2 research outputs found

    Building High Assurance Secure Applications using Security Patterns for Capability-Based Platforms

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    Abstract β€” Building high assurance secure applications requires the proper use of security mechanisms and assurances provided by the underlying secure platform. However, applications are often built using security patterns and best practices that are agnostic with respect to the intricate specifics of the different underlying platforms. This independence from the underlying platform leaves a gap between security patterns and underlying secure platforms. In this PhD research abstract, we propose a novel approach to bridge this gap. Specifically, we propose reusable capability-specific design fragments for security patterns, which are specialization for patterns in a capabilitybased system. The focus is on systems that adhere to a capabilitybased security model, which we consider as the underlying platforms, to provide desired application-wide security properties. We also discuss assumptions and levels of assurance for these reusable designs and their use in the verification of application designs

    Building High Assurance Secure Applications using Security Patterns for Capability-based Platforms

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    Building a secure software system is difficult and requires significant expertise and effort. A secure system requires a secure design, a secure implementation of that design, and a secure platform on which the implementation executes. Furthermore, it must also provide assurances about its security properties. Security patterns have been proposed to help the design of secure systems. However, security patterns are written independently of the specifics of the underlying platforms. This leaves a gap between security patterns and the underlying platform. Furthermore, composition of security patterns is challenging because each pattern uses different design elements and may target different security requirements. The aim of this research is to improve our understanding of the design of high assurance secure applications. The main contributions of this thesis are a pattern-based composition approach to incrementally build and verify application designs. The approach reuses security knowledge from security patterns, and security mechanisms from secure underlying platforms. I propose the concept of a design fragment as an instantiation of a security pattern for a specific platform. This allows for design-level verification to provide assurance about security properties. Six primitive operations are provided for composition and are proven to preserve confidentiality. A collection of 279 security patterns from existing literature is synthesized. Each pattern is defined in a new security pattern template which is based on previous pattern templates. The contributions are evaluated using two case studies from different domains, a Continuous Deployment (CD) pipeline and an electricity Smart Meter. These case studies show that the approach applies across different domains. The design fragments and their verification procedures are reusable and the composition tactics are sufficient to express steps in the design of a secure software system