72 research outputs found

    Integrating body scanning solutions into virtual dressing rooms

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    The world is entering its 4th Industrial Revolution, a new era of manufacturing characterized by ubiquitous digitization and computing. One industry to benefit and grow from this revolution is the fashion industry, in which Europe (and Italy in particular) has long maintained a global lead. To evolve with the changes in technology, we developed the IT- SHIRT project. In the context of this project, a key challenge relies on developing a virtual dressing room in which the final users (customers) can virtually try different clothes on their bodies. In this paper, we tackle the aforementioned issue by providing a critical analysis of the existing body scanning solutions, identifying their strengths and weaknesses towards their integration within the pipeline of virtual dressing rooms

    Point Pair Feature based Object Detection for Random Bin Picking

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    Point pair features are a popular representation for free form 3D object detection and pose estimation. In this paper, their performance in an industrial random bin picking context is investigated. A new method to generate representative synthetic datasets is proposed. This allows to investigate the influence of a high degree of clutter and the presence of self similar features, which are typical to our application. We provide an overview of solutions proposed in literature and discuss their strengths and weaknesses. A simple heuristic method to drastically reduce the computational complexity is introduced, which results in improved robustness, speed and accuracy compared to the naive approach

    Mutual Alignment Transfer Learning

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    Training robots for operation in the real world is a complex, time consuming and potentially expensive task. Despite significant success of reinforcement learning in games and simulations, research in real robot applications has not been able to match similar progress. While sample complexity can be reduced by training policies in simulation, such policies can perform sub-optimally on the real platform given imperfect calibration of model dynamics. We present an approach -- supplemental to fine tuning on the real robot -- to further benefit from parallel access to a simulator during training and reduce sample requirements on the real robot. The developed approach harnesses auxiliary rewards to guide the exploration for the real world agent based on the proficiency of the agent in simulation and vice versa. In this context, we demonstrate empirically that the reciprocal alignment for both agents provides further benefit as the agent in simulation can adjust to optimize its behaviour for states commonly visited by the real-world agent

    Combining Physical Simulators and Object-Based Networks for Control

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    Physics engines play an important role in robot planning and control; however, many real-world control problems involve complex contact dynamics that cannot be characterized analytically. Most physics engines therefore employ . approximations that lead to a loss in precision. In this paper, we propose a hybrid dynamics model, simulator-augmented interaction networks (SAIN), combining a physics engine with an object-based neural network for dynamics modeling. Compared with existing models that are purely analytical or purely data-driven, our hybrid model captures the dynamics of interacting objects in a more accurate and data-efficient manner.Experiments both in simulation and on a real robot suggest that it also leads to better performance when used in complex control tasks. Finally, we show that our model generalizes to novel environments with varying object shapes and materials.Comment: ICRA 2019; Project page: http://sain.csail.mit.ed
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