56 research outputs found

    Development of the readout electronics for the high luminosity upgrade of the CMS outer strip tracker

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    The High-luminosity upgrade of the LHC will deliver the dramatic increase in luminosity required for precision measurements and to probe Beyond the Standard Model theories. At the same time, it will present unprecedented challenges in terms of pileup and radiation degradation. The CMS experiment is set for an extensive upgrade campaign, which includes the replacement of the current Tracker with another all-silicon detector with improved performance and reduced mass. One of the most ambitious aspects of the future Tracker will be the ability to identify high transverse momentum track candidates at every bunch crossing and with very low latency, in order to include tracking information at the L1 hardware trigger stage, a critical and effective step to achieve triggers with high purity and low threshold. This thesis presents the development and the testing of the CMS Binary Chip 2 (CBC2), a prototype Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) for the binary front-end readout of silicon strip detectors modules in the Outer Tracker, which also integrates the logic necessary to identify high transverse momentum candidates by correlating hits from two silicon strip detectors, separated by a few millimetres. The design exploits the relation between the transverse momentum and the curvature in the trajectory of charged particles subject to the large magnetic field of CMS. The logic which follows the analogue amplification and binary conversion rejects clusters wider than a programmable maximum number of adjacent strips, compensates for the geometrical offset in the alignment of the module, and correlates the hits between the two sensor layers. Data are stored in a memory buffer before being transferred to an additional buffer stage and being serially read-out upon receipt of a Level 1 trigger. The CBC2 has been subject to extensive testing since its production in January 2013: this work reports the results of electrical characterization, of the total ionizing dose irradiation tests, and the performance of a prototype module instrumented with CBC2 in realistic conditions in a beam test. The latter is the first experimental demonstration of the Pt-selection principle central to the future of CMS. Several total-ionizing-dose tests highlighted no functional issue, but observed significant excess static current for doses <1 Mrad. The source of the excess was traced to static leakage current in the memory pipeline, and is believed to be a consequence of the high instantaneous dose delivered by the x-ray setup. Nevertheless, a new SRAM layout aimed at removing the leakage path was proposed for the CBC3. The results of single event upset testing of the chip are also reported, two of the three distinct memory circuits used in the chip were proven to meet the expected robustness, while the third will be replaced in the next iteration of the chip. Finally, the next version of the ASIC is presented, highlighting the additional features of the final prototype, such as half-strip resolution, additional trigger logic functionality, longer trigger latency and higher rate, and fully synchronous stub readout.Open Acces

    Semiconductor-technology exploration : getting the most out of the MOST

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    Electrostatic discharge protection circuit for high-speed mixed-signal circuits

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    ESD, the discharge of electrostatically generated charges into an IC, is one of the most important reliability problems for ultra-scaled devices. This electrostatic charge can generate voltages of up to tens of kilovolts. These very high voltages can generate very high electric fields and currents across semiconductor devices, which may result in dielectric damage or melting of semiconductors and contacts. It has been reported that up to 70% of IC failures are caused by ESD. Therefore, it’s necessary to design a protection circuit for each pin that discharges the ESD energy to the ground. As the devices are continuously scaling down, while ESD energy remains the same, they become more vulnerable to ESD stress. This higher susceptibility to ESD damage is due to thinner gate oxides and shallower junctions. Furthermore, higher operating frequency of the scaled technologies enforces lower parasitic capacitance of the ESD protection circuits. As a result, increasing the robustness of the ESD protection circuits with minimum additional parasitic capacitance is the main challenge in state of the art CMOS processes. Providing a complete ESD immunity for any circuit involves the design of proper protection circuits for I/O pins in addition to an ESD clamp between power supply pins. In this research both of these aspects are investigated and optimized solutions for them are reported. As Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) has the highest ESD protection level per unit area, ESD protection for I/O pins is provided by optimizing the first breakdown voltage and latch-up immunity of SCR family devices. The triggering voltage of SCR is reduced by a new implementation of gate-substrate triggering technique. Furthermore, a new device based on SCR with internal darlington pair is introduced that can provide ESD protection with very small parasitic capacitance. Besides reducing triggering voltage, latch-up immunity of SCR devices is improved using two novel techniques to increase the holding voltage and the holding current. ESD protection between power rails is provided with transient clamps in which the triggering circuit keeps the clamp “on” during the ESD event. In this research, two new clamps are reported that enhance the triggering circuit of the clamp. The first method uses a CMOS thyristor element to provide enough delay time while the second method uses a flip flop to latch the clamp into “on” state at the ESD event. Moreover, the stability of transient clamps is analyzed and it’s been shown that the two proposed clamps have the highest stability compared to other state of the art ESD clamps. Finally, in order to investigate the impact of ESD protection circuits on high speed applications a current mode logic (CML) driver is designed in 0.13μm CMOS technology. The protection for this driver is provided using both MOS-based and SCR-based protection methods. Measurement results show that, compared to MOS-based protection, SCR-based protection has less impact on the driver performance due to its lower parasitic capacitance

    Substrate-triggered ESD protection circuit without extra process modification

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    Monolithic Integration of CMOS Charge Pumps for High Voltage Generation beyond 100 V

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    Monolithic integration of step-up DC-DC converters used to be one of the largest challenges in high voltage CMOS SoCs. Charge pumps are considered as the most promising solution regarding in- tegration levels compared to boost converter with bulky inductors. However, conventional charge pump architectures usually show significant drawbacks and reliability problems, when used as on- chip high voltage generators. Hence, innovative charge pump architectures are required to realize the monolithic integration of charge pumps in high voltage applications. In this dissertation, three 4-phase charge pump architectures with the dynamic body biasing tech- nique and clock schemes with dead time techniques were proposed to overcome drawbacks such as body effect and reverse current problem of traditional Pelliconi charge pump. The influences of high voltage CMOS sandwich capacitors on the voltage gain and power efficiency of charge pumps were extensively investigated. The most reasonable 4-phase charge pump architecture with a suitable configuration of high voltage sandwich capacitors regarding the voltage gain and power efficiency was chosen to implement two high voltage ASICs in an advanced 120 V 0.35 ÎĽm high voltage CMOS technology. The first test chip operates successfully and is able to generate up to 120 V from a 3.7 V low voltage DC supply, which shows the highest output voltage among all the reported fully integrated CMOS charge pumps. The measurement results confirmed the benefits of the proposed charge pump architectures and clock schemes. The second chip providing a similar output voltage has a reduced chip size mainly due to decreased capacitor areas by increased clock frequencies. Fur- thermore, the second chip with an on-chip clock generator works independently of external clock signals which shows the feasibility of integrated charge pumps as part of high voltage SoCs. Based on the successful implementation of those high voltage CMOS ASICs, further discussions on the stability of the output voltage, levels of integration and limitations in the negative high voltage generation of high voltage CMOS charge pumps are held with the aid of simulation or measurement results. Feed- back regulation by adjusting the clock frequency or DC power supply is able to stabilize the voltage performance effectively while being easily integrated on-chip. Increasing the clock frequency can significantly reduce the required capacitor values which results in reduced chip sizes. An application example demonstrates the importance of fully integrated high voltage charge pumps. Besides, a new design methodology for the on-chip high voltage generation using CMOS technolo- gies was proposed. It contains a general design flow focusing mainly on the feasibility and reliability of high voltage CMOS ASICs and design techniques for on-chip high voltage generators. In this dissertation, it is proven that CMOS charge pumps using suitable architectures regarding the required chip size and circuit reliability are able to be used as on-chip high voltage generators for voltages beyond 100 V . Several methods to improve the circuit performance and to extend the functionalities of high voltage charge pumps are suggested for future works

    Power supply noise reduction in 90 nm using active decap

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    On-chip supply voltage fluctuations are known to adversely affect performance parameters of VLSI circuits. These power supply fluctuations reduce drive capability, causes reliability issues, decrease noise margin and also adversely affect timing. Technology scaling further aggravates the problem as IR and Ldi/dt noise sources increase with each device generation. Current method used to reduce power supply variations uses an on-chip decoupling capacitors (decaps). These MOS capacitors utilize significant die area with about 15%-20% common for high-end microprocessors [4]. They also consume a considerable amount of power due to leakage and are prone to oxide breakdown during an ESD event because of reduced oxide thickness, making MOS capacitors unsuitable for technologies 90 nm and below. To improve the effectiveness of decap and reduce decap’s area, a new active decap design is proposed for 90 nm technology

    Disseny microelectrnic de circuits discriminadors de polsos pel detector LHCb

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    The aim of this thesis is to present a solution for implementing the front end system of the Scintillator Pad Detector (SPD) of the calorimeter system of the LHCb experiment that will start in 2008 at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The requirements of this specific system are discussed and an integrated solution is presented, both at system and circuit level. We also report some methodological achievements. In first place, a method to study the PSRR (and any transfer function) in fully differential circuits taking into account the effect of parameter mismatch is proposed. Concerning noise analysis, a method to study time variant circuits in the frequency domain is presented and justified. This would open the possibility to study the effect of 1/f noise in time variants circuits. In addition, it will be shown that the architecture developed for this system is a general solution for front ends in high luminosity experiments that must be operated with no dead time and must be robust against ballistic deficit

    Novel techniques for the design and practical realization of switched-capacitor circuits in deep-submicron CMOS technologies

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    Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e TecnologiaSwitches presenting high linearity are more and more required in switched-capacitor circuits,namely in 12 to 16 bits resolution analog-to-digital converters. The CMOS technology evolves continuously towards lower supply voltages and, simultaneously, new design techniques are necessary to fulfill the realization of switches exhibiting a high dynamic range and a distortion compatible with referred resolutions. Moreover, with the continuously downing of the sizes, the physic constraints of the technology must be considered to avoid the excessive stress of the devices when relatively high voltages are applied to the gates. New switch-linearization techniques, with high reliability, must be necessarily developed and demonstrated in CMOS integrated circuits. Also, the research of new structures of circuits with switched-capacitor is permanent. Simplified and efficient structures are mandatory, adequate to the new demands emerging from the proliferation of portable equipments, necessarily with low energy consumption while assuring high performance and multiple functions. The work reported in this Thesis comprises these two areas. The behavior of the switches under these new constraints is analyzed, being a new and original solution proposed, in order to maintain the performance. Also, proposals for the application of simpler clock and control schemes are presented, and for the use of open-loop structures and amplifiers with localfeedback. The results, obtained in laboratory or by simulation, assess the feasibility of the presented proposals
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