3 research outputs found

    Delivery context negotiated by mobile agents using CC/PP

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    Our approach to content negotiation is a framework of mobile agents, where the agents can migrate from user devices to negotiation servers in order to get access to more resources. We took this approach and now we introduce new features in the architecture. The key idea is content customisation depending on device description with CC/PP (Composite Capability/Preference Profile). The objective is twofold. First, to improve consumer experience adjusting contents to consumption devices. Second, to rationalise network and device use spending only the necessary resources. Altogether, it is a new step in the direction marked by the use of mobile agents in mobile devices. This way, computation and bandwidth consumption can be moved out of mobile devices to network devices, where these resources are cheaper. Moreover, in contrast to direct browser-server content negotiation, our agent based negotiation framework provides independence between content negotiation and its consumption, i.e. content can be negotiated and experienced in different user devices, thus better adjusting to user preferences. All this would be especially relevant when third generation (3G) mobile devices are widely available and more sophisticated multimedia content is available in mobile delivery contexts

    Intellectual Property Rights Management Using a Semantic Web Information System

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    IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) Management is a complex domain. The IPR field is structured by evolving regulations, practises, business models,… Therefore, DRMS (Digital Rights Management Systems) are very difficult to develop and maintain. The NewMARS DRMS is our contribution to this field. A knowledge oriented approach has been chosen in order to make this development capable of dealing with this complicated domain. This requirement and the objective of easy Web integration have made the Semantic Web technologies the best choice. NewMARS is a semantics enabled metadata managing system. Metadata is associated to IPs (Intellectual Properties) using URIs and it is structured using web ontologies. There are descriptive, rights and e-commerce ontologies for the different views on IPs. Semantic enabled metadata is then used to facilitate content providers to publish intellectual properties offers and customers to find and automatically negotiate purchase conditions. All NewMARS modules are interrelated using the ontologies shared semantics. This has allowed developing very flexible project infrastructures that facilitates easy adaptation to new IP e-commerce scenarios.NewMARS is part of the Agent Web project, partly supported by the Spanish administration TIC 2002-01336 (http://dmag.upf.edu/newmars). The final part of the work presented was developed within VISNET, a European Network of Excellence (http://www.visnet-noe.org), funded under the European Commission IST FP6 program

    Brokerage of Intellectual Property Rights in the Semantic Web

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    Abstract. New approaches in the Web environment are underway. These new methodologies try to leverage it from an information medium to a knowledgeable level, from a machine point of view. This upgrade, mainly focused on improving Web automation capabilities, can solve some of the problems derived from its widespread adoption. Among them, the necessity of a framework to manage the enormous market of digitalised multimedia and to ensure that all the intervening actors get a satisfactory experience from the Internet adventure. An application under development is described and future plans in this direction are presented. A broker component has already been implemented applying a Semantic Web layered architecture. Its mission is to mediate in a restricted community of digital video providers and distributors, benefiting also final purchasers. The intention is to use it as a test bed for this promising initiative and its application in the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) domain.