7 research outputs found

    Boundary regularity of stochastic PDEs

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    The boundary behaviour of solutions of stochastic PDEs with Dirichlet boundary conditions can be surprisingly - and in a sense, arbitrarily - bad: as shown by Krylov, for any α>0\alpha>0 one can find a simple 11-dimensional constant coefficient linear equation whose solution at the boundary is not α\alpha-H\"older continuous. We obtain a positive counterpart of this: under some mild regularity assumptions on the coefficients, solutions of semilinear SPDEs on C1C^1 domains are proved to be α\alpha-H\"older continuous up to the boundary with some α>0\alpha>0.Comment: 29 page

    Sharp regularity near an absorbing boundary for solutions to second order SPDEs in a half-line with constant coefficients

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    We prove that the weak version of the SPDE problem \begin{align*} dV_{t}(x) & = [-\mu V_{t}'(x) + \frac{1}{2} (\sigma_{M}^{2} + \sigma_{I}^{2})V_{t}"(x)]dt - \sigma_{M} V_{t}'(x)dW^{M}_{t}, \quad x > 0, \\ V_{t}(0) &= 0 \end{align*} with a specified bounded initial density, V0V_{0}, and WW a standard Brownian motion, has a unique solution in the class of finite-measure valued processes. The solution has a smooth density process which has a probabilistic representation and shows degeneracy near the absorbing boundary. In the language of weighted Sobolev spaces, we describe the precise order of integrability of the density and its derivatives near the origin, and we relate this behaviour to a two-dimensional Brownian motion in a wedge whose angle is a function of the ratio σM/σI\sigma_{M}/\sigma_{I}. Our results are sharp: we demonstrate that better regularity is unattainable

    Finite time extinction for the 1D stochastic porous medium equation with transport noise

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    We establish finite time extinction with probability one for weak solutions of the Cauchy-Dirichlet problem for the 1D stochastic porous medium equation with Stratonovich transport noise and compactly supported smooth initial datum. Heuristically, this is expected to hold because Brownian motion has average spread rate O(t12)O(t^\frac{1}{2}) whereas the support of solutions to the deterministic PME grows only with rate O(t1m+1)O(t^{\frac{1}{m{+}1}}). The rigorous proof relies on a contraction principle up to time-dependent shift for Wong-Zakai type approximations, the transformation to a deterministic PME with two copies of a Brownian path as the lateral boundary, and techniques from the theory of viscosity solutions.Comment: 38 page

    Finite time extinction for the 1D stochastic porous medium equation with transport noise

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    We establish finite time extinction with probability one for weak solutions of the Cauchy–Dirichlet problem for the 1D stochastic porous medium equation with Stratonovich transport noise and compactly supported smooth initial datum. Heuristically, this is expected to hold because Brownian motion has average spread rate O(t12) whereas the support of solutions to the deterministic PME grows only with rate O(t1m+1). The rigorous proof relies on a contraction principle up to time-dependent shift for Wong–Zakai type approximations, the transformation to a deterministic PME with two copies of a Brownian path as the lateral boundary, and techniques from the theory of viscosity solutions

    Nonlinear parabolic stochastic evolution equations in critical spaces Part I. Stochastic maximal regularity and local existence

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    In this paper we develop a new approach to nonlinear stochastic partial differential equations with Gaussian noise. Our aim is to provide an abstract framework which is applicable to a large class of SPDEs and includes many important cases of nonlinear parabolic problems which are of quasi- or semilinear type. This first part is on local existence and well-posedness. A second part in preparation is on blow-up criteria and regularization. Our theory is formulated in an LpL^p-setting, and because of this we can deal with nonlinearities in a very efficient way. Applications to several concrete problems and their quasilinear variants are given. This includes Burger's equation, the Allen-Cahn equation, the Cahn-Hilliard equation, reaction-diffusion equations, and the porous media equation. The interplay of the nonlinearities and the critical spaces of initial data leads to new results and insights for these SPDEs. The proofs are based on recent developments in maximal regularity theory for the linearized problem for deterministic and stochastic evolution equations. In particular, our theory can be seen as a stochastic version of the theory of critical spaces due to Pr\"uss-Simonett-Wilke (2018). Sharp weighted time-regularity allow us to deal with rough initial values and obtain instantaneous regularization results. The abstract well-posedness results are obtained by a combination of several sophisticated splitting and truncation arguments.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nonlinearit