1,225 research outputs found

    Dependence of Supertropical Eigenspaces

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    We study the pathology that causes tropical eigenspaces of distinct supertropical eigenvalues of a nonsingular matrix AA, to be dependent. We show that in lower dimensions the eigenvectors of distinct eigenvalues are independent, as desired. The index set that differentiates between subsequent essential monomials of the characteristic polynomial, yields an eigenvalue λ\lambda, and corresponds to the columns of the eigenmatrix A+λIA+\lambda I from which the eigenvectors are taken. We ascertain the cause for failure in higher dimensions, and prove that independence of the eigenvectors is recovered in case a certain "difference criterion" holds, defined in terms of disjoint differences between index sets of subsequent coefficients. We conclude by considering the eigenvectors of the matrix A^\nabla : = \det(A)^{-1}\adj(A) and the connection of the independence question to generalized eigenvectors.Comment: The first author is sported by the French Chateaubriand grant and INRIA postdoctoral fellowshi

    A Self-learning Algebraic Multigrid Method for Extremal Singular Triplets and Eigenpairs

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    A self-learning algebraic multigrid method for dominant and minimal singular triplets and eigenpairs is described. The method consists of two multilevel phases. In the first, multiplicative phase (setup phase), tentative singular triplets are calculated along with a multigrid hierarchy of interpolation operators that approximately fit the tentative singular vectors in a collective and self-learning manner, using multiplicative update formulas. In the second, additive phase (solve phase), the tentative singular triplets are improved up to the desired accuracy by using an additive correction scheme with fixed interpolation operators, combined with a Ritz update. A suitable generalization of the singular value decomposition is formulated that applies to the coarse levels of the multilevel cycles. The proposed algorithm combines and extends two existing multigrid approaches for symmetric positive definite eigenvalue problems to the case of dominant and minimal singular triplets. Numerical tests on model problems from different areas show that the algorithm converges to high accuracy in a modest number of iterations, and is flexible enough to deal with a variety of problems due to its self-learning properties.Comment: 29 page

    M-tensors and The Positive Definiteness of a Multivariate Form

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    We study M-tensors and various properties of M-tensors are given. Specially, we show that the smallest real eigenvalue of M-tensor is positive corresponding to a nonnegative eigenvector. We propose an algorithm to find the smallest positive eigenvalue and then apply the property to study the positive definiteness of a multivariate form