3 research outputs found

    Calibrated Surrogate Maximization of Linear-fractional Utility in Binary Classification

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    Complex classification performance metrics such as the Fβ{}_\beta-measure and Jaccard index are often used, in order to handle class-imbalanced cases such as information retrieval and image segmentation. These performance metrics are not decomposable, that is, they cannot be expressed in a per-example manner, which hinders a straightforward application of M-estimation widely used in supervised learning. In this paper, we consider linear-fractional metrics, which are a family of classification performance metrics that encompasses many standard ones such as the Fβ{}_\beta-measure and Jaccard index, and propose methods to directly maximize performances under those metrics. A clue to tackle their direct optimization is a calibrated surrogate utility, which is a tractable lower bound of the true utility function representing a given metric. We characterize sufficient conditions which make the surrogate maximization coincide with the maximization of the true utility. Simulation results on benchmark datasets validate the effectiveness of our calibrated surrogate maximization especially if the sample sizes are extremely small.Comment: AISTATS2020 camera ready submissio

    Calibrated Surrogate Losses for Adversarially Robust Classification

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    Adversarially robust classification seeks a classifier that is insensitive to adversarial perturbations of test patterns. This problem is often formulated via a minimax objective, where the target loss is the worst-case value of the 0-1 loss subject to a bound on the size of perturbation. Recent work has proposed convex surrogates for the adversarial 0-1 loss, in an effort to make optimization more tractable. In this work, we consider the question of which surrogate losses are calibrated with respect to the adversarial 0-1 loss, meaning that minimization of the former implies minimization of the latter. We show that no convex surrogate loss is calibrated with respect to the adversarial 0-1 loss when restricted to the class of linear models. We further introduce a class of nonconvex losses and offer necessary and sufficient conditions for losses in this class to be calibrated.Comment: COLT2020 (to appear); 43 pages, 21 figure

    Classification with Rejection Based on Cost-sensitive Classification

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    The goal of classification with rejection is to avoid risky misclassification in error-critical applications such as medical diagnosis and product inspection. In this paper, based on the relationship between classification with rejection and cost-sensitive classification, we propose a novel method of classification with rejection by learning an ensemble of cost-sensitive classifiers, which satisfies all the following properties: (i) it can avoid estimating class-posterior probabilities, resulting in improved classification accuracy, (ii) it allows a flexible choice of losses including non-convex ones, (iii) it does not require complicated modifications when using different losses, (iv) it is applicable to both binary and multiclass cases, and (v) it is theoretically justifiable for any classification-calibrated loss. Experimental results demonstrate the usefulness of our proposed approach in clean-labeled, noisy-labeled, and positive-unlabeled classification.Comment: 40 pages. Added the discussion of the recent work by Gangrade et al. (2021) at the end of Section 3.4, where the idea of constructing cost-sensitive classifiers for classification with rejection has also been explored in a different framework of classification with rejection (where the goal is not minimizing the 0-1-c risk as in our paper