505 research outputs found

    Colombian business and logistics environment by the year 2020

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    This thesis aimed to provide information on Colombia’s business and trading environment for companies interested in the market. The main focus of the analysis was on logistics performance. To put Colombia’s business and logistics environment in perspective, its performance was compared with that of its Latin American peers. An important concept for the context of this thesis is trade and transport facilitation (TTF), which means improving efficiency and reducing costs of moving goods across borders. This notion as well as indicators for assessing countries’ TTF performance are introduced in the theoretical framework. Also, studies on determinants of logistics performance are reviewed. Two types of factors were identified to affect countries’ logistics performance: infrastructure and institutional quality. These two types of indicators were used in the analysis of this thesis. The research approach selected for this study is descriptive and qualitative, as the objective was to create a comprehensive description of the Colombian business environment. The analysis consists of an outlook on Colombia’s economy and transport sector as well as on TTF performance in international evaluations. The research data included reports, statistics, and international rankings. The research framework is unique because it combines a transport sector analysis with a greater number of TTF indicators than seen in previous studies. The analysis covering data till the year 2020 showed that despite being ranked as one of the best business environments in Latin America, Colombia’s competitiveness is hindered by poor road and railway infrastructure, border management issues, corruption and insecurity. In turn, connectedness by air and sea as well as seaport infrastructure are very good. The US market is easily reached by air. Colombia enjoys the advantage of having access to both the Atlantic and the Pacific. It also has an extensive system of navigable rivers. However, port infrastructure in the Pacific is underdeveloped and rivers are currently not used at their full potential. Significant infrastructure projects have been planned for the 2020s, including increasing the cargo capacity of the rivers and developing inactive railways to create efficient intermodal transport corridors.Työn tarkoitus oli antaa Kolumbian markkinoista kiinnostuneille yrityksille tietoa maan liiketoimintaympäristöstä erityisesti logistiikan näkökulmasta. Jotta Kolumbiaa voitaisiin tarkastella kontekstissaan, maata verrattiin latinalaisamerikkalaisiin verrokkimaihin. Aiheen kannalta merkittävä käsite on trade and transport facilitation (TTF) eli kansainvälisen kaupan ja kuljetusten edistäminen, millä tarkoitetaan rajat ylittävien kuljetusten tehokkuuden parantamista ja kustannusten pienentämistä. Tämä käsite sekä valtioiden edistymistä alalla arvioivat mittarit ovat pääosassa työn teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä. Lisäksi tarkastellaan aiempia tutkimuksia logistiikan suorituskyvystä. Tutkimuskirjallisuudesta voitiin tunnistaa kaksi tekijää, jotka vaikuttavat maiden logistiikan suorituskykyyn: kuljetusinfrastruktuuri ja instituutiot. Näiden tekijöiden laatua mittaavia indikaattoreita käytettiin tässä tutkimuksessa liiketoiminta- ja logistiikkaympäristön analysoimiseen. Tutkimusote on deskriptiivinen ja kvalitatiivinen, sillä tavoite oli laatia yksityiskohtainen kuvaus Kolumbian liiketoimintaympäristöstä logistiikan näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen viitekehys on ainutlaatuinen, sillä Kolumbian ja verrokkimaiden arvioinnissa käytettiin useampia TTF-mittareita kuin aiemmissa tutkimuksissa. Lisäksi analyysia täydennettiin tarkemmalla katsauksella Kolumbian kuljetussektoriin. Tutkimusaineistona käytettiin lähinnä kansainvälisten järjestöjen ja Kolumbian ministeriöiden laatimia tilastoja, arviointityökaluja ja raportteja. Valtaosa tutkimusaineistosta ulottuu vuoteen 2020. Vaikka Kolumbian liiketoimintaympäristö on Latinalaisen Amerikan parhaita, maan heikkouksia ovat maantie- ja rautatieinfrastruktuuri, tullimuodollisuudet, korruptio ja rikollisuus. Lento- ja meriliikenneyhteydet sekä satamainfrastruktuuri sitä vastoin ovat ensiluokkaisia. Yhdysvaltain markkinat ovat nopeiden lentoyhteyksien päässä. Kolumbialla on etunaan myös sekä Atlantille että Tyynellemerelle ulottuva rannikko ja laaja jokiverkosto. Tyynenmeren puoleinen infrastruktuuri on kuitenkin puutteellinen eikä jokien tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia ole täysin hyödynnetty. Mittavia projekteja on kuitenkin suunniteltu toteutettavaksi 2020-luvulla, kuten jokien kuljetuskapasiteetin lisääminen sekä käytöstä poistettujen rautatieosuuksien käyttöönotto intermodaalikuljetusten tehostamiseksi

    Djibouti could be the next Singapore

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    Djibouti’s strategic location means that, despite its size, it matters not only to the African continent but to the world economy. With the right policies, this country on the Horn of Africa could be the next Singapore or Dubai, a global business and logistics superhub

    Comparing and modeling land use organization in cities

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    The advent of geolocated ICT technologies opens the possibility of exploring how people use space in cities, bringing an important new tool for urban scientists and planners, especially for regions where data is scarce or not available. Here we apply a functional network approach to determine land use patterns from mobile phone records. The versatility of the method allows us to run a systematic comparison between Spanish cities of various sizes. The method detects four major land use types that correspond to different temporal patterns. The proportion of these types, their spatial organization and scaling show a strong similarity between all cities that breaks down at a very local scale, where land use mixing is specific to each urban area. Finally, we introduce a model inspired by Schelling's segregation, able to explain and reproduce these results with simple interaction rules between different land uses.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures + Supplementary informatio

    Individual Professional Practice in the Company

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    Tato bakalářská práce vychází z mé praxe u firmy Kvados, a. s.. Společnost vytváří software pro řízení obchodu, logistiky a vnitrofiremních procesů, který je uplatňován po celém světě. Práce popisuje vývojové metody a technologie, se kterými jsem se v průběhu praxe setkala, a můj podíl při vývoji webové aplikace myTeam, která slouží pro zautomatizování vnitrofiremních procesů.This bachelor thesis is based on my professional practice at Kvados, a. s. The company creates software solutions that focus mainly on project management and business and logistics processes. The bachelor thesis describes development methods and technologies which I have been using during the professional practice, and my contribution to development of web application myTeam, which helps with automation of company’s internal processes.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Transitioning by Degrees: Becoming a subject librarian through advanced education

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    This paper examines on librarian’s path from generalist librarian to subject specialist, with a focus on the value of additional advanced subject degrees in relationship to this work. Following the author’s career path from MLS to Business Librarian at a public university, the conversation also examines attitudes, perceptions, and frequency of additional advanced degrees in the literature

    Risk management of business and logistics integration in Company M

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    商贸和物流是全球供应链中国际采购环节的重要组成部分。但在传统的供应链中,物流过程往往被分布在企业不同的职能部门,经常会造成供给不协调的现象。最常见的便是国际采购活动中产生的、与物流相关的经营风险,尤其是货权风险案件此起彼伏,造成了不可避免的损失,也成为商贸物流环节中亟待解决的重要问题。 本文通过整理各类风险识别和管控的方法,针对M公司商贸物流一体化发展过程中出现的货权风险进行识别、管控,旨在建立有效的内外部风险管控机制,以减少货权风险,减少企业因货权纠纷导致的经济损失。 论文的研究内容包括了风险源的识别和评估,以及风险应对策略的建立。分析整理了M公司国际采购代理的流程,采用风险矩阵分析法识...Trade and logistics are two important parts in the global supply chain. In traditional supply chain, the logistics process often spreads over different functional departments, and causes uncoordinated situations in logistics frequently. The most common case is the operational risks related to commercial activities and logistics, especially on the cargo rights, which has become an important and urg...学位:工程管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工程管理硕士学号:1772013115112

    Personal and Group Identity [9th grade]

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    This unit is designed to purposefully set the tone of the classroom at the beginning of the year. As the year begins, I often get sidetracked with the business of starting a school year and the important process of orienting with the classroom, the teacher, and each other gets pushed aside. This unit is designed with the flexibility needed to allow for the business and logistics of the beginning of the year. It is also designed to allow for schedule changes. A student who enters the classroom after the first day will not be lost or behind. The unit is cohesive, but flexible and provides a plan for bringing students together and setting the tone for the year. The overarching goal for the unit is for students to get to know one another and to discover what their role in the classroom is for the year. The unit incorporates reading, writing, and communicating in order to determine students\u27 knowledge and skill levels

    Economic determinants of national carbon emissions: perspectives from 119 countries

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    The study aims to analyze the economic determinants of national carbon emissions in a large cross-section of 119 countries. The study followed the ‘theory of sustainable development’ to assess the national sustainable developmental agenda. The study employed cross-sectional, robust least squares, and Markov switching regression for parameter estimates. The findings indicate that information disclosure, the cost of business start-up procedures, sustainable fuel imports, and renewable energy decrease emissions stock. In contrast, ease of doing business and logistics operations increase it. According to the ex-ante analysis, information disclosure, the cost of business start-up procedures, and environmentally friendly logistical operations would likely reduce emissions stock. Ease of doing business and lower renewable fuel expenditures will almost certainly increase emissions stock in the majority of subsequent years. Over time, information disclosure is expected to significantly impact carbon emissions, followed by renewable energy consumption, doing business, and logistical operations. Sustainable economic policies worldwide make it possible for green technology and environmentally friendly manufacturing to be put into place

    Electronic Commerce Teaching Resources Platform Construction Solution Study

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    The paper proposes the solution to teaching resource application platform that applies to electronic commerce teaching. Electronic commerce teaching resource platform system includes hardware system structure and software system structure. It is an open approach based on B/S mode that provides each faculty with local and remote teaching resources via Intranet/Internet and booming cloud technology. It establishes inner- and inter-scholastic supporting teaching resource library to meet the demands in teaching practices, and includes functions such as theory teaching, practice teaching, skill practice, entrepreneurial internship, teaching resource service, laboratory management, teaching management, teacher-student interaction and etc. The paper combines the comprehensive teaching resource platform construction practices of modern business and logistics in Beijing Youth Politics College, and puts forward opinions on and solutions to construction scheme of electronic commerce laboratory and teaching resource system in colleges and universities, including construction purpose, system structure, network laboratory composition, teaching function, function of teaching resource library contents and other aspects. Besides, it proposes the basic solutions to experimental teaching platform, teaching management platform, practice and entrepreneurial platform and teaching resource library construction