38,031 research outputs found

    IMPACT: Investigation of Mobile-user Patterns Across University Campuses using WLAN Trace Analysis

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    We conduct the most comprehensive study of WLAN traces to date. Measurements collected from four major university campuses are analyzed with the aim of developing fundamental understanding of realistic user behavior in wireless networks. Both individual user and inter-node (group) behaviors are investigated and two classes of metrics are devised to capture the underlying structure of such behaviors. For individual user behavior we observe distinct patterns in which most users are 'on' for a small fraction of the time, the number of access points visited is very small and the overall on-line user mobility is quite low. We clearly identify categories of heavy and light users. In general, users exhibit high degree of similarity over days and weeks. For group behavior, we define metrics for encounter patterns and friendship. Surprisingly, we find that a user, on average, encounters less than 6% of the network user population within a month, and that encounter and friendship relations are highly asymmetric. We establish that number of encounters follows a biPareto distribution, while friendship indexes follow an exponential distribution. We capture the encounter graph using a small world model, the characteristics of which reach steady state after only one day. We hope for our study to have a great impact on realistic modeling of network usage and mobility patterns in wireless networks.Comment: 16 pages, 31 figure

    On Topological Properties of Wireless Sensor Networks under the q-Composite Key Predistribution Scheme with On/Off Channels

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    The q-composite key predistribution scheme [1] is used prevalently for secure communications in large-scale wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Prior work [2]-[4] explores topological properties of WSNs employing the q-composite scheme for q = 1 with unreliable communication links modeled as independent on/off channels. In this paper, we investigate topological properties related to the node degree in WSNs operating under the q-composite scheme and the on/off channel model. Our results apply to general q and are stronger than those reported for the node degree in prior work even for the case of q being 1. Specifically, we show that the number of nodes with certain degree asymptotically converges in distribution to a Poisson random variable, present the asymptotic probability distribution for the minimum degree of the network, and establish the asymptotically exact probability for the property that the minimum degree is at least an arbitrary value. Numerical experiments confirm the validity of our analytical findings.Comment: Best Student Paper Finalist in IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 201

    On the strengths of connectivity and robustness in general random intersection graphs

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    Random intersection graphs have received much attention for nearly two decades, and currently have a wide range of applications ranging from key predistribution in wireless sensor networks to modeling social networks. In this paper, we investigate the strengths of connectivity and robustness in a general random intersection graph model. Specifically, we establish sharp asymptotic zero-one laws for kk-connectivity and kk-robustness, as well as the asymptotically exact probability of kk-connectivity, for any positive integer kk. The kk-connectivity property quantifies how resilient is the connectivity of a graph against node or edge failures. On the other hand, kk-robustness measures the effectiveness of local diffusion strategies (that do not use global graph topology information) in spreading information over the graph in the presence of misbehaving nodes. In addition to presenting the results under the general random intersection graph model, we consider two special cases of the general model, a binomial random intersection graph and a uniform random intersection graph, which both have numerous applications as well. For these two specialized graphs, our results on asymptotically exact probabilities of kk-connectivity and asymptotic zero-one laws for kk-robustness are also novel in the literature.Comment: This paper about random graphs appears in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2014, the premier conference in control theor

    Group-In: Group Inference from Wireless Traces of Mobile Devices

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    This paper proposes Group-In, a wireless scanning system to detect static or mobile people groups in indoor or outdoor environments. Group-In collects only wireless traces from the Bluetooth-enabled mobile devices for group inference. The key problem addressed in this work is to detect not only static groups but also moving groups with a multi-phased approach based only noisy wireless Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSIs) observed by multiple wireless scanners without localization support. We propose new centralized and decentralized schemes to process the sparse and noisy wireless data, and leverage graph-based clustering techniques for group detection from short-term and long-term aspects. Group-In provides two outcomes: 1) group detection in short time intervals such as two minutes and 2) long-term linkages such as a month. To verify the performance, we conduct two experimental studies. One consists of 27 controlled scenarios in the lab environments. The other is a real-world scenario where we place Bluetooth scanners in an office environment, and employees carry beacons for more than one month. Both the controlled and real-world experiments result in high accuracy group detection in short time intervals and sampling liberties in terms of the Jaccard index and pairwise similarity coefficient.Comment: This work has been funded by the EU Horizon 2020 Programme under Grant Agreements No. 731993 AUTOPILOT and No.871249 LOCUS projects. The content of this paper does not reflect the official opinion of the EU. Responsibility for the information and views expressed therein lies entirely with the authors. Proc. of ACM/IEEE IPSN'20, 202