54,176 research outputs found

    Capturing Aggregate Flexibility in Demand Response

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    Flexibility in electric power consumption can be leveraged by Demand Response (DR) programs. The goal of this paper is to systematically capture the inherent aggregate flexibility of a population of appliances. We do so by clustering individual loads based on their characteristics and service constraints. We highlight the challenges associated with learning the customer response to economic incentives while applying demand side management to heterogeneous appliances. We also develop a framework to quantify customer privacy in direct load scheduling programs.Comment: Submitted to IEEE CDC 201

    Nominal and real wage flexibility in EMU

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    Both common macroeconomic shocks and country-specific developments have subjected the flexibility of wage setting mechanisms in the euro area to a stress test in recent years. Against this background, this paper takes a fresh look at wage flexibility in EMU and attempts to draw a few lessons from the experience of the early years. First, we set the stage for the analysis by providing a brief description of the stylised facts regarding nominal and real wage and unit labour cost developments in the euro area over the recent business cycle. Then, the paper presents an empirical assessment of wage inertia based on new econometric estimates of a Phillips-curve type wage equation across euro area countries and offers an interpretation of the main findings with respect to nominal and real wage flexibility. Finally, we investigate the cyclical responsiveness of relative competitive positions among euro area countries. We conclude that from a bird's eye perspective euro area wage and labour cost dynamics have been quite benign in the past couple of years. However, our estimates suggest that persistent cross-country differences in wage and labour cost developments have not always reflected warranted adjustment needs; they are rather indicative of an eventually insufficient degree of nominal and real wage flexibility in the euro area.wage, EMU, Wage flexibility, real wage, nominal wage, labour cost, Arpaia, Pichelmann

    A tale of two neighbour economies: labour market dynamics in Portugal and Spain

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    Portugal and Spain are two neighbour economies which share many characteristics. However, Spanish unemployment more than doubles Portuguese unemployment. In this chapter we resort to structural VAR techniques to ascertain which shocks and what propagation mechanism underlie the functioning of the labours markets in both countries. Our results show that price adjustment is more sticky and that real wage flexibility is higher in Portugal. In line with this evidence, we find that, although shocks hitting both economies since the beginning of the eighties were not too dissimilar, their effects on unemployment were much more long-lasting in Spain than in Portugal

    Effects of tariffs and real exchange rates on job reallocation: evidence from Latin America

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    Openness to international competition can lead to enhanced resource allocation in the long-run. While factor reallocation is essential if net benefits are to be derived from trade liberalization, the process generates costs both for transitioning workers and for employers undergoing personnel turnover. Net welfare gains depend on adjustment costs. Understanding of these issues has been hampered by data limitations. In this paper, we overcome some of these limitations by using new, harmonized measures on job creation and destruction for a number of countries in Latin America. We use these new series to investigate the impact of the removal of protectionism on net employment and gross job reallocation in Latin America. We find a robust pattern showing that reductions in tariffs and exchange rate appreciations increase the pace of job reallocation within sectors. We also find, however, some evidence of declining net employment as trade exposure increases. For example, we find some evidence that in the wake of tariff reductions, there is lower net employment growth. Keywords; tariff reduction, currency appreciation, trade exposure, intra-industry reallocation JEL Classification: F160, F310, O240