1 research outputs found

    CSCT - Computer supported cooperative teaching

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    Personal tablet style devices are projected to become a sta- ple in classroom settings due to their increasing capabili- Ties, improving affordability, portability, weight and ability to hold the texts a student might need. However, these de- vices are not islands of computing and storage and instead represent a display ecosystem which can support new forms of interaction, teaching, planning, coordination and hence learning. In this paper, we describe CSCT - Computer Sup- ported Cooperative Teaching, a system to allow teachers in a one-tablet-per-child classroom to gain valuable feedback from their students, making the classroom more effective and allowing teachers to create lesson plans that more accu- rately reects the learners abilities. We describe the design and motivation for such a system. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5.2 [Information interfaces and presentation]: Graph- ical user interfaces (GUI), User-centred design General Terms Classroom; Design; Tablets.</p