462 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis over Correlated/Independent Fisher-Snedecor F Fading Multi-User Channels

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    In this paper, we investigate the impact of correlated fading on the performance of wireless multiple access channels (MAC) in the presence and absence of side information (SI) at transmitters, where the fading coefficients are modeled according to the Fisher-Snedecor F distribution. Specifically, we represent two scenarios: (i) clean MAC (i.e, without SI at transmitters), (ii) doubly dirty MAC (i.e., with the non-causally known SI at transmitters). For both system models, we derive the closedform expressions of the outage probability (OP) as well as the average capacity (AC) under independent fading conditions. Besides, exploiting copula theory, we obtain the exact analytical expressions for the OP and the AC under positive dependence fading conditions in both considered models. Finally, the validity of the analytical results is illustrated numerically

    Lattice strategies for the dirty multiple access channel

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    A generalization of the Gaussian dirty-paper problem to a multiple access setup is considered. There are two additive interference signals, one known to each transmitter but none to the receiver. The rates achievable using Costa’s strategies (i.e. by a random binning scheme induced by Costa’s auxiliary random variables) vanish in the limit when the interference signals are strong. In contrast, it is shown that lattice strategies (“lattice precoding”) can achieve positive rates independent of the interferences, and in fact in some cases- which depend on the noise variance and power constraints- they are optimal. In particular, lattice strategies are optimal in the limit of high SNR. It is also shown that the gap between the achievable rate region and the capacity region is at most 0.167 bit. Thus, the dirty MAC is another instance of a network setup, like the Korner-Marton modulo-two sum problem, where linear coding is potentially better than random binning. Lattice transmission schemes and conditions for optimality for the asymmetric case, where there is only one interference which is known to one of the users (who serves as a “helper ” to the other user), and for the “common interference ” case are also derived. In the former case the gap between the helper achievable rate and its capacity is at most 0.085 bit

    Fundamental Limits in MIMO Broadcast Channels

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    This paper studies the fundamental limits of MIMO broadcast channels from a high level, determining the sum-rate capacity of the system as a function of system paramaters, such as the number of transmit antennas, the number of users, the number of receive antennas, and the total transmit power. The crucial role of channel state information at the transmitter is emphasized, as well as the emergence of opportunistic transmission schemes. The effects of channel estimation errors, training, and spatial correlation are studied, as well as issues related to fairness, delay and differentiated rate scheduling