13 research outputs found

    Wearable Technology in Education to Enhance Technical MOOCs

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    The low completion rate issue in MOOCs has become one of the main highlights by researchers. It is reported that only 10 to 15 percent of the students were able to complete the MOOCs. This low completion rate is due to the students are less engaged with the MOOCs content causing them to become demotivated to complete the whole MOOCs. Engaging students in MOOCs environment, especially for non-technical subjects, suited very well. However, for technical MOOCs, it involves significant challenges because technical MOOCs must be able to offer the students with practice-oriented learning outcome in-order for the MOOCs to be effective and engaging. Due to the above issue, this paper discussed an improvised MOOCs model for teaching technical subjects with the intervention in the use of wearable technology. A discussion on the e-content and e-activity of the technical MOOC learning design was presented. This study implemented the proposed technical MOOC model through the MOOC development. The students’ perception of the technical MOOC was then evaluated, and all the results were explained in the discussion part. Results of the correlation test revealed that all of the technical MOOC variables correlated substantially and held a positive relationship with students’ perception variable with r=.3 to 1.0, p < .0005. In addition, this result also suggests that the learning materials produced by wearable technology do contribute towards the positive effect of students’ perception when learning technical MOOC

    Driving high inclination to complete massive open online courses (MOOCs): motivation and engagement factors for learners

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    Today, online learning is prospering from the widely available and easily accessible connection to the Web. Massive open online course (MOOC) platforms such as Coursera, edX, and Udemy have made available several thousands of short courses at several difficulty levels in a wide variety of disciplines, ranging from business, computer science to literature, for learners to select from. Learners who are looking to earn credentials for career advancement or personal interest would find MOOCs attractive not only because of the time and place flexibility these courses offer, but also because of the free enrollment or the very small certificate fee upon completion, as well as the emergent recognition these courses are receiving for their high quality learning delivery from leading educational institutions. Learners who enroll in a MOOC would typically need to participate in various learning activities and complete a few assessment tasks to complete the course. However, it has been commonly reported that the completion rates of MOOCs are low. Based on the common notion that when learners are more motivated to learn, they are likely to better engage in learning and have a higher likelihood to complete a MOOC, this study adopted the Motivation and Engagement Scale (MES) by Martin (2007, 2009) to collect responses from university students to examine whether positive motivation resulted in positive engagement; whether negative motivation resulted in negative engagement; and how positive or negative engagement swayed learners’ inclination to complete a MOOC if they were to enroll in one. Findings show that there was a statistically significant positive relationship between positive motivation and positive engagement, between negative motivation and negative engagement, and between positive engagement and inclination to complete a MOOC. However, the relationship between negative engagement and inclination to complete a MOOC was statistically not significant. Findings of this study can be useful to MOOC providers and learners in their effort to develop strategies to increase completion rates of MOOCs

    Understanding Key Drivers of Mooc Satisfaction and Continuance Intention To Use

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    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have attracted global audiences who desire to learn. However, the completion rate of these courses is less than 10 percent. Few studies have systematically researched the influence of expectation-confirmation theory (ECT) and user experience (e.g., flow experience, perceived interest) on user satisfaction of and the continuance intention to use MOOCs. The present study examines the drivers of MOOC satisfaction based on ECT and the influence of satisfaction on user behavior. A research model reflecting the relationships among confirmation, usefulness, interest, flow, satisfaction, and continuance intention to use, and intention to recommend was developed and tested using data collected from 300 subjects. Our findings show that flow and interest are important variables that enhance MOOC satisfaction based on ECT

    Los recursos de información sobre Economía y Finanzas en redes sociales y medios similares para una educación abierta

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    Estudio analítico y crítico de una compilación selectiva de recursos en Internet aparecidos en redes sociales, listas de distribución o foros de discusión, moocs, blogs de investigadores influyentes de reconocido prestigio y herramientas equivalentes de carácter científico para el aprendizaje y conocimiento de la Economía y de las finanzas corporativas y personales como extensiones de la actividad docente universitaria y, alternativamente, como medios de autoaprendizaje. Identificación de proyectos institucionales y personales en el ámbito universitario como complementos de la actividad docente. El objetivo principal es orientar a los estudiantes universitarios sobre nuevas posibilidades de aprendizaje y formación.Analytical and critical study of a selective compilation of Internet resources appeared on social networks, distribution lists or discussion forums, moocs, blogs of influential researchers of recognized prestige and equivalent tools of a scientific nature for learning. It is also used as a source of knowledge in Economics and Corporate and Personal Finance as extensions of the university teaching activity and, alternatively, as well as a self-learning process. Identification of institutional and personal projects in the university environment as complements to the teaching activity. The main objective is to guide university students on new learning and training possibilities.Depto. de Administración Financiera y ContabilidadFac. de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesTRUEpu

    MOOC Relevance: A Key Determinant of the Success for Massive Open Online Courses

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    The MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) providers promote their courses as education that builds marketable skills. However, little research examines the role of relevance in the success of MOOCs or how this relevance influences learner behaviors. This study highlights the importance of MOOC relevance by decomposing it into personal relevance and social relevance and then examining their effects on learner satisfaction. Based on Expectation-Confirmation Model and DeLone and McLean’s information system success model, our proposed theoretical framework elaborates on the relationship among personal relevance, social relevance, perceived usefulness, subjective norms, confirmation, satisfaction, and continuance intention. We analyzed survey data collected from 343 MOOC learners, finding both personal and social relevance positively associated with confirmation and satisfaction. Confirmation positively influences perceived usefulness and satisfaction, while continuance intention is enhanced by learner satisfaction and subjective norms. However, the impact of perceived usefulness on satisfaction is not significant. This study contributes to Information Systems (IS) literature by demonstrating the role of relevance in the growth and success of MOOCs. Additionally, our findings contribute to the IS education literature by highlighting the need for more personally and socially relevant curricula if traditional IS programs are to remain competitive in an era of increasing educational opportunities

    Stimulating intrapreneurial intentions with digital business training in the VET sector: The potential of massive open online courses

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    It has become imperative to stimulate and support employees to behave entrepreneurially within organizations (intrapreneurship). However, little is known about how digital, massive, and scalable business education and training formats such as massive open online course (MOOCs) can contribute to vocational and educational training (VET) in general, and to nurture intrapreneurial behavior and corresponding intentions in specific. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore the potential effect of a MOOC on intrapreneurial intentions of learners.Data were acquired from 412 employees taking a MOOC on intrapreneurship for constructs embedded in the theory of planned behavior, tailored to the context of intrapreneurship. The proposed method employs Wilcoxon signed-rank tests to compare the levels of constructs before and after the course and longitudinal structural equation modeling for gauging the initial level of intention and prior experience.The research reveals a positive effect on the perceived behavioral control, intentions, and attitude toward the behavior of learners by the MOOC and changing perceptions regarding subjective norms among peers. Besides indicating the potential for digital business training on an extensive scale, the study demonstrates the applicability of MOOCs as integrative self-selection funnel for a reliable identification of high-potential intrapreneurs.The findings are relevant for VET providers, organizations and business educators, especially in times of the COVID-19 pandemic, to understand better the multifaceted capacity of digital transformation, illustrated with training to stimulate intrapreneurship

    The Self 2.0: How AI-Enhanced Self-Clones Transform Self-Perception and Improve Presentation Skills

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    This study explores the impact of AI-generated digital self-clones on improving online presentation skills. We carried out a mixed-design experiment involving 44 international students, comparing self-recorded videos (control) with self-clone videos (AI group) for English presentation practice. The AI videos utilized voice cloning, face swapping, lip-sync, and body-language simulation to refine participants' original presentations in terms of repetition, filler words, and pronunciation. Machine-rated scores indicated enhancements in speech performance for both groups. Though the groups didn't significantly differ, the AI group exhibited a heightened depth of reflection, self-compassion, and a meaningful transition from a corrective to an enhancive approach to self-critique. Within the AI group, congruence between self-perception and AI self-clones resulted in diminished speech anxiety and increased enjoyment. Our findings recommend the ethical employment of digital self-clones to enhance the emotional and cognitive facets of skill development.Comment: 25 page

    Framework for Enhancing Learning Experience with Wearable Technology in Technical MOOC

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    The use of wearable technology in education can significantly help educators to engage the students more with the learning. By providing users with hands-free access to contextually relevant knowledge, wearable technologies are poised to inspire a new generation of mobile learning design. However, for educators to harness the pedagogical opportunities of wearable technologies and to implement it in MOOC platform, this paper proposes a framework for enhancing the learning experience in technical MOOC using wearable technology. In addition, we also identify the elements of wearable technology that is suitable to be implemented in teaching and learning, elements of technical MOOC to be combined with wearable technology elements and student engagement elements. The main measurement for enhancing learning experience is based on the level of students’ engagement (measure through course completion) and students’ skill development (measure through direct observation, interview, and questionnaire). The students reflected as fully engaged with the online course when they able to actively participate and complete the course and in contrast, when the students are unable to complete the course, this reflects that they are not engaged with the online learning. Thus, the proposed framework will work as a guideline for lecturers and educators to create effective and engaging MOOC learning design, especially for technical courses

    A influência dos fatores que estimulam os estudantes universitários em relação à atitude frente ao uso da abordagem do Blended Learning

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    Este artigo se propõe investigar a influência dos fatores que estimulam os estudantes universitários em relação à atitude frente ao uso da abordagem do Blended Learning (BL). O estudo foi realizado em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior particular localizada na Cidade de São Paulo em cursos de graduação. O modelo proposto foi adaptado de Sabah (2019) em um survey (n= 532). A pesquisa apresenta abordagem quantitativa e emprego de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Os resultados indicaram que apenas 3 das 25 hipóteses formuladas não foram sustentadas tendo em comum o construto Utilidade Percebida. Diante disso, verificou-se a não obrigatoriedade das atividades on-line, cabendo ao professor apontar a importância do acesso aos materiais antes das aulas, bem como bem como empregar as metodologias ativas; aos tutores estarem à disposição quando demandados e estimular a conscientização da importância das atividades on-line, e, aos colegas de curso para que reconheçam a importância das discussões on-line no processo de aprendizagem. Por fim, os alunos que demonstraram “alta intensidade” em gostar do AVA possuem maior facilidade em perceber as características do BL. Este efeito, também ocorreu na média intergrupal do domínio técnico do AVA (baixo e alto domínio)