11,643 research outputs found

    REBA: A Refinement-Based Architecture for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Robotics

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    This paper describes an architecture for robots that combines the complementary strengths of probabilistic graphical models and declarative programming to represent and reason with logic-based and probabilistic descriptions of uncertainty and domain knowledge. An action language is extended to support non-boolean fluents and non-deterministic causal laws. This action language is used to describe tightly-coupled transition diagrams at two levels of granularity, with a fine-resolution transition diagram defined as a refinement of a coarse-resolution transition diagram of the domain. The coarse-resolution system description, and a history that includes (prioritized) defaults, are translated into an Answer Set Prolog (ASP) program. For any given goal, inference in the ASP program provides a plan of abstract actions. To implement each such abstract action, the robot automatically zooms to the part of the fine-resolution transition diagram relevant to this action. A probabilistic representation of the uncertainty in sensing and actuation is then included in this zoomed fine-resolution system description, and used to construct a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP). The policy obtained by solving the POMDP is invoked repeatedly to implement the abstract action as a sequence of concrete actions, with the corresponding observations being recorded in the coarse-resolution history and used for subsequent reasoning. The architecture is evaluated in simulation and on a mobile robot moving objects in an indoor domain, to show that it supports reasoning with violation of defaults, noisy observations and unreliable actions, in complex domains.Comment: 72 pages, 14 figure

    Reasoning about Knowledge in Linear Logic: Modalities and Complexity

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    In a recent paper, Jean-Yves Girard commented that ”it has been a long time since philosophy has stopped intereacting with logic”[17]. Actually, it has no

    Preferential Multi-Context Systems

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    Multi-context systems (MCS) presented by Brewka and Eiter can be considered as a promising way to interlink decentralized and heterogeneous knowledge contexts. In this paper, we propose preferential multi-context systems (PMCS), which provide a framework for incorporating a total preorder relation over contexts in a multi-context system. In a given PMCS, its contexts are divided into several parts according to the total preorder relation over them, moreover, only information flows from a context to ones of the same part or less preferred parts are allowed to occur. As such, the first ll preferred parts of an PMCS always fully capture the information exchange between contexts of these parts, and then compose another meaningful PMCS, termed the ll-section of that PMCS. We generalize the equilibrium semantics for an MCS to the (maximal) l≤l_{\leq}-equilibrium which represents belief states at least acceptable for the ll-section of an PMCS. We also investigate inconsistency analysis in PMCS and related computational complexity issues

    Equality-friendly well-founded semantics and applications to description logics

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    We tackle the problem of dening a well-founded semantics (WFS) for Datalog rules with existentially quantied variables in their heads and nega- tions in their bodies. In particular, we provide a WFS for the recent Datalog¹ family of ontology languages, which covers several important description logics (DLs). To do so, we generalize Datalog¹ by non-stratied nonmonotonic nega- tion in rule bodies, and we dene a WFS for this generalization via guarded xed point logic. We refer to this approach as equality-friendly WFS, since it has the advantage that it does not make the unique name assumption (UNA); this brings it close to OWL and its proles as well as typical DLs, which also do not make the UNA. We prove that for guarded Datalog¹ with negation under the equality- friendly WFS, conjunctive query answering is decidable, and we provide precise complexity results for this problem. From these results, we obtain precise de- nitions of the standard WFS extensions of EL and of members of the DL-Lite family, as well as corresponding complexity results for query answering

    Benchmarking van der Waals Density Functionals with Experimental Data: Potential Energy Curves for H2 Molecules on Cu(111), (100), and (110) Surfaces

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    Detailed physisorption data from experiment for the H_2 molecule on low-index Cu surfaces challenge theory. Recently, density-functional theory (DFT) has been developed to account for nonlocal correlation effects, including van der Waals (dispersion) forces. We show that the functional vdW-DF2 gives a potential-energy curve, potential-well energy levels, and difference in lateral corrugation promisingly close to the results obtained by resonant elastic backscattering-diffraction experiments. The backscattering barrier is found selective for choice of exchange-functional approximation. Further, the DFT-D3 and TS-vdW corrections to traditional DFT formulations are also benchmarked, and deviations are analyzed.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure
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