1 research outputs found

    Building and interpreting term dependencies using association rules extracted from Galois lattices

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    This article deals with the text mining activity applied to technological watch. We focus on the extraction process of association rules using a Galois lattice and relate our experimentation on a corpora. The corpus is composed of abstracts of scientific texts extracted from a documentary database. The interpretation of the results is based upon an analysis of the different levels of the lattice as well as an analysis of the different interpretations associations rules can be assigned to. Introduction This article deals with the text mining activity applied to technological watch. We focus on the extraction process of association rules using a Galois lattice and relate our experimentation on a corpora. Our motivation for using this method relies upon three major points: - Galois lattices are formal structures, well adapted to the representation of objects and their logical properties make them very powerful methods; - the process uses a symbolic representation; it is traceable and ..