3 research outputs found

    A proposed computer vision model for running gait assessment

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    Running gait assessment is critical in performance optimization and injury prevention. Traditional approaches to running gait assessment are inhibited by unnatural running environments (e.g., indoor lab), varied assessor (i.e., subjective experience) and high costs with traditional reference standard equipment. Thus, development of valid, reproduceable and low-cost approaches are key. Use of wearables such as inertial measurement units have shown promise but despite their flexible use in any environment and reduced cost, they often retain complexities such as connectivity to mobile platforms and stringent attachment protocols. Here, we propose a non-wearable camera-based approach to running gait assessment, focusing on identification of initial contact events within a runner's stride. We investigated different artificial intelligence and object tracking approaches to determine the optimal methodology. A cohort of 40 healthy runners were video recorded (240FPS, multi-angle) during 2-minute running bouts on a treadmill. Validation of the proposed approach is obtained from comparison to manually labelled videos. The computing vision approach can accurately identify initial contact events (ICC(2,1) = 0.902)

    Relative Pose Estimation Algorithm with Gyroscope Sensor

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    This paper proposes a novel vision and inertial fusion algorithm S2fM (Simplified Structure from Motion) for camera relative pose estimation. Different from current existing algorithms, our algorithm estimates rotation parameter and translation parameter separately. S2fM employs gyroscopes to estimate camera rotation parameter, which is later fused with the image data to estimate camera translation parameter. Our contributions are in two aspects. (1) Under the circumstance that no inertial sensor can estimate accurately enough translation parameter, we propose a translation estimation algorithm by fusing gyroscope sensor and image data. (2) Our S2fM algorithm is efficient and suitable for smart devices. Experimental results validate efficiency of the proposed S2fM algorithm

    Camera Pose Estimation of a Smartphone at a Field without Interest Points

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