4 research outputs found

    Towards a Personalized Assistance in Distributed Group Facilitation

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    With the advancement of group decision support systems (GDSS), facilitation has been regarded as one of the most important means in enhancing the outcome of group decisions. Many researchers have spent great efforts in creating useful methodologies and techniques to better support group facilitation. However, most of the research in the current literature deals more with facilitation targeted at a group-level than an individual level. With the increasingly available personalization techniques found in e-commerce, personalized facilitation seems to be a natural direction in group system facilitation research to deal with the needs of individual members for the overall gain of the group. In this paper, we address the needs for personalized facilitation in the context of the “EasyWinWin” framework in software requirements analysis by proposing a conceptual framework of personalized facilitation, developing a system architecture towards personalized facilitation and identifying key functions for a personalized facilitation system

    An analysis framework for CSCW systems

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    Software toolkits are under development to help construct applications that support group-working. Toolkit developers adopt different approaches to group-work support in order to tackle different issues and a toolkit is commonly characterised by the approach adopted. It is difficult to compare toolkits because of this lack of apparent commonality and it is difficult to decide which toolkits meet specific application requirements. [Continues.

    Building Flexible Groupware Through Open Protocols

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    This paper presents a technical approach to building flexible groupware applications. Flexibility provides the promise of personalizable groupware, allowing different groups to work with the system in diverse ways which best suit the group's own needs. An implementation technique called open protocols is described, which is a variation of client/server architectures. Open protocols facilitate the addition of group-specific modules long after the system has been created. Three examples illustrating the use of open protocols are presented: floor control, conference registration, and brainstorming. Finally, a number of issues facing the groupware developer using open protocols are addressed, along with strategies that can help in dealing with these issues

    Towards self-optimizing frameworks for collaborative systems

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    Two important performance metrics in collaborative systems are local and remote response times. For certain classes of applications, it is possible to meet response time requirements better than existing systems through a new system without requiring hardware, network, or user-interface changes. This self-optimizing system improves response times by automatically making runtime adjustments to three aspects of a collaborative application. One of these aspects is the collaboration architecture. Previous work has shown that dynamically switching architectures at runtime can improve response times; however, no previous work performs the switch automatically. The thesis shows that (a) another important performance parameter is whether multicast or unicast is used to transmit commands, and (b) response times can be noticeably better with multicast than with unicast when transmission costs are high. Traditional architectures, however, support only unicast - a computer that processes input commands must also transmit commands to all other computers. To support multicast, a new bi-architecture model of collaborative systems is introduced in which two separate architectures govern the processing and transmission tasks that each computer must perform. The thesis also shows that another important performance aspect is the order in which a computer performs these tasks. These tasks can be scheduled sequentially or concurrently on a single-core, or in parallel on multiple cores. As the thesis shows, existing single-core policies trade-off noticeable improvements in local (remote) for noticeable degradations in remote (local) response times. A new lazy policy for scheduling these tasks on a single-core is introduced that trades-off an unnoticeable degradation in performance of some users for a much larger noticeable improvement in performance of others. The thesis also shows that on multi-core devices, the tasks should always be scheduled on separate cores. The self-optimizing system adjusts the processing architecture, communication architecture, and scheduling policy based on response time predictions given by a new analytical model. Both the analytical model and the self-optimizing system are validated through simulations and experiments in practical scenarios