4 research outputs found

    Embedding Graphs into Embedded Graphs

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    A (possibly degenerate) drawing of a graph G in the plane is approximable by an embedding if it can be turned into an embedding by an arbitrarily small perturbation. We show that testing, whether a drawing of a planar graph G in the plane is approximable by an embedding, can be carried out in polynomial time, if a desired embedding of G belongs to a fixed isotopy class, i.e., the rotation system (or equivalently the faces) of the embedding of G and the choice of outer face are fixed. In other words, we show that c-planarity with embedded pipes is tractable for graphs with fixed embeddings. To the best of our knowledge an analogous result was previously known essentially only when G is a cycle

    Subexponential-Time and FPT Algorithms for Embedded Flat Clustered Planarity

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    The C-Planarity problem asks for a drawing of a clustered graph\textit{clustered graph}, i.e., a graph whose vertices belong to properly nested clusters, in which each cluster is represented by a simple closed region with no edge-edge crossings, no region-region crossings, and no unnecessary edge-region crossings. We study C-Planarity for embedded flat clustered graphs\textit{embedded flat clustered graphs}, graphs with a fixed combinatorial embedding whose clusters partition the vertex set. Our main result is a subexponential-time algorithm to test C-Planarity for these graphs when their face size is bounded. Furthermore, we consider a variation of the notion of embedded tree decomposition\textit{embedded tree decomposition} in which, for each face, including the outer face, there is a bag that contains every vertex of the face. We show that C-Planarity is fixed-parameter tractable with the embedded-width of the underlying graph and the number of disconnected clusters as parameters.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure