2 research outputs found

    Calendar Graph Neural Networks for Modeling Time Structures in Spatiotemporal User Behaviors

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    User behavior modeling is important for industrial applications such as demographic attribute prediction, content recommendation, and target advertising. Existing methods represent behavior log as a sequence of adopted items and find sequential patterns; however, concrete location and time information in the behavior log, reflecting dynamic and periodic patterns, joint with the spatial dimension, can be useful for modeling users and predicting their characteristics. In this work, we propose a novel model based on graph neural networks for learning user representations from spatiotemporal behavior data. A behavior log comprises a sequence of sessions; and a session has a location, start time, end time, and a sequence of adopted items. Our model's architecture incorporates two networked structures. One is a tripartite network of items, sessions, and locations. The other is a hierarchical calendar network of hour, week, and weekday nodes. It first aggregates embeddings of location and items into session embeddings via the tripartite network, and then generates user embeddings from the session embeddings via the calendar structure. The user embeddings preserve spatial patterns and temporal patterns of a variety of periodicity (e.g., hourly, weekly, and weekday patterns). It adopts the attention mechanism to model complex interactions among the multiple patterns in user behaviors. Experiments on real datasets (i.e., clicks on news articles in a mobile app) show our approach outperforms strong baselines for predicting missing demographic attributes

    Learning Attribute-Structure Co-Evolutions in Dynamic Graphs

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    Most graph neural network models learn embeddings of nodes in static attributed graphs for predictive analysis. Recent attempts have been made to learn temporal proximity of the nodes. We find that real dynamic attributed graphs exhibit complex co-evolution of node attributes and graph structure. Learning node embeddings for forecasting change of node attributes and birth and death of links over time remains an open problem. In this work, we present a novel framework called CoEvoGNN for modeling dynamic attributed graph sequence. It preserves the impact of earlier graphs on the current graph by embedding generation through the sequence. It has a temporal self-attention mechanism to model long-range dependencies in the evolution. Moreover, CoEvoGNN optimizes model parameters jointly on two dynamic tasks, attribute inference and link prediction over time. So the model can capture the co-evolutionary patterns of attribute change and link formation. This framework can adapt to any graph neural algorithms so we implemented and investigated three methods based on it: CoEvoGCN, CoEvoGAT, and CoEvoSAGE. Experiments demonstrate the framework (and its methods) outperform strong baselines on predicting an entire unseen graph snapshot of personal attributes and interpersonal links in dynamic social graphs and financial graphs