43 research outputs found

    Faster Gossiping in Bidirectional Radio Networks with Large Labels

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    We consider unknown ad-hoc radio networks, when the underlying network is bidirectional and nodes can have polynomially large labels. For this model, we present a deterministic protocol for gossiping which takes O(nlg2nlglgn)O(n \lg^2 n \lg \lg n) rounds. This improves upon the previous best result for deterministic gossiping for this model by [Gasienec, Potapov, Pagourtizis, Deterministic Gossiping in Radio Networks with Large labels, ESA (2002)], who present a protocol of round complexity O(nlg3nlglgn)O(n \lg^3 n \lg \lg n) for this problem. This resolves open problem posed in [Gasienec, Efficient gossiping in radio networks, SIROCCO (2009)], who cite bridging gap between lower and upper bounds for this problem as an important objective. We emphasize that a salient feature of our protocol is its simplicity, especially with respect to the previous best known protocol for this problem

    Fast Structuring of Radio Networks for Multi-Message Communications

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    We introduce collision free layerings as a powerful way to structure radio networks. These layerings can replace hard-to-compute BFS-trees in many contexts while having an efficient randomized distributed construction. We demonstrate their versatility by using them to provide near optimal distributed algorithms for several multi-message communication primitives. Designing efficient communication primitives for radio networks has a rich history that began 25 years ago when Bar-Yehuda et al. introduced fast randomized algorithms for broadcasting and for constructing BFS-trees. Their BFS-tree construction time was O(Dlog2n)O(D \log^2 n) rounds, where DD is the network diameter and nn is the number of nodes. Since then, the complexity of a broadcast has been resolved to be TBC=Θ(DlognD+log2n)T_{BC} = \Theta(D \log \frac{n}{D} + \log^2 n) rounds. On the other hand, BFS-trees have been used as a crucial building block for many communication primitives and their construction time remained a bottleneck for these primitives. We introduce collision free layerings that can be used in place of BFS-trees and we give a randomized construction of these layerings that runs in nearly broadcast time, that is, w.h.p. in TLay=O(DlognD+log2+ϵn)T_{Lay} = O(D \log \frac{n}{D} + \log^{2+\epsilon} n) rounds for any constant ϵ>0\epsilon>0. We then use these layerings to obtain: (1) A randomized algorithm for gathering kk messages running w.h.p. in O(TLay+k)O(T_{Lay} + k) rounds. (2) A randomized kk-message broadcast algorithm running w.h.p. in O(TLay+klogn)O(T_{Lay} + k \log n) rounds. These algorithms are optimal up to the small difference in the additive poly-logarithmic term between TBCT_{BC} and TLayT_{Lay}. Moreover, they imply the first optimal O(nlogn)O(n \log n) round randomized gossip algorithm

    Chapter 12 Wireless Protocols

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    Wireless communication was one of the major success stories of the last decades. Today, different wireless standards such as wireless local area networks (WLAN) are omnipresent. In some sense, from a distributed computing viewpoint wireless networks are quite simple, as they cannot form arbitrary network topologies. Simplistic models of wireless networks include geometric graph models such as the so-called unit disk graph. Modern models are more robust: The network graph is restricted, e.g., the total number of neighbors of a node which are not adjacent is likely to be small. This observation is hard to capture with purely geometric models, and motivates more advanced network connectivity models such as bounded growth or bounded independence. However, on the other hand, wireless communication is also more difficult than standard message passing, as for instance nodes are not able to transmit a different message to each neighbor at the same time. And if two neighbors are transmitting at the same time, they interfere, and a node may not be able to decipher anything

    Distributed Deterministic Broadcasting in Uniform-Power Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

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    Development of many futuristic technologies, such as MANET, VANET, iThings, nano-devices, depend on efficient distributed communication protocols in multi-hop ad hoc networks. A vast majority of research in this area focus on design heuristic protocols, and analyze their performance by simulations on networks generated randomly or obtained in practical measurements of some (usually small-size) wireless networks. %some library. Moreover, they often assume access to truly random sources, which is often not reasonable in case of wireless devices. In this work we use a formal framework to study the problem of broadcasting and its time complexity in any two dimensional Euclidean wireless network with uniform transmission powers. For the analysis, we consider two popular models of ad hoc networks based on the Signal-to-Interference-and-Noise Ratio (SINR): one with opportunistic links, and the other with randomly disturbed SINR. In the former model, we show that one of our algorithms accomplishes broadcasting in O(Dlog2n)O(D\log^2 n) rounds, where nn is the number of nodes and DD is the diameter of the network. If nodes know a priori the granularity gg of the network, i.e., the inverse of the maximum transmission range over the minimum distance between any two stations, a modification of this algorithm accomplishes broadcasting in O(Dlogg)O(D\log g) rounds. Finally, we modify both algorithms to make them efficient in the latter model with randomly disturbed SINR, with only logarithmic growth of performance. Ours are the first provably efficient and well-scalable, under the two models, distributed deterministic solutions for the broadcast task.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1207.673