13 research outputs found

    Building factorized TAGs with meta-grammars

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    International audienceHighly compacted TAGs may be built by allowing subtree factorization operators within the elementary trees. While hand-crafting such trees remains possible, a better option arises from a coupling with meta-grammar descriptions. The approach has been validated by the development of FRMG, a wide-coverage French TAG of only 207 trees

    Building factorized TAGs with meta-grammars

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    International audienceHighly compacted TAGs may be built by allowing subtree factorization operators within the elementary trees. While hand-crafting such trees remains possible, a better option arises from a coupling with meta-grammar descriptions. The approach has been validated by the development of FRMG, a wide-coverage French TAG of only 207 trees

    Intégration des données d'un lexique syntaxique dans un analyseur syntaxique probabiliste

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    ISBN : 978-2-7453-2512-9International audienceThis article reports the evaluation of the integration of data from a syntactic-semantic lexicon, the Lexicon-Grammar of French, into a syntactic parser. We show that by changing the set of labels for verbs and predicational nouns, we can improve the performance on French of a non-lexicalized probabilistic parser

    Convertir des dérivations TAG en dépendances

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    International audienceLes structures de dĂ©pendances syntaxiques sont importantes et bien adaptĂ©es comme point de dĂ©part de diverses applications. Dans le cadre de l'analyseur TAG FRMG, nous prĂ©sentons les dĂ©tails d'un processus de conversion de forĂȘts partagĂ©es de dĂ©rivations en forĂȘts partagĂ©es de dĂ©pendances. Des Ă©lĂ©ments d'information sont fournis sur un algorithme de dĂ©sambiguisation sur ces forĂȘts de dĂ©pendances

    Towards an environment for the production and the validation of lexical semantic resources

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    International audienceWe present the components of a processing chain for the creation, visualization, and validation of lexical resources (formed of terms and relations between terms). The core of the chain is a component for building lexical networks relying on Harris' distributional hypothesis applied on the syntactic dependencies produced by the French parser FRMG on large corpora. Another important aspect concerns the use of an online interface for the visualization and collaborative validation of the resulting resources

    Encoding a syntactic dictionary into a super granular unification grammar

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    International audienceWe show how to turn a large-scale syntactic dictionary into a dependency-based unification grammar where each piece of lexical information calls a separate rule, yielding a super granular grammar. Subcategorization, raising and control verbs, auxiliaries and copula, passivization, and tough-movement are discussed. We focus on the semantics-syntax interface and offer a new perspective on syntactic structure

    High-level methodologies for grammar engineering, introduction to the special issue

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    Challenges of language change and variation: towards an extended treebank of Medieval French

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    International audienceIn order to automatically extend a treebank of Old French (9 th-13 th c.) with new texts in Old and Middle French (14 th-15 th c.), we need to adapt tools for syntactic annotation. However, these stages of French are subjected to great variation, and parsing historical texts remains an issue. We chose to adapt a symbolic system, the French Metagrammar (FRMG), and develop a lexicon comparable to the Lefff lexicon for Old and Middle French. The final goal of our project is to model the evolution of language through the whole period of Medieval French (9 th-15 th c.)

    Convertir des dérivations TAG en dépendances

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    International audienceLes structures de dĂ©pendances syntaxiques sont importantes et bien adaptĂ©es comme point de dĂ©part de diverses applications. Dans le cadre de l'analyseur TAG FRMG, nous prĂ©sentons les dĂ©tails d'un processus de conversion de forĂȘts partagĂ©es de dĂ©rivations en forĂȘts partagĂ©es de dĂ©pendances. Des Ă©lĂ©ments d'information sont fournis sur un algorithme de dĂ©sambiguisation sur ces forĂȘts de dĂ©pendances