4 research outputs found

    Near-Optimal Algorithms for Online Matrix Prediction

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    In several online prediction problems of recent interest the comparison class is composed of matrices with bounded entries. For example, in the online max-cut problem, the comparison class is matrices which represent cuts of a given graph and in online gambling the comparison class is matrices which represent permutations over n teams. Another important example is online collaborative filtering in which a widely used comparison class is the set of matrices with a small trace norm. In this paper we isolate a property of matrices, which we call (beta,tau)-decomposability, and derive an efficient online learning algorithm, that enjoys a regret bound of O*(sqrt(beta tau T)) for all problems in which the comparison class is composed of (beta,tau)-decomposable matrices. By analyzing the decomposability of cut matrices, triangular matrices, and low trace-norm matrices, we derive near optimal regret bounds for online max-cut, online gambling, and online collaborative filtering. In particular, this resolves (in the affirmative) an open problem posed by Abernethy (2010); Kleinberg et al (2010). Finally, we derive lower bounds for the three problems and show that our upper bounds are optimal up to logarithmic factors. In particular, our lower bound for the online collaborative filtering problem resolves another open problem posed by Shamir and Srebro (2011).Comment: 25 page

    Hierarchies of Relaxations for Online Prediction Problems with Evolving Constraints

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    We study online prediction where regret of the algorithm is measured against a benchmark defined via evolving constraints. This framework captures online prediction on graphs, as well as other prediction problems with combinatorial structure. A key aspect here is that finding the optimal benchmark predictor (even in hindsight, given all the data) might be computationally hard due to the combinatorial nature of the constraints. Despite this, we provide polynomial-time \emph{prediction} algorithms that achieve low regret against combinatorial benchmark sets. We do so by building improper learning algorithms based on two ideas that work together. The first is to alleviate part of the computational burden through random playout, and the second is to employ Lasserre semidefinite hierarchies to approximate the resulting integer program. Interestingly, for our prediction algorithms, we only need to compute the values of the semidefinite programs and not the rounded solutions. However, the integrality gap for Lasserre hierarchy \emph{does} enter the generic regret bound in terms of Rademacher complexity of the benchmark set. This establishes a trade-off between the computation time and the regret bound of the algorithm