77 research outputs found

    Passenger car equivalent for heavy vehicles crossing turbo-roundabouts

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    Turbo-roundabouts represent an innovative scheme of modern roundabouts which provides a spiraling traffic flow and requires drivers to choose their direction before entering the intersection, since raised lane separators mark the lanes on the ring. The configuration of the turbo-roundabout makes that patterns of conflict at entries with one and two conflicting traffic streams can coexist. This paper presents research efforts aimed at measuring quantitatively the effect of heavy vehicles on operational conditions of a turbo-roundabout. The study starts from the initial belief that the greatest constraints to the vehicular trajectories imposed by the turbo-roundabout necessarily imply that the impact of heavy vehicles on the quality of traffic flow is more unfavorable than on other modern roundabouts. Microsimulation revealed as a useful tool when the variation of the traffic quality in turbo-roundabouts should be evaluated in presence of mixed fleets, each having different percentages of heavy vehicles; indeed, it allowed to isolate traffic conditions difficult to observe on field and replicate them to have a number of data as much as possible numerous. Entry capacity values for each entry lane of the turbo-roundabout were obtained by microsimulation, varying the percentage of heavy vehicles for entering flows. Nonlinear regression analysis of simulation data allowed to derive the behavioral parameters for heterogeneous populations of users and, ultimately, composed exclusively of heavy vehicles. The capacity functions thus obtained allowed us to determine how the passenger car equivalent (PCE) varies with the percentage of heavy vehicles and circulating flows for each entry lane of the turbo-roundabout. The results of this study indicate that there is a need to distinguish the impact of heavy vehicles when analyzing the capacity of a turbo-roundabout. When the traffic stream contains a significant number of heavy vehicles, a larger PCE effect would be expected. This effect should be accounted for in the estimation of the turbo-roundabout capacity. Lastly it should be emphasized that an important aspect of the research consists in having identified a methodology for assessing the impact of heavy vehicles on the quality of traffic flow, that can be applied to different patterns of intersection

    Estimation of Passenger Car Equivalents for Two-Lane and Turbo Roundabouts Using AIMSUN

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    The paper addresses issues related to Passenger Car Equivalents (PCEs) at roundabouts. Compared to other road units, the curvilinear elements of roundabout geometric design may impose greater constraints on vehicular trajectories and have a significant effect on the swept envelope of heavy vehicles. Specifically, the aim of the paper is to present the methodological approach which used traffic microsimulation to estimate PCEs. Focus is made on a case study which considered the conversion of a two-lane roundabout into a basic turbo roundabout with comparable size. Empirical capacity functions for both roundabouts were derived as target values to which simulated capacities by lane were compared. In order to estimate the PCEs a criterion of equivalence based on the amount of capacity used by cars and heavy vehicles is presented. AIMSUN allowed to simulate traffic conditions with different percentages of heavy vehicles at both roundabouts. Thus, variation of traffic conditions where mixed fleets operate was explored. A comparison was made between the PCEs estimated for each entry lane characterized by similar mechanism of entry maneuver. The results indicated there is a need to distinguish the impact of heavy vehicles when operational performance of a two-lane roundabout or a turbo-roundabout should be examined. Especially when circulating flows increase, a higher PCE value is expected than the value that the Highway Capacity Manual proposes for roundabouts

    Integrating vehicle specific power methodology and microsimulation in estimating emissions on urban roundabouts

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    In this study pollutant emissions were estimated from VSP modal emission rates and the distribution of time spent in each VSP mode obtained from the speed profiles both gathered in the field and simulated in AIMSUN at a sample of urban roundabouts. The versatility of the micro-simulation model for a calibration aimed at improving accuracy of emissions estimates was tested in order to ensure that second-by-second trajectories experienced in the field by a test vehicle through the sampled roundabouts properly reflected the simulated speed profiles. The first results which the thesis will refer, confirmed the feasibility of the smart approach that integrates the use of field-observed and simulated data to estimate emissions at urban roundabouts. It is also revealed friendly in collecting information via smartphone and in the subsequent data analysis and provided suggestions for large-scale data collection through a digital community. Another goal of this research is to investigate about the environmental performance after a conversion of a traditional existing roundabout into a turbo-roundabout. This aspect has been considered a positive approach for a novel attitude in the performance evaluation of road networks to align the infrastructural design with the aim of sustainable and low-emission mobility. The main finding provided from this study is referred to the positive potential of a novel attitude in the conceptualization and performance evaluation of road units in order to align urban infrastructural projects with the worldwide shared long-term ambitions for a low-emission mobility

    Insights into Simulated Smart Mobility on Roundabouts: Achievements, Lessons Learned, and Steps Ahead

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    This paper explores the domain of intelligent transportation systems, specifically focusing on roundabouts as potential solutions in the context of smart mobility. Roundabouts offer a safer and more efficient driving environment compared to other intersections, thanks to their curvilinear trajectories promoting speed control and lower vehicular speeds for traffic calming. The synthesis review supported the authors in presenting current knowledge and emerging needs in roundabout design and evaluation. A focused examination of the models and methods used to assess safety and operational performance of roundabout systems was necessary. This is particularly relevant in light of new challenges posed by the automotive market and the influence of vehicle-to-vehicle communication on the conceptualization and design of this road infrastructure. Two case studies of roundabouts were analyzed in Aimsun to simulate the increasing market penetration rates of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) and their traffic impacts. Through microscopic traffic simulation, the research evaluated safety and performance efficiency advancements in roundabouts. The paper concludes by outlining areas for further research and evolving perspectives on the role of roundabouts in the transition toward connected and autonomous vehicles and infrastructures

    Capacity-Related Driver Behavior on Modern Roundabouts Built on High-Speed Roads

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    The objective of this thesis was to investigate the factors that affect capacity-related driver behavior on modern roundabouts built on high-speed roads. The capacity of roundabouts is strongly affected by the behavior of drivers as represented by critical headway (critical gap) and follow-up headway (follow-up time). The effects of heavy vehicles (single-unit truck, bus, and semi-trailer) and area type (rural or urban) on roundabout capacity were investigated by comparing the critical headways for roundabouts located on high-speed and low-speed roads. The effects of nighttime conditions (in the presence of street lighting) were also considered. Data were collected using the Purdue Mobile Traffic Lab at four roundabouts built on state roads located in Indiana. The data were used to estimate a Probit model of the critical headways and their factors, as well as the follow-up headways. The findings revealed that drivers of heavy vehicles accepted critical headways that were 1.1 seconds longer than those of the passenger car drivers; on roundabouts built on high-speed roads in rural areas, drivers accepted critical headways that were 0.6 seconds longer than on roundabouts on low-speed roads in urban areas; and in nighttime conditions, drivers accepted critical headways that were 0.6 seconds longer than in daylight conditions. In addition, it was determined that the gap-acceptance parameters for a single-lane roundabout on a low-speed state road were less than those of the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 572 average estimated values - which are currently incorporated into Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) 2010, resulting on average in 30% higher capacity for Indiana conditions. In contrast, the estimated critical headway was larger for dual-lane roundabouts on high-speed state roads, resulting in 15% reduced capacity (for medium to high circulatory traffic volumes) for Indiana conditions. The findings of this thesis are intended to improve capacity estimation for the roundabouts planned on Indiana state roads. The HCM 2010 capacity equations were updated with the new estimated gap-acceptance parameters for Indiana. The findings contribute to better understanding of the roundabout capacity factors

    Assessing the Environmental Performances of Urban Roundabouts Using the VSP Methodology and AIMSUN

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    In line with globally shared environmental sustainability goals, the shift towards citizen-friendly mobility is changing the way people move through cities and road user behaviour. Building a sustainable road transport requires design knowledge to develop increasingly green road infrastructures and monitoring the environmental impacts from mobile crowdsourced data. In this view, the paper presents an empirically based methodology that integrates the vehicle-specific power (VSP) model and microscopic traffic simulation (AIMSUN) to estimate second-by-second vehicle emissions at urban roundabouts. The distributions of time spent in each VSP mode from instantaneous vehicle trajectory data gathered in the field via smartphone were the starting point of the analysis. The versatility of AIMSUN in calibrating the model parameters to better reflect the field-observed speed-time trajectories and to enhance the estimation accuracy was assessed. The conversion of an existing roundabout within the sample into a turbo counterpart was also made as an attempt to confirm the reproducibility of the proposed procedure. The results shed light on new opportunities in the environmental performance evaluation of road units when changes in design or operation should be considered within traffic management strategies and highlighted the potential of the smart approach in collecting big amounts of data through digital communities

    Safety Evaluation of Turbo-Roundabouts with and without Internal Traffic Separations Considering Autonomous Vehicles Operation

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    The paper presents a microsimulation approach for assessing the safety performance of turbo-roundabouts where Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles “CAVs” have been introduced into the traffic mix alongside conventional vehicles “CVs”. Based on the analysis of vehicle trajectories from VISSIM and subsequent analysis of traffic conflicts through the Surrogate Safety Assessment Model (SSAM), the research aims to evaluate the safety benefits of turbo-roundabouts where the lanes are physically separated by raised curbs, compared to roundabouts without such curbs. The paper will then describe the methodological path followed to build VISSIM models of turbo-roundabouts with and without raised curbs in order to calibrate the simulation models and estimate the potential conflicts when a higher percentage of CAVs are introduced into the traffic mix. A criterion has been also proposed for setting properly the principal SSAM filters. The results confirmed both higher safety levels for turbo-roundabouts equipped with raised lane dividers compared to turbo-roundabout solutions without curbs, and better safety conditions under the traffic mix of CVs and CAVs. Therefore, it follows that, in absence of crash data including CAVs, the surrogate measures of safety are the only approach in which the safety performance of any roundabout or road entity can be evaluated

    Synchronous Roundabouts with Rotating Priority Sectors (SYROPS): high capacity and safety for conventional and autonomous vehicles

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    Roundabouts are a highway engineering concept meant to reduce congestion and improve safety. However, experience shows that capacity of roundabouts is limited, and safety is not optimal. However, these improvements in capacity and safety should be compatible with both manually-driven and autonomous vehicles. Incorporating existing advanced technologies to the signaling and control of roundabouts will undoubtedly contribute to these improvements but should not restrict this compatibility. We approach roundabouts as synchronous switches of vehicles, and propose a roundabout system (synchronous roundabouts with rotating priorities) based on vehicle platoons arriving at the roundabout at a uniform speed and within the time slot assigned to their entry, avoiding conflicts and stops. The proposed signaling system is visual for human drivers and wireless for connected and autonomous vehicles. We evaluated analytically and with simulations roundabouts of different radii for several values of the average distance between vehicles. Results show that average delays are 28.7% lower, with negligible dispersion. The capacity improvements depend on design parameters, moderate for small roundabouts, but that goes up to 70&-100% for short inter vehicular distances and medium and large roundabouts. Simulations with unbalanced traffic maintained the capacity improvement over standard roundabouts.Comunidad de Madri


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    This paper presents a simulation-driven method for assessing the safety and efficiency of traffic at roundabouts incorporating connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technology. Utilizing the newly proposed CAV-based factors specified by the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) provided a practical framework for analyzing capacity dynamics across various traffic scenarios. Using microscopic traffic simulation on a roundabout model replicating real-world geometry and traffic attributes facilitated the identification of crucial behavioral parameters. This simulation spanned from smooth traffic scenarios to operational saturation, aiding in the study of mixed traffic scenarios during the transition to increasing CAV presence. Additionally, the study assessed the safety and traffic impact of a dedicated CAV lane using surrogate safety metrics. Aimsun software aided in model parameter calibration, which, combined with the Surrogate Safety Assessment Model (SSAM), supported safety analysis. Despite observed enhancements in roundabout performance with CAV integration, the benefits of a designated CAV lane highlighted the potential to reduce conflicts among vehicles. In conclusion, the paper emphasizes the overall performance enhancement achieved with CAVs at roundabouts while also providing insights for evaluating the potential of CAV technologies in future mobility management strategie

    A Methodological Framework to Assess Road Infrastructure Safety and Performance Efficiency in the Transition toward Cooperative Driving

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    There is increasing interest in connected and automated vehicles (CAVs), since their implementation will transform the nature of transportation and promote social and economic change. Transition toward cooperative driving still requires the understanding of some key questions to assess the performances of CAVs and human-driven vehicles on roundabouts and to properly balance road safety and traffic efficiency requirements. In this view, this paper proposes a simulation-based methodological framework aiming to assess the presence of increasing proportions of CAVs on roundabouts operating at a high-capacity utilization level. A roundabout was identified in Palermo City, Italy, and built in Aimsun (version 20) to describe the stepwise methodology. The CAV-based curves of capacity by entry mechanism were developed and then used as target capacities. To calibrate the model parameters, the capacity curves were compared with the capacity data simulated by Aimsun. The impact on the safety and performance efficiency of a lane dedicated to CAVs was also examined using surrogate measures of safety. The paper ends with highlighting a general improvement with CAVs on roundabouts, and with providing some insights to assess the advantages of the automated and connected driving technologies in transitioning to smarter mobilit