1,713 research outputs found

    Latent Network Summarization: Bridging Network Embedding and Summarization

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    Motivated by the computational and storage challenges that dense embeddings pose, we introduce the problem of latent network summarization that aims to learn a compact, latent representation of the graph structure with dimensionality that is independent of the input graph size (i.e., #nodes and #edges), while retaining the ability to derive node representations on the fly. We propose Multi-LENS, an inductive multi-level latent network summarization approach that leverages a set of relational operators and relational functions (compositions of operators) to capture the structure of egonets and higher-order subgraphs, respectively. The structure is stored in low-rank, size-independent structural feature matrices, which along with the relational functions comprise our latent network summary. Multi-LENS is general and naturally supports both homogeneous and heterogeneous graphs with or without directionality, weights, attributes or labels. Extensive experiments on real graphs show 3.5 - 34.3% improvement in AUC for link prediction, while requiring 80 - 2152x less output storage space than baseline embedding methods on large datasets. As application areas, we show the effectiveness of Multi-LENS in detecting anomalies and events in the Enron email communication graph and Twitter co-mention graph

    D-Sempre: Learning Deep Semantic-Preserving Embeddings for User interests-Social Contents Modeling

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    Exponential growth of social media consumption demands effective user interests-social contents modeling for more personalized recommendation and social media summarization. However, due to the heterogeneous nature of social contents, traditional approaches lack the ability of capturing the hidden semantic correlations across these multi-modal data, which leads to semantic gaps between social content understanding and user interests. To effectively bridge the semantic gaps, we propose a novel deep learning framework for user interests-social contents modeling. We first mine and parse data, i.e. textual content, visual content, social context and social relation, from heterogeneous social media feeds. Then, we design a two-branch network to map the social contents and users into a same latent space. Particularly, the network is trained by a large margin objective that combines a cross-instance distance constraint with a within-instance semantic-preserving constraint in an end-to- end manner. At last, a Deep Semantic-Preserving Embedding (D-Sempre) is learned, and the ranking results can be given by calculating distances between social contents and users. To demonstrate the effectiveness of D-Sempre in user interests-social contents modeling, we construct a Twitter dataset and conduct extensive experiments on it. As a result, D-Sempre effectively integrates the multi-modal data from heterogeneous social media feeds and captures the hidden semantic correlations between users' interests and social contents.Comment: ACM Multimedi

    Video Highlights Detection and Summarization with Lag-Calibration based on Concept-Emotion Mapping of Crowd-sourced Time-Sync Comments

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    With the prevalence of video sharing, there are increasing demands for automatic video digestion such as highlight detection. Recently, platforms with crowdsourced time-sync video comments have emerged worldwide, providing a good opportunity for highlight detection. However, this task is non-trivial: (1) time-sync comments often lag behind their corresponding shot; (2) time-sync comments are semantically sparse and noisy; (3) to determine which shots are highlights is highly subjective. The present paper aims to tackle these challenges by proposing a framework that (1) uses concept-mapped lexical-chains for lag calibration; (2) models video highlights based on comment intensity and combination of emotion and concept concentration of each shot; (3) summarize each detected highlight using improved SumBasic with emotion and concept mapping. Experiments on large real-world datasets show that our highlight detection method and summarization method both outperform other benchmarks with considerable margins.Comment: Accepted in EMNLP 2017 Workshop on New Frontiers in Summarization. Please include "EMNLP 2017 Workshop on New Frontiers in Summarization" in any citation

    Semantic Sentence Embeddings for Paraphrasing and Text Summarization

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    This paper introduces a sentence to vector encoding framework suitable for advanced natural language processing. Our latent representation is shown to encode sentences with common semantic information with similar vector representations. The vector representation is extracted from an encoder-decoder model which is trained on sentence paraphrase pairs. We demonstrate the application of the sentence representations for two different tasks -- sentence paraphrasing and paragraph summarization, making it attractive for commonly used recurrent frameworks that process text. Experimental results help gain insight how vector representations are suitable for advanced language embedding.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, IEEE GlobalSIP 2017 Conferenc

    node2bits: Compact Time- and Attribute-aware Node Representations for User Stitching

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    Identity stitching, the task of identifying and matching various online references (e.g., sessions over different devices and timespans) to the same user in real-world web services, is crucial for personalization and recommendations. However, traditional user stitching approaches, such as grouping or blocking, require quadratic pairwise comparisons between a massive number of user activities, thus posing both computational and storage challenges. Recent works, which are often application-specific, heuristically seek to reduce the amount of comparisons, but they suffer from low precision and recall. To solve the problem in an application-independent way, we take a heterogeneous network-based approach in which users (nodes) interact with content (e.g., sessions, websites), and may have attributes (e.g., location). We propose node2bits, an efficient framework that represents multi-dimensional features of node contexts with binary hashcodes. node2bits leverages feature-based temporal walks to encapsulate short- and long-term interactions between nodes in heterogeneous web networks, and adopts SimHash to obtain compact, binary representations and avoid the quadratic complexity for similarity search. Extensive experiments on large-scale real networks show that node2bits outperforms traditional techniques and existing works that generate real-valued embeddings by up to 5.16% in F1 score on user stitching, while taking only up to 1.56% as much storage

    Hierarchical Transformers for Multi-Document Summarization

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    In this paper, we develop a neural summarization model which can effectively process multiple input documents and distill Transformer architecture with the ability to encode documents in a hierarchical manner. We represent cross-document relationships via an attention mechanism which allows to share information as opposed to simply concatenating text spans and processing them as a flat sequence. Our model learns latent dependencies among textual units, but can also take advantage of explicit graph representations focusing on similarity or discourse relations. Empirical results on the WikiSum dataset demonstrate that the proposed architecture brings substantial improvements over several strong baselines.Comment: to appear at ACL 201

    DRAGNN: A Transition-based Framework for Dynamically Connected Neural Networks

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    In this work, we present a compact, modular framework for constructing novel recurrent neural architectures. Our basic module is a new generic unit, the Transition Based Recurrent Unit (TBRU). In addition to hidden layer activations, TBRUs have discrete state dynamics that allow network connections to be built dynamically as a function of intermediate activations. By connecting multiple TBRUs, we can extend and combine commonly used architectures such as sequence-to-sequence, attention mechanisms, and re-cursive tree-structured models. A TBRU can also serve as both an encoder for downstream tasks and as a decoder for its own task simultaneously, resulting in more accurate multi-task learning. We call our approach Dynamic Recurrent Acyclic Graphical Neural Networks, or DRAGNN. We show that DRAGNN is significantly more accurate and efficient than seq2seq with attention for syntactic dependency parsing and yields more accurate multi-task learning for extractive summarization tasks.Comment: 10 pages; Submitted for review to ACL201

    SUMMARIZED: Efficient Framework for Analyzing Multidimensional Process Traces under Edit-distance Constraint

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    Domains such as scientific workflows and business processes exhibit data models with complex relationships between objects. This relationship is typically represented as sequences, where each data item is annotated with multi-dimensional attributes. There is a need to analyze this data for operational insights. For example, in business processes, users are interested in clustering process traces into smaller subsets to discover less complex process models. This requires expensive computation of similarity metrics between sequence-based data. Related work on dimension reduction and embedding methods do not take into account the multi-dimensional attributes of data, and do not address the interpretability of data in the embedding space (i.e., by favoring vector-based representation). In this work, we introduce Summarized, a framework for efficient analysis on sequence-based multi-dimensional data using intuitive and user-controlled summarizations. We introduce summarization schemes that provide tunable trade-offs between the quality and efficiency of analysis tasks and derive an error model for summary-based similarity under an edit-distance constraint. Evaluations using real-world datasets show the effectives of our framework

    Fast Abstractive Summarization with Reinforce-Selected Sentence Rewriting

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    Inspired by how humans summarize long documents, we propose an accurate and fast summarization model that first selects salient sentences and then rewrites them abstractively (i.e., compresses and paraphrases) to generate a concise overall summary. We use a novel sentence-level policy gradient method to bridge the non-differentiable computation between these two neural networks in a hierarchical way, while maintaining language fluency. Empirically, we achieve the new state-of-the-art on all metrics (including human evaluation) on the CNN/Daily Mail dataset, as well as significantly higher abstractiveness scores. Moreover, by first operating at the sentence-level and then the word-level, we enable parallel decoding of our neural generative model that results in substantially faster (10-20x) inference speed as well as 4x faster training convergence than previous long-paragraph encoder-decoder models. We also demonstrate the generalization of our model on the test-only DUC-2002 dataset, where we achieve higher scores than a state-of-the-art model.Comment: ACL 2018 (17 pages

    A Deep Reinforced Model for Abstractive Summarization

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    Attentional, RNN-based encoder-decoder models for abstractive summarization have achieved good performance on short input and output sequences. For longer documents and summaries however these models often include repetitive and incoherent phrases. We introduce a neural network model with a novel intra-attention that attends over the input and continuously generated output separately, and a new training method that combines standard supervised word prediction and reinforcement learning (RL). Models trained only with supervised learning often exhibit "exposure bias" - they assume ground truth is provided at each step during training. However, when standard word prediction is combined with the global sequence prediction training of RL the resulting summaries become more readable. We evaluate this model on the CNN/Daily Mail and New York Times datasets. Our model obtains a 41.16 ROUGE-1 score on the CNN/Daily Mail dataset, an improvement over previous state-of-the-art models. Human evaluation also shows that our model produces higher quality summaries
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