop and improve urban route public transport networks

    Simulation testing of traffic flow delays in bus stop zone

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    Traffic flows are subject to certain delays due to the maneuvering of buses entering and leaving the stop. The study of how these delays change depending on the frequency of arrival of buses to a stop and, the change of lanes on the road, the intensity of the traffic flow on the road is important in organizing traffic and planning the movement of buses along the route. The article uses simulation models built in the PTV VISSIM program to estimate the delay time of the traffic flow on 2, 3, and 4 lane roads for 4 different values of the intensity of the traffic flow and 5 different values of the bus arrival frequency at the stop. The results obtained are analyzed. The changing nature of traffic flow delays in various scenarios has been studied

    The influence of traffic conditions on the operation disorder of public transport vehicles

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    U situacijama kada na uličnoj mreži ne postoje izdvojene povrÅ”ine za kretanje vozila javnog prijevoza, uvjeti odvijanja prometa utječu na njihov rad i efikasnost. U ovom radu je istraživan utjecaj odnosa zahtjeva za protokom i kapaciteta prometnica na poremećaj intervala slijeda vozila javnog prijevoza. Istraživanje je provedeno na dijelu ulične mreže, na području Novog Sada, za dvije linije javnog prijevoza. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da postoji značajna povezanost između ova dva parametra, kao i da su pri većem iskoriÅ”tenju kapaciteta, poremećaji u radu vozila javnog prijevoza izraženiji, te da je osjetljivost na poremećaje veća za manje intervale slijeda vozila javnog prijevoza.In situations when in the street network there are no separate areas for the movement of public transport vehicles, traffic conditions influence their operation and efficiency. This paper studies the influence of the volume-to-capacity ratio on the disturbance of public transport headway. The research has been conducted on a segment of the roadway network, in the area of Novi Sad, on two public transport routes. The research results show that the above two parameters are in a significant correlation, that is, in case of higher volume-to-capacity ratio, disturbances in public transport operation are much more noticeable. The results also show that public transport is more prone to disturbances when public transport headways are shorter