160 research outputs found

    LEASGD: an Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Algorithm for Distributed Learning

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    Distributed learning systems have enabled training large-scale models over large amount of data in significantly shorter time. In this paper, we focus on decentralized distributed deep learning systems and aim to achieve differential privacy with good convergence rate and low communication cost. To achieve this goal, we propose a new learning algorithm LEASGD (Leader-Follower Elastic Averaging Stochastic Gradient Descent), which is driven by a novel Leader-Follower topology and a differential privacy model.We provide a theoretical analysis of the convergence rate and the trade-off between the performance and privacy in the private setting.The experimental results show that LEASGD outperforms state-of-the-art decentralized learning algorithm DPSGD by achieving steadily lower loss within the same iterations and by reducing the communication cost by 30%. In addition, LEASGD spends less differential privacy budget and has higher final accuracy result than DPSGD under private setting

    Attacks on Robust Distributed Learning Schemes via Sensitivity Curve Maximization

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    Distributed learning paradigms, such as federated or decentralized learning, allow a collection of agents to solve global learning and optimization problems through limited local interactions. Most such strategies rely on a mixture of local adaptation and aggregation steps, either among peers or at a central fusion center. Classically, aggregation in distributed learning is based on averaging, which is statistically efficient, but susceptible to attacks by even a small number of malicious agents. This observation has motivated a number of recent works, which develop robust aggregation schemes by employing robust variations of the mean. We present a new attack based on sensitivity curve maximization (SCM), and demonstrate that it is able to disrupt existing robust aggregation schemes by injecting small, but effective perturbations
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