4,892 research outputs found

    Restricted Mobility Improves Delay-Throughput Trade-offs in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    In this paper we revisit two classes of mobility models which are widely used to repre-sent users ’ mobility in wireless networks: Random Waypoint (RWP) and Random Direction (RD). For both models we obtain systems of partial differential equations which describe the evolution of the users ’ distribution. For the RD model, we show how the equations can be solved analytically both in the stationary and transient regime adopting standard mathematical techniques. Our main contributions are i) simple expressions which relate the transient dura-tion to the model parameters; ii) the definition of a generalized random direction model whose stationary distribution of mobiles in the physical space corresponds to an assigned distribution

    Optimal relaying in heterogeneous delay tolerant networks

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    In Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs), there exists only intermittent connectivity between communication sources and destinations. In order to provide successful communication services for these challenged networks, a variety of relaying and routing algorithms have been proposed with the assumption that nodes are homogeneous in terms of contact rates and delivery costs. However, various applications of DTN have shown that mobile nodes should be divided into different classes in terms of their energy requirements and communication ability, and real application data have revealed the heterogeneous contact rates between node pairs. In this paper, we design an optimal relaying scheme for DTNs, which takes into account nodes’ heterogeneous contact rates and delivery costs when selecting relays to minimise the delivery cost while satisfying the required message delivery probability. Extensive results based on real traces demonstrate that our relaying scheme requires the least delivery cost and achieves the largest maximum delivery probability, compared with the schemes that neglect nodes’ heterogeneity

    Impact of Correlated Mobility on Delay-Throughput Performance in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Abstract—We extend the analysis of the scaling laws of wireless ad hoc networks to the case of correlated nodes movements, which are commonly found in real mobility processes. We consider a simple version of the Reference Point Group Mobility model, in which nodes belonging to the same group are constrained to lie in a disc area, whose center moves uniformly across the network according to the i.i.d. model. We assume fast mobility conditions, and take as primary goal the maximization of pernode throughput. We discover that correlated node movements have huge impact on asymptotic throughput and delay, and can sometimes lead to better performance than the one achievable under independent nodes movements. I. INTRODUCTION AND RELATED WORK In the last few years the store-carry-forward communication paradigm, which allows nodes to physically carry buffered dat

    Not Always Sparse: Flooding Time in Partially Connected Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    In this paper we study mobile ad hoc wireless networks using the notion of evolving connectivity graphs. In such systems, the connectivity changes over time due to the intermittent contacts of mobile terminals. In particular, we are interested in studying the expected flooding time when full connectivity cannot be ensured at each point in time. Even in this case, due to finite contact times durations, connected components may appear in the connectivity graph. Hence, this represents the intermediate case between extreme cases of fully mobile ad hoc networks and fully static ad hoc networks. By using a generalization of edge-Markovian graphs, we extend the existing models based on sparse scenarios to this intermediate case and calculate the expected flooding time. We also propose bounds that have reduced computational complexity. Finally, numerical results validate our models

    Research on Wireless Multi-hop Networks: Current State and Challenges

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    Wireless multi-hop networks, in various forms and under various names, are being increasingly used in military and civilian applications. Studying connectivity and capacity of these networks is an important problem. The scaling behavior of connectivity and capacity when the network becomes sufficiently large is of particular interest. In this position paper, we briefly overview recent development and discuss research challenges and opportunities in the area, with a focus on the network connectivity.Comment: invited position paper to International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, Hawaii, USA, 201
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