536 research outputs found

    CNN for Very Fast Ground Segmentation in Velodyne LiDAR Data

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    This paper presents a novel method for ground segmentation in Velodyne point clouds. We propose an encoding of sparse 3D data from the Velodyne sensor suitable for training a convolutional neural network (CNN). This general purpose approach is used for segmentation of the sparse point cloud into ground and non-ground points. The LiDAR data are represented as a multi-channel 2D signal where the horizontal axis corresponds to the rotation angle and the vertical axis the indexes channels (i.e. laser beams). Multiple topologies of relatively shallow CNNs (i.e. 3-5 convolutional layers) are trained and evaluated using a manually annotated dataset we prepared. The results show significant improvement of performance over the state-of-the-art method by Zhang et al. in terms of speed and also minor improvements in terms of accuracy.Comment: ICRA 2018 submissio

    CNN for IMU Assisted Odometry Estimation using Velodyne LiDAR

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    We introduce a novel method for odometry estimation using convolutional neural networks from 3D LiDAR scans. The original sparse data are encoded into 2D matrices for the training of proposed networks and for the prediction. Our networks show significantly better precision in the estimation of translational motion parameters comparing with state of the art method LOAM, while achieving real-time performance. Together with IMU support, high quality odometry estimation and LiDAR data registration is realized. Moreover, we propose alternative CNNs trained for the prediction of rotational motion parameters while achieving results also comparable with state of the art. The proposed method can replace wheel encoders in odometry estimation or supplement missing GPS data, when the GNSS signal absents (e.g. during the indoor mapping). Our solution brings real-time performance and precision which are useful to provide online preview of the mapping results and verification of the map completeness in real time

    SqueezeSeg: Convolutional Neural Nets with Recurrent CRF for Real-Time Road-Object Segmentation from 3D LiDAR Point Cloud

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    In this paper, we address semantic segmentation of road-objects from 3D LiDAR point clouds. In particular, we wish to detect and categorize instances of interest, such as cars, pedestrians and cyclists. We formulate this problem as a point- wise classification problem, and propose an end-to-end pipeline called SqueezeSeg based on convolutional neural networks (CNN): the CNN takes a transformed LiDAR point cloud as input and directly outputs a point-wise label map, which is then refined by a conditional random field (CRF) implemented as a recurrent layer. Instance-level labels are then obtained by conventional clustering algorithms. Our CNN model is trained on LiDAR point clouds from the KITTI dataset, and our point-wise segmentation labels are derived from 3D bounding boxes from KITTI. To obtain extra training data, we built a LiDAR simulator into Grand Theft Auto V (GTA-V), a popular video game, to synthesize large amounts of realistic training data. Our experiments show that SqueezeSeg achieves high accuracy with astonishingly fast and stable runtime (8.7 ms per frame), highly desirable for autonomous driving applications. Furthermore, additionally training on synthesized data boosts validation accuracy on real-world data. Our source code and synthesized data will be open-sourced

    Training a Fast Object Detector for LiDAR Range Images Using Labeled Data from Sensors with Higher Resolution

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    In this paper, we describe a strategy for training neural networks for object detection in range images obtained from one type of LiDAR sensor using labeled data from a different type of LiDAR sensor. Additionally, an efficient model for object detection in range images for use in self-driving cars is presented. Currently, the highest performing algorithms for object detection from LiDAR measurements are based on neural networks. Training these networks using supervised learning requires large annotated datasets. Therefore, most research using neural networks for object detection from LiDAR point clouds is conducted on a very small number of publicly available datasets. Consequently, only a small number of sensor types are used. We use an existing annotated dataset to train a neural network that can be used with a LiDAR sensor that has a lower resolution than the one used for recording the annotated dataset. This is done by simulating data from the lower resolution LiDAR sensor based on the higher resolution dataset. Furthermore, improvements to models that use LiDAR range images for object detection are presented. The results are validated using both simulated sensor data and data from an actual lower resolution sensor mounted to a research vehicle. It is shown that the model can detect objects from 360{\deg} range images in real time

    Deconvolutional networks for point-cloud vehicle detection and tracking in driving scenarios

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Vehicle detection and tracking is a core ingredient for developing autonomous driving applications in urban scenarios. Recent image-based Deep Learning (DL) techniques are obtaining breakthrough results in these perceptive tasks. However, DL research has not yet advanced much towards processing 3D point clouds from lidar range-finders. These sensors are very common in autonomous vehicles since, despite not providing as semantically rich information as images, their performance is more robust under harsh weather conditions than vision sensors. In this paper we present a full vehicle detection and tracking system that works with 3D lidar information only. Our detection step uses a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) that receives as input a featured representation of the 3D information provided by a Velodyne HDL-64 sensor and returns a per-point classification of whether it belongs to a vehicle or not. The classified point cloud is then geometrically processed to generate observations for a multi-object tracking system implemented via a number of Multi-Hypothesis Extended Kalman Filters (MH-EKF) that estimate the position and velocity of the surrounding vehicles. The system is thoroughly evaluated on the KITTI tracking dataset, and we show the performance boost provided by our CNN-based vehicle detector over a standard geometric approach. Our lidar-based approach uses about a 4% of the data needed for an image-based detector with similarly competitive results.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    3D Object Detection Via 2D LiDAR Corrected Pseudo LiDAR Point Clouds

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    The age of automation has led to significant research in the field of Machine Learning and Computer Vision. Computer Vision tasks fundamentally rely on information from digital images, videos, texts and sensors to build intelligent systems. In recent times, deep neural networks combined with computer vision algorithms have been successful in developing 2D object detection methods with a potential to be applied in real-time systems. However, performing fast and accurate 3D object detection is still a challenging problem. The automotive industry is shifting gears towards building electric vehicles, connected cars, sustainable vehicles and is expected to have a high growth potential in the coming years. 3D object detection is a critical task for autonomous driving vehicles and robots as it helps moving objects in the scene to effectively plan their motion around other objects. 3D object detection tasks leverage image data from camera and/or 3D point clouds obtained from expensive 3D LiDAR sensors to achieve high detection accuracy. The 3D LiDAR sensor provides accurate depth information that is required to estimate the third dimension of the objects in the scene. Typically, a 64 beam LiDAR sensor mounted on a self-driving car cost around $75000. In this thesis, we propose a cost-effective approach for 3D object detection using a low-cost 2D LiDAR sensor. We collectively use the single beam point cloud data from 2D LiDAR for depth correction in pseudo-LiDAR. The proposed methods are tested on the KITTI 3D object detection dataset
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